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/ COVER I the Fisher soundexcl usive to imhofs The GRAMOPHONE October 1964 The Fisher XP-5 Free Piston Speaker System Designed to incorporate maximum performance in an enclosure of compact size, measuring only 10" x 20" x 9" deep (can be used horizontally or vertically). Units: 8" base, 21" tweeter with crossover. Frequency response: 38 to 18,500 cps Impedance: 8 ohms Finish: Walnut Weight: 15 Ibs Price: £30 9s Od Fisher equipment has been enthusiastically acclaimed by hi-fi enthusiasts throughout the world. The characteristic Fisher sound - extreme clarity, precise reproduction of transients and complete lack of "colouration" is immediately apparent to the l istener. You can only purchase Fisher equipment in this country from Imhofs and we will always be pleased to demonstrate any of the pieces of equipment listed. With the aid of the unique Imhof comparators you may judge for yourself the merits of each component. The Fisher X·l00 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output: 20 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions: 15k" x 4H" x l l i " deep Price: £59 17s Od The Fisher TX·30D Transist· orized Stereo Amplifier Power output: 36 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions: 15k" x 4H" x l l r deep Price: £159 17s 6d now imhofs bring you the famous Fisher XP-5 free piston speaker system It is generally agreed that one of the most difficult goals to achieve in the design of a compact speaker system is clean, extended low frequency response without doubling. The XP-5 achieves this by employing a woofer with a long-throw voice coil and suspension system. The long excursions made by the cone enable i t to reproduce the lower end of the audio spectrum with a higher efficiency and lower distortion than would be possible i f this design technique were not utilised. Come and hear i t for yourself - at Imhofs. The Fisher X·l0l·C Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output: 27 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions: 15k" x 4H" x 12~" deep Price: £99 18s Od The Fisher X-202·B Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output: 35 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions: 15k" x 4H" x 12!,' deep Price: £137 12s 9d The Fisher X-l00, X-l0l-C and X-202-B have an outlet for a centre channel amplifier and speaker. The X-l0l-C and X-202-B have connections for the Fisher Spacexpander (reverberation unit) Model K-l0, while the X-202-B also has facilities for remote control. The X-202-B and the TX-300 are both f i t ted with the exclusive Fisher Direct Tape Monitor. Send today for full details of all the Fisher equipment available from Imhofs. ZMHOFS Alfred Imhof Limited Dept 1/10 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1. Tel: MUSeum 7878 Please send me details of Fisher equipment D details of monthly accounts D details of guaranteed export service 0 this year of hi-fi D details of 1M styli D (please licl< appropriate squares) • name_________________________________________________ address ___________________________________________--=-:-::- RI3



the Fisher soundexcl usive to imhofs


October 1964

The Fisher XP-5 Free Piston Speaker System Designed to incorporate maximum performance in an enclosure of compact size, measuring only 10" x 20" x 9" deep (can be used horizontally or vertically). Units: 8" base, 21" tweeter with crossover. Frequency response: 38 to 18,500 cps Impedance: 8 ohms Finish: Walnut Weight: 15 Ibs Price: £30 9s Od

Fisher equipment has been enthusiastically acclaimed by hi-fi enthusiasts throughout the world. The characteristic Fisher sound - extreme clarity, precise reproduction of transients and complete lack of "colouration" is immediately apparent to the l istener. You can only purchase Fisher equipment in this country from Imhofs and we will always be pleased to demonstrate any of the pieces of equipment listed. With the aid of the unique Imhof comparators you may judge for yourself the merits of each component.

The Fisher X·l00 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output:

20 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions:

15k" x 4H" x l l i " deep Price: £59 17s Od

The Fisher TX·30D Transist· orized Stereo Amplifier Power output:

36 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions:

15k" x 4H" x l l r deep Price: £159 17s 6d now imhofs bring you the famous Fisher XP-5 free piston speaker system

It is generally agreed that one of the most difficult goals to achieve in the design of a compact speaker system is clean, extended low frequency response without doubling. The XP-5 achieves this by employing a woofer with a long-throw voice coil and suspension system. The long excursions made by the cone enable i t to reproduce the lower end of the audio spectrum with a higher efficiency and lower distortion than would be possible i f this design technique were not utilised. Come and hear i t for yourself - at Imhofs.

The Fisher X·l0l·C Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output:

27 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions:

15k" x 4H" x 12~" deep Price: £99 18s Od

The Fisher X-202·B Integrated Stereo Amplifier Power output:

35 watts rms per channel Power supply: 200-250 volts AC Dimensions:

15k" x 4H" x 12!,' deep Price: £137 12s 9d

The Fisher X-l00, X-l0l-C and X-202-B have an outlet for a centre channel amplifier and speaker. The X-l0l-C and X-202-B have connections for the Fisher Spacexpander (reverberation unit) Model K-l0, while the X-202-B also has facilities for remote control. The X-202-B and the TX-300 are both f i t ted with the exclusive Fisher Direct Tape Monitor. Send today for full details of all the Fisher equipment available from Imhofs.


Alfred Imhof Limited Dept 1/10 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1. Tel: MUSeum 7878

Please send me details of Fisher equipment D details of monthly accounts D details of guaranteed export service 0

this year of hi-fi D details of 1M styli D (please licl< appropriate squares)


address ___________________________________________--=-:-::-


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