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COVER i MOTORS Dual 1019 Garrard SL95 Garrard SL75 Goldring-Lenco GL75 Thorens TD150 PICK·UPS Decca Deram Ortofon SL15E Shure M3DM Shure V15 type 11 AMPLIFIERS Acoustical Quad 33/303 Cambridge Audio P.40 Ferrograph F307 Goodmans Maxamp 30 Leak Stereo 70 Plus Nikko TRM40B Radford SCA30 Rogers Ravensbourne Rogers Ravensbrook Sansui AU777 TUNERS Acoustical Quad FM Armstrong 423 AM-FM Leak Trough Line Stereo Nikko FAM 12F Rogers Mk III Switched FM TUNERIAMPLIFIERS Arena T2500F Armstrong 426 Nikko ST701 Sansui 3000A SPEAKERS Acoustical Quad Electrostatic Bowers and Wilkins DM3 Goodmans Magnum K Kef Concerto Leak Sandwich Medley Maestro Tannoy Lancaster 15C, Gold Wharfedale Denton The GRAMOPHONE June 1969 I · h·' pease . . . . not WIt a p,n. Choosing hi-fi is a serious business. You can waste an awful lot of money and end up with a very inferior system i f you don't go about i t the r ight way. Now i f we tell you the way to be sure of getting the best value for your money is to come to Imhofs you will think we are prejudiced. Perhaps we are. But our Hi-Fi Rooms have been designed specially to help you in making your choice wisely. The Imhof Mono/Stereo Comparators enable you to compare the performance of 4,000 different combinations of hi-fi equipment and to switch from one to the other in a second. This is a service unequalled anywhere in Great Britain. Come along any time and hear for yourself. We have picked out a few items from the wide range now on display. There is only one possible way to f ind out which is the best and that is to hear them for yourself. And the best place to do that is at our showrooms in New Oxford Street! IMHOFS Dept. 1/6112-116 New Oxford Street, London WC1. telephone: 01-6367878 Please tick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamps for 2/6d -please send me a copy of This Year of H-iFi 0 Living overseas I would like a free copy of This Year of Hi-Fi 0 Please send me, free of charge, details of: monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service 0 Eddystone communication receivers 0 name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. R54


MOTORS Dual 1019 Garrard SL95 Garrard SL75 Goldring-Lenco GL75 Thorens TD150

PICK·UPS Decca Deram Ortofon SL15E Shure M3DM Shure V15 type 11

AMPLIFIERS Acoustical Quad 33/303 Cambridge Audio P.40 Ferrograph F307 Goodmans Maxamp 30 Leak Stereo 70 Plus Nikko TRM40B Radford SCA30 Rogers Ravensbourne Rogers Ravensbrook Sansui AU777

TUNERS Acoustical Quad FM Armstrong 423 AM-FM Leak Trough Line Stereo Nikko FAM 12F Rogers Mk III Switched FM

TUNERIAMPLIFIERS Arena T2500F Armstrong 426 Nikko ST701 Sansui 3000A

SPEAKERS Acoustical Quad Electrostatic Bowers and Wilkins DM3 Goodmans Magnum K Kef Concerto Leak Sandwich Medley Maestro Tannoy Lancaster 15C, Gold Wharfedale Denton


June 1969


· h·'

pease . . . . not WIt a p,n. Choosing hi-fi is a serious business. You can waste an awful lot of money and end up with a very inferior system i f you don't go about i t the r ight way. Now i f we tell you the way to be sure of getting the best value for your money is to come to Imhofs you will think we are prejudiced. Perhaps we are. But our Hi-Fi Rooms have been designed specially to help you in making your choice wisely. The Imhof Mono/Stereo Comparators enable you to compare the performance of 4,000 different combinations of hi-fi equipment and to switch from one to the other in a second. This is a service unequalled anywhere in Great Britain. Come along any time and hear for yourself. We have picked out a few items from the wide range now on display. There is only one possible way to f ind out which is the best and that is to hear them for yourself. And the best place to do that is at our showrooms in New Oxford Street!


Dept. 1/6112-116 New Oxford Street, London WC1. telephone: 01-6367878 Please tick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamps for 2/6d -please send me a copy of This Year of H-iFi 0 Living overseas I would like a free copy of This Year of Hi-Fi 0 Please send me, free of charge, details of: monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service 0 Eddystone communication receivers 0 name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.


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