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COVLR t The GRAMOPHONE J lIIWlU)' 19G~) Introducing the fabulous new Imflex mini-trolley from Imhofs I t takes t i le combined skills of Imhofs cra ftsmen / tec hnicians to devise a cabinet so ingenious as the new Imflex mini-trolley . The clean elegant lines are t ypical of what has come to be expected in an y Imhof cab inet but our eng in eers believe that a hi-fi cab in et sho uld be more than ju st a pretty fa ce. Th e mini-trolley, w hi c h has been spec iall y deve loped fo r th e new generation o f tr ans ist o ri sed hi-fi units, in co rp o rat es the new Imflex equ ipment module. Thi s module can be compl etely remo ved fr om th e cabinet (by sim p ly undo ing two sc rews) to a ll ow installation or maintenance to be carried out t i le eJsifst and most economi ca l way. The equipment shown here is the Garrard LAB 80 motor; the Leak Stereo 30 amplif ier and the matching Leak Trough Line 3 tuner. Other suitable units include the following: Nikko TRM 40, Quad 303, Rogers Ravensbourne, Armstrong 421, Med ley MM 25 and Goodmans Maxamp 30 amplifiers; Nikko FAM /1 2, Quad FM, Rogers FM , Armstro ng 423 - 4 , Edd ystone EB 35 and Goodmans Stereo max tuners ; Goldring GL 75, Th ore ns 150 AB, B and a Beo g ram 1000, Garrard SP 75, Garrard SP75 Mk II and Duall01 9 A utoma ti c motors. The mini-trolley is f inished in Teak veneer Some of the other exclusive cabinets recently added to the I mhof range which are fully described in 'This Year of Hi-Fi' HFU/22RS record storage cab i net finished in a choice of either Tea k, Wa lnu t or Sapele Mahogany venee rs Imhof/Quad Unit to house th e new Quad ste reo system, Fini sh in Sape le Mahogany ve neer HFU j 22 hi-fi cab i net Teak veneer fini sh WS2 wa ll or she l f hi-fi unit available in Teak veneer finish H FU 12 2 W(lil or shelf uni t IN S2 For full technical information on the Imfl ex mini-trolley, send 2/6d tod ay for your copy of 'This Year of Hi-Fi', In it. you wil l f ind details of all other Imh of hi-fi cabinets together w ith informat i on on all the worthw hile hi-fi equipment that is currently available , Ea c h copy of 'Thi s Year of Hi-Fi ' co ntain s a vo uche r fo r £1 w hi c h is va lid aga in st any purchase o f eq uipment ove r £20, Fo r people l iv ing ove rseas, we wi ll send a copy fr ee and post fr ee but the vo uche r is not in c luded IMHOFS Dept 1/1. 112-116 New Oxford St" London wei te/e"honc 01-636 7878 Please t ick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamp s for 2/6 dp leas e send me a copy of 'Thi s Year o f H i - Fi' Ll Li Ving overseas I would like a free COpy o f 'This Year of Hi-Fi' 0 Please send me, f ree of charge, details of monthl y record accou nt s 0 guaran teed export se rvice 0 Edd ys l o ne communication receivers 0 name add ress Imhof/Quad Unit



J lIIWlU)' 19G~)

Introducing the fabulous new Imflex mini-trolley from Imhofs

I t takes t i le combined skills of Imhofs cra ftsmen / tec hnicians to devise a cabinet so ingenious as the new Imflex mini-trolley . The clean elegant lines are t ypical of what has come to be expected in an y Imhof cab inet but our eng in eers believe that a hi-fi cab in et sho uld be more than ju st a pretty fa ce. Th e mini-trolley, w hi c h has been spec iall y deve loped fo r th e new generation o f tr ans ist o ri sed hi-fi units, in co rp o rat es the new Imflex equ ipment module. Thi s module can be compl etely remo ved fr om th e cabinet (by sim p ly undo ing two sc rews) to a ll ow installation or maintenance to be carried out t i le eJsifst and most economi ca l way.

The equipment shown here is the Garrard LAB 80 motor; the Leak Stereo 30 amplif ier and the matching Leak Trough Line 3 tuner. Other suitable units include the following: Nikko TRM 40, Quad 303, Rogers Ravensbourne, Armstrong 421, Med ley MM 25 and Goodmans Maxamp 30 amplifiers; Nikko FAM /1 2, Quad FM, Rogers FM , Armstro ng 423 - 4 , Edd ystone EB 35 and Goodmans Stereo max tuners ; Goldring GL 75, Th ore ns 150 AB, B and a Beo g ram 1000, Garrard SP 75, Garrard SP75 Mk II and Duall01 9 A utoma ti c motors. The mini-trolley is f inished in Teak veneer

Some of the other exclusive cabinets recently added to the I mhof range which are fully described in 'This Year of Hi-Fi'

HFU/22RS record storage cab i net finished in a choice of either Tea k, Wa lnu t or Sapele Mahogany venee rs Imhof/Quad Unit to house th e new Quad ste reo system, Fini sh in Sape le Mahogany ve neer HFU j 22 hi-fi cab i net Teak veneer fini sh WS2 wa ll or she l f hi-fi unit available in Teak veneer finish

H FU 12 2

W(lil or shelf uni t IN S2

For full technical information on the Imfl ex mini-trolley, send 2/6d tod ay for your copy of 'This Year of Hi-Fi', In it. you wil l f ind details of all other Imh of hi-fi cabinets together w ith informat i on on all the worthw hile hi-fi equipment that is currently available , Ea c h copy of 'Thi s Year of Hi-Fi ' co ntain s a vo uche r fo r £1 w hi c h is va lid aga in st any purchase o f eq uipment ove r £20, Fo r people l iv ing ove rseas, we wi ll send a copy fr ee and post fr ee but the vo uche r is not in c luded


Dept 1/1. 112-116 New Oxford St" London wei te/e"honc 01-636 7878 Please t ick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamp s for 2/6 dp leas e send me a copy of 'Thi s Year o f H i - Fi' Ll Li Ving overseas I would like a free COpy o f 'This Year of Hi-Fi' 0 Please send me, f ree of charge, details of monthl y record accou nt s 0 guaran teed export se rvice 0 Edd ys l o ne communication receivers 0

name add ress

Imhof/Quad Unit

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