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CO V ER I out soon the new 1968/69 edition of this year of hi-fi from imhofs The GRAMOPHONE '8-­-a-as Completely revised and rewritten. Bigger than ever. More equipment included than ever before. Helpful notes on choosing hi-fi. The book that all hi-fi enthusiasts will want-published by Europe's premier hi-fi centre. J ul;' 19ti8 2/6PostFreeIncluding £1 Voucher (N 0 charge to overseas readers) During the last ten years we have given away, free of charge, over 125,000 copies of "This Year of Hi-Fi" and we would have liked to continue giving i t away free. Unfortunately, ever increasing costs have forced us to make a nominal charge this year but to compensate genuine enquirers, we are including a voucher that is worth £1 against any purchase of equipment over £20 in value (Sorry-not on Records). For people l iving overseas, due to the currency problems associated with small amounts of money, we will continue to send "This Year of Hi-Fi" free of charge and post free but the voucher will not be included . Publication date is later than usual this year but this is due to the large amount of new equipment introduced at the Audio Fair and we wanted to be sure that "This Year of Hi-Fi" was as up-to-date as possible. Z:KHor. To: Alfred Imhof Limited Dept. 1/7 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1 Telephone 01-6367878 SEND 2/ 6d. (Cheque, Postal Order or Stamps) to receive your copy as soon as i t 's published. Or t ick coupon below as appropriate: Please send me, free of charge: details of guaranteed export service details of monthly record accounts details of 1M styli details of Eddystone communication receivers 0 details of Sony Video Tape Recorders 0 Living overseas, I would like a free copy of This Year of Hi-Fi 0 00 0 Name . Address... ... . R49


out soon the new 1968/69 edition of this year of hi-fi from imhofs



Completely revised and rewritten. Bigger than ever. More equipment included than ever before. Helpful notes on choosing hi-fi. The book that all hi-fi enthusiasts will want-published by Europe's premier hi-fi centre.

J ul;' 19ti8

2/6PostFreeIncluding £1 Voucher (N 0 charge to overseas readers)

During the last ten years we have given away, free of charge, over 125,000 copies of "This Year of Hi-Fi" and we would have liked to continue giving i t away free. Unfortunately, ever increasing costs have forced us to make a nominal charge this year but to compensate genuine enquirers, we are including a voucher that is worth £1 against any purchase of equipment over £20 in value (Sorry-not on Records). For people l iving overseas, due to the currency problems associated with small amounts of money, we will continue to send "This Year of Hi-Fi" free of charge and post free but the voucher will not be included . Publication date is later than usual this year but this is due to the large amount of new equipment introduced at the Audio Fair and we wanted to be sure that "This Year of Hi-Fi" was as up-to-date as possible.


To: Alfred Imhof Limited Dept. 1/7 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1 Telephone 01-6367878

SEND 2/ 6d. (Cheque, Postal Order or Stamps) to receive your copy as soon as i t 's published. Or t ick coupon below as appropriate:

Please send me, free of charge: details of guaranteed export service details of monthly record accounts details of 1M styli details of Eddystone communication receivers 0 details of Sony Video Tape Recorders 0 Living overseas, I would like a free copy of This Year of Hi-Fi 0



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Address... ... .


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