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COVER i The GRAMOPHONE Whatel'er • In yourtasterecords... September 1969 cometo Imhofs Although we don't sell edible records (but only because no one makes them) you will find virtually every record that is currently available in this country on sale at Imhofs-whatever your taste stocks in Europe and you can hear the records selected in modern, individual, listening rooms. While here, be sure to visit our hi-fi demonstration rooms where you will f ind all the worthwhile equipment that is currently available, displayed for quick and easy comparison Personal shoppers You will receive a friendly welcome, expert and painstaking attention and, i f you need it, advice based on many years of specialised experience . You can choose your discs, pre-recorded tapes and tape cassettes from the largest Personal export Visitors to this country, or others wishin!:J to send records abroad tax free (or hi-fi, radio, TV) can take advantage of our trouble-free scheme. , , place the order, give us the address and we do the rest. Skilled packing and all necessary paperwork are all part of our regular service Overseas shoppers Under our Guaranteed Export Scheme, customers from abroad receive their records, hi-fi equipment etc, free of tax by return, They are packed by our skilled experts; we take full responsibility for documentation, Orders for records over £15 in value, or £10 in value from members of H,M, Forces overseas (both exc ludin g budget price LP's) are sent post and packing free This Year of Hi-Fi What they are saying about the 1968-69 edition of This Year of Hi-Fi: "This is indeed an excellent production and wewould congratulate all concerned on having produced for the High Fidelity enthusiast a really informative handbook of choice" "I must say this edition appears to be quite the best produced so far and they are usually pretty gOOd" "May we compliment you on the excellence of fhis catalogue, , ," "There is no doubt that this is a most ambitious production" ," Have you had your copy yet? I f not, send 2/6d today (each copy contains a voucher worth £1) IMHOFS Dept, 1/9, 112-)16 New Oxford St, London Wel telephone 01-6367878 Please send me , free of c harge, details of: Please t ick appropriate squares I enclose (cheQue/poslal order/stamps) for 2!6dplease send me a copy of ' This Year of Hi·Fi' 0 Living overseas, t would l ike a free copy of 'This Year of Hi-Fi' 0 monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service ::J Eddystone communication receivers 0 name address . . . R56



Whatel'er • In yourtasterecords...

September 1969

cometo Imhofs Although we don't sell edible records (but only because no one makes them) you will find virtually every record that is currently available in this country on sale at Imhofs-whatever your taste stocks in Europe and you can hear the records selected in modern, individual, listening rooms. While here, be sure to visit our hi-fi demonstration rooms where you will f ind all the worthwhile equipment that is currently available, displayed for quick and easy comparison

Personal shoppers You will receive a friendly welcome, expert and painstaking attention and, i f you need it, advice based on many years of specialised experience . You can choose your discs, pre-recorded tapes and tape cassettes from the largest

Personal export Visitors to this country, or others wishin!:J to send records abroad tax free (or hi-fi, radio, TV) can take advantage of our trouble-free scheme. , , place the order, give us the address and we do the rest.

Skilled packing and all necessary paperwork are all part of our regular service Overseas shoppers Under our Guaranteed Export Scheme, customers from abroad receive their records, hi-fi equipment etc, free of tax by return, They are packed by our skilled experts; we take full responsibility for documentation, Orders for records over £15 in value, or £10 in value from members of H,M, Forces overseas (both exc ludin g budget price LP's) are sent post and packing free

This Year of Hi-Fi What they are saying about the 1968-69 edition of This Year of Hi-Fi: "This is indeed an excellent production and wewould congratulate all concerned on having produced for the High Fidelity enthusiast a really informative handbook of choice" "I must say this edition appears to be quite the best produced so far and they are usually pretty gOOd" "May we compliment you on the excellence of fhis catalogue, , ," "There is no doubt that this is a most ambitious production" ," Have you had your copy yet? I f not, send 2/6d today (each copy contains a voucher worth £1)

IMHOFS Dept, 1/9, 112-)16 New Oxford St, London Wel telephone 01-6367878 Please send me , free of c harge, details of: Please t ick appropriate squares I enclose (cheQue/poslal order/stamps) for 2!6dplease send me a copy of ' This Year of Hi·Fi' 0 Living overseas, t would l ike a free copy of 'This Year of Hi-Fi' 0 monthly record accounts 0 guaranteed export service ::J Eddystone communication receivers 0

name address . . .


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