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COVER i The GRAMOPHONE July 1969 the choice is yours • • • . . . and let's face i t-there is plenty to choose from. A difficult task you may think. Not at Imhofs! Here in two specially equipped hi-fi l istening rooms you can, just by the click of a dial; hear any combination from a vast range of speakers, amplifiers, motors, pick-ups, tape recorders and microphones ( including all the newest and latest equipment). This is only made possible by the unique Imhof Comparators. The staff are experts and their valuable knowledge is at your disposal to help you to decide and advise on the capabilities of each piece of equipment. At Imhofs you will f ind all that is best in hi-fi equipment-a range unrivalled in London-with prices varying to suit every pocket. Imhofs also have the most comprehensive. collection of classical and pop records, pre-recorded tapes, tape cassettes, T.V., radio etc . . . make your f i rst choice Imhofs and you won't regret it. This Year of Hi-Fi Contains details of all the worthwhile equipment that is currently available together with helpful notes on choosing hi-fi. A mustfor both beginner and expert. Have you had your copy yet? If not. send 2/6d today (each copy contains a voucher worth £1) New at Imhofs The fabulous new 'Minitronic' fully translstorised electronic keyboard is now at Imhofs­ call in to see and hear i t today. ..! IMHOFS Dept. 1/7 112.116, New Oxford Street, London W.e.1 telephone 01-836 7878 Please l ick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamps for2/6dpleasesend meacopyofTHIS YEAR OF HI-FlO Living overseas I would like a free copy of THIS YEAR OF HI-FlO Please send me free of charge, details of: monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service 0 Eddystone communication receivers 0 name .. address ....... . ........ . R55



July 1969

the choice is yours • • •

. . . and let's face i t-there is plenty to choose from. A difficult task you may think. Not at Imhofs! Here in two specially equipped hi-fi l istening rooms you can, just by the click of a dial; hear any combination from a vast range of speakers, amplifiers, motors, pick-ups, tape recorders and microphones ( including all the newest and latest equipment). This is only made possible by the unique Imhof Comparators. The staff are experts and their valuable knowledge is at your disposal to help you to decide and advise on the capabilities of each piece of equipment. At Imhofs you will f ind all that is best in hi-fi equipment-a range unrivalled in London-with prices varying to suit every pocket. Imhofs also have the most comprehensive. collection of classical and pop records, pre-recorded tapes, tape cassettes, T.V., radio etc . . . make your f i rst choice Imhofs and you won't regret it.

This Year of Hi-Fi Contains details of all the worthwhile equipment that is currently available together with helpful notes on choosing hi-fi. A mustfor both beginner and expert.

Have you had your copy yet?

If not. send 2/6d today (each copy contains a voucher worth £1)

New at Imhofs

The fabulous new 'Minitronic' fully translstorised electronic keyboard is now at Imhofs­

call in to see and hear i t today.


IMHOFS Dept. 1/7 112.116, New Oxford Street, London W.e.1 telephone 01-836 7878 Please l ick appropriate squares I enclose cheque/postal order/stamps for2/6dpleasesend meacopyofTHIS YEAR OF HI-FlO Living overseas I would like a free copy of THIS YEAR OF HI-FlO Please send me free of charge, details of: monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service 0 Eddystone communication receivers 0

name .. address ....... . ........ .


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