prospectfebruary 2013
Contents February 2013
This month 5 If I ruled the world peter singer 6 Recommends 8 Diary 10 Letters
Opinions 12 How to help feminism jagdish bhagwati 13 We are all in it together paul johnson 14 The Tories’ real women problem rachel wolf 16 Tell us about the shadowy advisers ruth levitt and william solesbury plus stephen collins’s cartoon strip. 17 Kenya’s democratic curse michela wrong
Politics 20 Don’t fix our schools, Michael Gove Exclusive new poll.
peter kellner
Science 58 “No hurricane tonight”
Why can’t we forecast the weather? philip ball 59 The month ahead anjana ahuja
Special report: investment 60 The west’s last chance nick carn 64 No smooth ride gayle schumacher 66 Buying into inflation mike amey 66 No such thing as free advice andy davis
Features 26 New Britain: five hard questions oliticians are running scared. philip collins plus Segregation: our new problem david goodhart
32 Scotland’s blind leap
Don’t count on rejoining the EU. john kerr
38 Last chance for the two-state solution?
The real test of any new talks. henry siegman 42 A bad peace ould Sri Lanka’s war start again? meera selva plus Peace versus justice marc weller 48 Go fund yourself
How to raise money online. kevin charles redmon 52 The new Stone Age
Lessons from traditional societies. walter russell mead
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Life 68 Stretching the truth
A history of dating since 1695. mary fitzgerald 69 Leith on life
I’m an education hypocrite. sam leith 70 Matters of taste
Britain goes Korean style. oliver thring 71 Wine
Drinking with spice. barry smith
Arts & Books 72 Learning to love Spielberg
Dark master of the blockbuster. francine stock
75 Not like a novelist
Sheila Heti’s challenge to writers. richard beck 78 Punk at the theatre
The rebel of British drama. michael coveney 79 Wittgenstein’s teacher
The genius who died at 26. ac grayling 80 The month in books rachel sylvester
Fiction 82 Fittest
A short story inspired by global warming. janice galloway
Endgames 84 The generalist didymus 84 Enigmas & puzzles ian stewart 86 The Prospect List Our pick of events. 88 The way we were Financial crises.
ian irvine
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