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COVER ii GRAA1()PHO.\ F '/,,1/( I ~ 17 I now it's a bigger and better ..b eoroom at Imhofs for- beautiful Bang a Olufsen AT 112-116 New Oxford Street, London WC1 A 1HJ telephone 01-636 7878 Due to the overwhelming popularity of the Bang & Olufsen range, the showroom on the fourth f loor at Imhof House has been enlarged to more than twice its original size. This means there is now nearly 600 sq. ft . exclu sively devoted to the superb equipment manufactured by Bang & Olufsen with adequate space to display the whole range and for you to make your selection in comfort. And, of course, our trained B & 0 specialists are there to give you any information you require This popularity is . we feel sure, due to the way in which Bang & Olufsen have managed to combine engineering craftsmanship with elegance of design to sati sfy the most discerning . I t is further enhan ced by the knowledge that any new equipment bought from us is covered by the ..Imhofs Sales Charter whi c h includes the f i rst 12 months service completely free of charge . . . and full after sales service' R79
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Founded in 1923 by SIR COMPTON MACKENZIE CHRISTOPHER STONE • Publisher and Managing Editor ANTHONY POllARD • Editor MALCOLM WALKER • Assistant Editor SHEilA SAXON • Audio Editor JOHN BORWICK, BSe • Audio Consultant JOHN GilBERT C Eng, FIERE, ATCl, FBKS FTS, FRSA • Advertisement Manager BARRY IRVING • Asst. Advert/sement Manager DERMOT JONES • Circulallon Manager ROGER HUGHES • Accounts Manager HELEN GRIMES • Subscription Manager LILIAN SHERER • EditorIal, Advert/sement, Circulation, Accounts and Subscription Off/ces 177-179 Kenton Road Harrow, Middlesex HA30HA Telephone 01-9072010 • Trade Sales Counter 23-27 Tudor Street london EC4Y OHR • () "Gramophone"-1974 OPHONE Incorporating VOX THE RADIO CRITIC BROADCAST REVIEW JUNE 1974 VOL. 52 No. 813 Index to Reviews. . . . Sounds in Retrospect-A Panel Review Andre Previn talks to Alan Blyth Here and There with Roger Wimbush Permanent Binding Reviews-Orchestral -Chamber Music -Instrumental -Choral and Song -Opera . . -Electronic -Spoken Word Quadraphonic Releases . . Cassettes and Cartridges Nights at the Round Table Keeping Track Jazz Reviews Books Received . , Book Review Contributors ' Notes Editorial Notes Correspondence . . Records Received Special Offers 2 29 31 35 36 39 66 71 86 99 111 111 112 115 116 124 128 112 147 148 2 " 32,147 148 148 ----------AUDIO"--------- Audio Commentary-Quadraphonic Alternatives by John Borwick 129 Surround Sound Progress Report by Keith Barker 130 Equipment Reviews : Dual 701 turntable Yamaha NS-645 loudspeaker Toshiba SA-300L tuner-amplifier Monitor Audio MA1 loudspeaker . , New products Audio Forum 133 134 138 141 145 146 Richard Strauss and Herbert von Karajan are the subjects of this month's front cover which is a montage of var ious character's in Strauss's tone poems. Three new recordings conducted by Karajan are reviewed on p. 60 . . . . .------- ~mlXm ~OOllllr!Il --------, A Quarterly Retrospect by John 5teane Pierre Boulez talks to Alan Blyth Denys Killick reviews the Garrard 1OO5B and 865B turntables GRAMOPHONE is published by General Gramophone Publications Ltd. 177-179 Kenton Road, Harrow, Mx. HA3 OHA, on the 1st of each month and is available from all newsagents and bookstalls. Annual subscriptions : UK-£4 ·00 : Overseas-£4 ·40 (US $11 '00) . Second Class Postage paid at Long Island City, NY. US mailing agents: Air & Sea Freight Inc. PO Box 1425, Long Island City, NY 11101. Printed In England. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of statements within this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for matters arising from clerIcal or prInters' errors, or an advertiser not completing his contract. Subscribers, both at home and abroad, are requested to advise change of address details to our Subscription Department at least (ive weeks prior to the change becoming effective.

Founded in 1923 by SIR COMPTON MACKENZIE


• Publisher and Managing Editor



• Assistant Editor SHEilA SAXON

• Audio Editor JOHN BORWICK, BSe

• Audio Consultant JOHN GilBERT C Eng, FIERE, ATCl, FBKS


• Advertisement Manager


• Asst. Advert/sement Manager


• Circulallon Manager ROGER HUGHES

• Accounts Manager HELEN GRIMES

• Subscription Manager


• EditorIal, Advert/sement, Circulation, Accounts and

Subscription Off/ces 177-179 Kenton Road Harrow, Middlesex

HA30HA Telephone 01-9072010

• Trade Sales Counter 23-27 Tudor Street london EC4Y OHR

• () "Gramophone"-1974


JUNE 1974

VOL. 52

No. 813

Index to Reviews. .

. .

Sounds in Retrospect-A Panel Review Andre Previn talks to Alan Blyth Here and There with Roger Wimbush Permanent Binding Reviews-Orchestral

-Chamber Music -Instrumental -Choral and Song -Opera . . -Electronic -Spoken Word Quadraphonic Releases . . Cassettes and Cartridges Nights at the Round Table Keeping Track Jazz Reviews Books Received . , Book Review Contributors ' Notes Editorial Notes Correspondence . . Records Received Special Offers

2 29 31 35 36 39 66 71 86 99 111 111 112 115 116 124 128 112 147 148

2 " 32,147

148 148


Audio Commentary-Quadraphonic Alternatives by John Borwick 129 Surround Sound Progress Report by Keith Barker 130 Equipment Reviews :

Dual 701 turntable

Yamaha NS-645 loudspeaker

Toshiba SA-300L tuner-amplifier

Monitor Audio MA1 loudspeaker . ,

New products

Audio Forum







Richard Strauss and Herbert von Karajan are the subjects of this month's front cover which is a montage of var ious character's in Strauss's tone poems. Three new recordings conducted by Karajan are reviewed on p. 60

. . . . .------- ~mlXm ~OOllllr!Il --------,

A Quarterly Retrospect by John 5teane

Pierre Boulez talks to Alan Blyth

Denys Killick reviews the Garrard 1OO5B and 865B turntables

GRAMOPHONE is published by General Gramophone Publications Ltd. 177-179 Kenton Road, Harrow, Mx. HA3 OHA, on the 1st of each month and is available from all newsagents and bookstalls. Annual subscriptions : UK-£4 ·00 : Overseas-£4 ·40 (US $11 '00) . Second Class Postage paid at Long Island City, NY. US mailing agents: Air & Sea Freight Inc. PO Box 1425, Long Island City, NY 11101. Printed In England. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of statements within this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for matters arising from clerIcal or prInters' errors, or an advertiser not completing his contract. Subscribers, both at home and abroad, are requested to advise change of address details to our Subscription Department at least (ive weeks prior to the change becoming effective.

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