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page 4
Editor's Idea This month's issue contains a conclave of artists and projects that are more than usually wrapped up in their own singular bubbles. The mysterious proclamations of Keiji Haino have been baffling and magnetising worshippers for three decades, and his eccentric universe, mapped out by Alan Cummings on page 32, continues to expand with a surprising move into an alchemical form of DJing (though don't expect any immediate responses to his 'playa hate' from the likes of Jay-Z any time soon). Steven Stapleton's Nurse With Wound has remained relatively impenetrable in his farmhouse fortress in the Irish countryside, but David Keenan has been granted unprecedented access for his Primer on N W ' s colossal back catalogue. I only regret that space limitations meant we could only scratch the surface of a mammoth discography, but at least we could publish a selection of very rarely-seen photos from the Nurse camp. Meanwhile, Howard Mandel, commemorating the 35th anniversary of John Coltrane's death on page 38, convincingly demonstrates how off the jazz message was the saxophonist's late music when i t landed among the far more prosaic bop scene in the mid-60~. Talking of anniversaries, we can at last begin to unveil The Wire's plans to celebrate our own 20th anniversary, which occurs this year. Issue 1of this publication is dated "Summer 1982", and fittingly the first of several events planned to mark the occasion happens this month on London's South Bank. We are proud to present the first appearance by Japanese group The Boredoms in nearly eight years on Saturday 13 July. Another outfit that has moved through a variety of dazzling incarnations, all overseen by the priestly presence of Yamatsuka Eye, their current drumdriven trance rock is jawdropping. As I write, John Cale, appearing on the same bill, has promised t o create a special set for the occasion (see Out There for more details). The Cale/Boredoms show is a foretaste of a string of exciting events we'll be rolling out at various points around the world this coming autumn. During October we will be hosting a four day festival in association with two Paris clubs, Instants Chavires and Batofar (a floating venue on the Seine). And on 3 November, back at London's Royal Festival Hall, we'll be presenting a historic UK premiere of the incredible version of Metal Machine Music by Berlin New Music ensemble Zeitkratzer, with Lou Reed himself appearing as special guest. And that's by no means all. There are a number of other projects in the works: keep this frequency clear for further announcements. Coinciding with these events will be a CD box set released through the Mute label, on which we'll simply be compiling a selection of favourite tracks of everyone working at the magazine - as much music as we can fit on three CDs that has inspired, bedazzled and spurred us on through two decades of sonic adventures. And finally, watch the bookshelves in November for Undercurrents: The Hidden Wiring O f Modern Music, a collection of new and previously published essays on the crucial movements and underlying forces that have shaped the development of modern music. Before signing off, I'll just flag up a new section we're launching this month. The regular Ether Talk section is replaced by Cross Platform (page 78), with a broad remit to cover the many other media in which music and sound art play a significant role, from installations and lnternet projects to film, video and DVD, computer games and software, visual art and sculpture, dance, etc. And that's enough announcements. ROB YOUNG 2nd Floor East 88-94 Wentworth Street London E l 7SA UK Tel +44 (0)20 7422 5010 Fax +44 (0)20 7422 5011 The Wne s pvbllshed 12 ,,me8 a year by me w,re Magmne Ltd Rlnted by S1 Ives plc. DlgiW lmageng and colour pmfingby DPGrsphw Imdpgraph8csco uW Webastehosted and malnlslnedby D-Fuse( m dfusecorn) USA h e Wlre ISSN 0852-0666 I USf f i 006231) s pvbllshed 12 tlmes a year by The Wne Magmne Ltd at a US rvbrcrlptlon rate of $85 Pencd-18 @age pad af Mlddlerex.New Jersey 08846 Poafmasfer, send addreas changes to The Wlre Magarlneclo PO Box 177. Mddlessr, NJ 08646. US agenf. Ronto Malero. 200 W w d Ave, Mlddleser NJ0 8 8 6 The W!,a waa fwnded m 1982 by Anthany W w d Between l964 20W m was pert of Nalm Andlahs NameraGroup In December 2OW n was pvrchmed m n managemen buy ouf organinad by the magume'a *an h con,,nvea to pvbllah as a 100 pa cent ,"dependant oprat,on he vlsws expressed m ms Wlre srs those of the r s v t a e confnbutoraand am not nscss~rllyshared by the magulne or ,ts =tan ha W,= assumas no reoponubl~nyfor unao~lcnedmanuacnpfs,phot~g~spha, ~lludrst~onsor prornotlonal nema Copyrghl mn the UK and =bread 8s held bv the oublmrhsr or by hhh11111 oontribufors Unsuthorlsedreproducllon of any #fern83 forbdden Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Tony Herrington Editor Rob Young Reviews Editor Chris Bohn Assistant Editor Peter Shapiro Projects &Web Editor Anne Hilde Neset Advertising Manager Andy Tait 5014) Advertising Production Slim Smith Subscriptions &Administration Ben House, Phil England 5022) Art Direction & Design Kjell Ekhorn, Jon Forss Special thanks this issue Jerome Maunsell Words Steve Barker, Mike Barnes, Ed Baxter, Clive Bell, Chris Blackford, Marcus Boon, Ben Borthwick, Philip Clark, Byron Coley, Julian Cowley, Christoph Cox, John Cratchley, Alan Cummings, Brian Duguid, Phil England, Kodwo Eshun, Man ffytche, Sasha Frere-Jones, Louise Gray, Natalie Gravenor, Andy Hamilton, Jim Haynes, Richard Henderson, Ken Hollings, Hua Hsu, David Keenan, Monica Kendrick, Rahma Khazam, Biba Kopf, Art Lange, Alan Licht, Howard Mandel, Dave Mandl, Jerome Maunsell, Andy Medhurst, Will Montgomery, Jon C Morgan, John Mulvey, lan Penman, Tom Perchard, Ed Pinsent, Edwin Pouncey, Simon Reynolds, Tom Ridge, Stephen Robinson, Chris Sharp, Philip Sherburne, Bill Shoemaker, Mark Sinker, Dave Tompkins, David Toop, Dan Warburton, Ben Watson, Don Watson, Val Wilmer, Barry Witherden Images Amy &Tanveer, Frank Bauer, Nigel Bennett, Kareem Black, Hamish Brown, Mattias Ek, Olly Hewitt, Tim Kent, Simon Leigh, Sebastian Mayer, Non-Format, Savage Pencil, Michele Turriani, Eva Vermandel, Johnny Volcano, Jake Walters, Wandy Subscriptions (see page 100) THE WlRE 2nd Floor East 88-94 Wentworth Street London E l 7SA. UK Hotllne +44 (0)20 7422 5022 subs6? RATES (12 ~ssuss) UK £36 Europe £50 USAICanadaUS$85/£50 Rest of World £60 AlrlE5O Surface 4 THE WlRE Distributors News stands UK, EUROPE 6 REST OF WORLD (EXCLUDINGUSA) COMAG Speclal!st D~vts~on Tav~stockWorks, Tavlstock Road West Drayton, Middlesex U67 7QX Tel +44 (0)1895 433800 Fax +44 (0)1895 433801 USA Eastern News West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 For all US news stand queries call Toll Free 1800221 3148 NB: For US subscnptran querres contact The Wire (see opposrte) Independent record shops UK 6 MAINIAND EUROPE Shellshock 23A Call~ngwoodRoad London N15 4EL Tel+44 (0)20 8800 81 10 Fax +44 (0)20 8800 8140 USA Forced Exposure 226 Lawell Street Somew~lle,MA 02144 Fax 617 629 4774 REST OF WORLD a n t a c t The Wgre d~rect Tel +44 (0)20 7422 5022 Fax +44 (0120 7422 501 1 subs@thewtre.couk Book shops WORLDWIDE Central Books (MagezineDept) 99 Wallls Road London E9 5LN Te1+44 (0)20 8986 4854 Fax +44 (0)20 8533 5821 sasha@centralbooks.wm NB The Wire can also supply record shops in Europe and the US direct

Editor's Idea

This month's issue contains a conclave of artists and projects that are more than usually wrapped up in their own singular bubbles. The mysterious proclamations of Keiji Haino have been baffling and magnetising worshippers for three decades, and his eccentric universe, mapped out by Alan Cummings on page 32, continues to expand with a surprising move into an alchemical form of DJing (though don't expect any immediate responses to his 'playa hate' from the likes of Jay-Z any time soon). Steven Stapleton's Nurse With Wound has remained relatively impenetrable in his farmhouse fortress in the Irish countryside, but David Keenan has been granted unprecedented access for his Primer on N W ' s colossal back catalogue. I only regret that space limitations meant we could only scratch the surface of a mammoth discography, but at least we could publish a selection of very rarely-seen photos from the Nurse camp. Meanwhile, Howard Mandel, commemorating the 35th anniversary of John Coltrane's death on page 38, convincingly demonstrates how off the jazz message was the saxophonist's late music when i t landed among the far more prosaic bop scene in the mid-60~.

Talking of anniversaries, we can at last begin to unveil

The Wire's plans to celebrate our own 20th anniversary, which occurs this year. Issue 1of this publication is dated "Summer 1982", and fittingly the first of several events planned to mark the occasion happens this month on London's South Bank. We are proud to present the first appearance by Japanese group The Boredoms in nearly eight years on Saturday 13 July. Another outfit that has moved through a variety of dazzling incarnations, all overseen by the priestly presence of Yamatsuka Eye, their current drumdriven trance rock is jawdropping. As I write, John Cale, appearing on the same bill, has promised t o create a special set for the occasion (see Out There for more details).

The Cale/Boredoms show is a foretaste of a string of exciting events we'll be rolling out at various points around the world this coming autumn. During October we will be hosting a four day festival in association with two Paris clubs, Instants Chavires and Batofar (a floating venue on the Seine). And on 3 November, back at London's Royal Festival Hall, we'll be presenting a historic UK premiere of the incredible version of Metal Machine Music by Berlin New Music ensemble Zeitkratzer, with Lou Reed himself appearing as special guest. And that's by no means all. There are a number of other projects in the works: keep this frequency clear for further announcements.

Coinciding with these events will be a CD box set released through the Mute label, on which we'll simply be compiling a selection of favourite tracks of everyone working at the magazine - as much music as we can fit on three CDs that has inspired, bedazzled and spurred us on through two decades of sonic adventures. And finally, watch the bookshelves in November for Undercurrents: The Hidden Wiring O f Modern Music, a collection of new and previously published essays on the crucial movements and underlying forces that have shaped the development of modern music.

Before signing off, I'll just flag up a new section we're launching this month. The regular Ether Talk section is replaced by Cross Platform (page 78), with a broad remit to cover the many other media in which music and sound art play a significant role, from installations and lnternet projects to film, video and DVD, computer games and software, visual art and sculpture, dance, etc. And that's enough announcements. ROB YOUNG

2nd Floor East 88-94 Wentworth Street London E l 7SA UK Tel +44 (0)20 7422 5010 Fax +44 (0)20 7422 5011

The Wne s pvbllshed 12 ,,me8 a year by me w,re Magmne Ltd Rlnted by S1 Ives plc. DlgiW lmageng and colour pmfingby DPGrsphw Imdpgraph8csco uW Webastehosted and malnlslnedby D-Fuse( m dfusecorn)

USA h e Wlre ISSN 0852-0666 I USf f i 006231) s pvbllshed 12 tlmes a year by The Wne Magmne Ltd at a US rvbrcrlptlon rate of $85 Pencd-18 @age pad af Mlddlerex.New Jersey 08846 Poafmasfer, send addreas changes to The Wlre Magarlneclo PO Box 177. Mddlessr, NJ 08646. US agenf. Ronto Malero. 200 W w d Ave, Mlddleser NJ0 8 8 6

The W!,a waa fwnded m 1982 by Anthany W w d Between l964 20W m was pert of Nalm Andlahs NameraGroup In December 2OW n was pvrchmed m n managemen buy ouf organinad by the magume'a *an h con,,nvea to pvbllah as a 100 pa cent ,"dependant oprat,on he vlsws expressed m ms Wlre srs those of the r s v t a e confnbutoraand am not nscss~rllyshared by the magulne or ,ts =tan ha W,= assumas no reoponubl~nyfor unao~lcnedmanuacnpfs,phot~g~spha, ~lludrst~onsor prornotlonal nema Copyrghl mn the UK and =bread 8s held bv the oublmrhsr or by hhh11111 oontribufors Unsuthorlsedreproducllon of any #fern83 forbdden

Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Tony Herrington

Editor Rob Young Reviews Editor Chris Bohn Assistant Editor Peter Shapiro

Projects &Web Editor Anne Hilde Neset

Advertising Manager Andy Tait 5014) Advertising Production Slim Smith

Subscriptions &Administration Ben House, Phil England 5022)

Art Direction & Design Kjell Ekhorn, Jon Forss

Special thanks this issue Jerome Maunsell

Words Steve Barker, Mike Barnes, Ed Baxter, Clive Bell, Chris Blackford, Marcus Boon, Ben Borthwick, Philip Clark, Byron Coley, Julian Cowley, Christoph Cox, John Cratchley, Alan Cummings, Brian Duguid, Phil England, Kodwo Eshun, Man ffytche, Sasha Frere-Jones, Louise Gray, Natalie Gravenor, Andy Hamilton, Jim Haynes, Richard Henderson, Ken Hollings, Hua Hsu, David Keenan, Monica Kendrick, Rahma Khazam, Biba Kopf, Art Lange, Alan Licht, Howard Mandel, Dave Mandl, Jerome Maunsell, Andy Medhurst, Will Montgomery, Jon C Morgan, John Mulvey, lan Penman, Tom Perchard, Ed Pinsent, Edwin Pouncey, Simon Reynolds, Tom Ridge, Stephen Robinson, Chris Sharp, Philip Sherburne, Bill Shoemaker, Mark Sinker, Dave Tompkins, David Toop, Dan Warburton, Ben Watson, Don Watson, Val Wilmer, Barry Witherden

Images Amy &Tanveer, Frank Bauer, Nigel Bennett, Kareem Black, Hamish Brown, Mattias Ek, Olly Hewitt, Tim Kent, Simon Leigh, Sebastian Mayer, Non-Format, Savage Pencil, Michele Turriani, Eva Vermandel, Johnny Volcano, Jake Walters, Wandy

Subscriptions (see page 100)

THE WlRE 2nd Floor East 88-94 Wentworth Street London E l 7SA. UK Hotllne +44 (0)20 7422 5022 subs6?

RATES (12 ~ssuss) UK £36 Europe £50 USAICanadaUS$85/£50 Rest of World £60 AlrlE5O Surface


Distributors News stands

UK, EUROPE 6 REST OF WORLD (EXCLUDINGUSA) COMAG Speclal!st D~vts~on Tav~stockWorks, Tavlstock Road West Drayton, Middlesex U67 7QX Tel +44 (0)1895 433800 Fax +44 (0)1895 433801

USA Eastern News West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 For all US news stand queries call Toll Free 1800221 3148 NB: For US subscnptran querres contact The Wire (see opposrte)

Independent record shops



23A Call~ngwoodRoad

London N15 4EL

Tel+44 (0)20 8800 81 10

Fax +44 (0)20 8800 8140

USA Forced Exposure 226 Lawell Street Somew~lle,MA 02144 Fax 617 629 4774


a n t a c t The Wgre d~rect

Tel +44 (0)20 7422 5022

Fax +44 (0120 7422 501 1


Book shops

WORLDWIDE Central Books (MagezineDept) 99 Wallls Road London E9 5LN Te1+44 (0)20 8986 4854 Fax +44 (0)20 8533 5821 sasha@centralbooks.wm

NB The Wire can also supply record shops in Europe and the US direct

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