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COVER I The GRAMOPHONE April, 19G1 It's always the personal service that counts. No wonder so many people the world over buy from Imhofs, either as personal shoppers or through the post from the farthest corners of the globe. Wherever you are, fully qualified sales staff attend to your needs in a friendly manner and quickly become acquainted with your preferences and tastes. And however you buy you are guaranteed expert advice and the same personal attention. IMHOP. hi I i-recorda-Iv STEREO AND Hi F,~ A complete floor of Imhof House is entirely devoted to stereo and singlechannel hi fi instruments. Here you can really relax in comfort under ideal listening conditions. You can hear your favourite recordings, whether on tape or disc, played on any system of your choice. Through the new Stereo Comparator-an exclusive Imhof device-you can listen and compare a tremendous variety of stereo systems, changing from one to another at the flick of a switch. Whether you are interested in stereophonic or singlechannel hi fi reproduction, comparison is easy at Imhofs-and you enjoy yourself more! RECORDS Imhofs carry the largest stock of records with unrivalled facilities for choosing and listening. Each department, Classical, Export and Imhofs famous Melody Bar, has its own expert staff. You can rely upon them for the best advice if you are uncertain in your choice. There is the widest range of Continental and foreign recorciings and, of course, any current British record will readily be supplied. Close liaison with manufacturers enables us to place orders in advance and they give us priority in allocating records in short supply. SWIFT WORLD WIDE OELIVERY Your order, whether for instruments, records or spares, receives the immediate individual attention of the most experienced staff in the business. Every order is carefully packed into special sturdy boxes made to our requirements. We carry out all paperwork on Customs and Shipping and every item is fully insured to guarantee safe delivery. All records are meticulously examined before despatch and are packed in wooden boxes. All are exported free of purchase tax. All parcels over £10 in value are exported with free insurance, post and packing. Whatever their value, all orders from HM Forces overseas for LP's and 45's are sent post and packing free. ZMHOE'S To: Alfred Imhof Limited Dept. 14 112.116 New Oxford St. w.e.l. MUSEUM 7878 NAME ADDRESS Please send me (t ick al>Propriate square) THIS YEAR OF HI FI Guaranteed Export Record Service Details of the 1M styli § I ~



April, 19G1

It's always the personal service that counts. No wonder so many people the world over buy from Imhofs, either as personal shoppers or through the post from the farthest corners of the globe. Wherever you are, fully qualified sales staff attend to your needs in a friendly manner and quickly become acquainted with your preferences and tastes. And however you buy you are guaranteed expert advice and the same personal attention.

IMHOP. hi I i-recorda-Iv

STEREO AND Hi F,~ A complete floor of Imhof House is entirely devoted to stereo and singlechannel hi fi instruments. Here you can really relax in comfort under ideal listening conditions. You can hear your favourite recordings, whether on tape or disc, played on any system of your choice. Through the new Stereo Comparator-an exclusive Imhof device-you can listen and compare a tremendous variety of stereo systems, changing from one to another at the flick of a switch. Whether you are interested in stereophonic or singlechannel hi fi reproduction, comparison is easy at Imhofs-and you enjoy yourself more!

RECORDS Imhofs carry the largest stock of records with unrivalled facilities for choosing and listening. Each department, Classical, Export and Imhofs famous Melody Bar, has its own expert staff. You can rely upon them for the best advice if you are uncertain in your choice. There is the widest range of Continental and foreign recorciings and, of course, any current British record will readily be supplied. Close liaison with manufacturers enables us to place orders in advance and they give us priority in allocating records in short supply.

SWIFT WORLD WIDE OELIVERY Your order, whether for instruments, records or spares, receives the immediate individual attention of the most experienced staff in the business. Every order is carefully packed into special sturdy boxes made to our requirements. We carry out all paperwork on Customs and Shipping and every item is fully insured to guarantee safe delivery. All records are meticulously examined before despatch and are packed in wooden boxes. All are exported free of purchase tax. All parcels over £10 in value are exported with free insurance, post and packing. Whatever their value, all orders from HM Forces overseas for LP's and 45's are sent post and packing free.


To: Alfred Imhof Limited Dept. 14 112.116 New Oxford St. w.e.l. MUSEUM 7878


Please send me (t ick al>Propriate square) THIS YEAR OF HI FI

Guaranteed Export Record Service

Details of the 1M styli §

I ~

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