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MODEL 105The computer-matched loudspeakers. To get the best possible stereo image, you need the best possible match between the loudspeakers.

At KEF we produce matched sets of high, mid and low frequency units, using our unique computerised test facilities. Moreovel~ our total system approach to the design of the enclosures and the dividing networks, means that we can deliver Model 105 in pairs that are nearer to the ideal

'match' than any previous loudspeaker. KEF pioneered the use of computer digital analysis in loudspeaker design, and you, the listener, can now hear the results: the most life-like lTIusical quality and the most astonishing stereo perspective.

Write for the full technical story and the name of your nearest dealer; who will be g'lad to give a demonstration. KEF Electronics Ltd Tovil, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6QP Telephone 0622 672261.




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