c o n t e n t s l i t e r a r y l i v e s 23 Robert Gordon
Italo Calvino: Letters, 1941–1985 24 Andr ew Hussey
Algerian Chronicles Albert Camus 26 By ron Rogers
R S Thomas: Uncollected Poems (Edd) Tony Brown & Jason Walford Davies 27 Ric hard Davenport-Hines
Tarantula’s Web: John Hayward, T S Eliot and Their Circle John Smart f o od f or thought 28 Jeremy Clarke
The Breakfast Book Andrew Dalby The Breakfast Bible Seb Emina & Malcolm Eggs 29 Andy Mar tin
Eating the Enlightenment: Food & the Sciences in Paris, 1670–1760 E C Spary g e n e r a l 31 Seamus Perry
Falling Upwards: How We Took to the Air Richard Holmes 32 Elif S hafak
Sex and the Citadel: Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World Shereen El Feki 34 Jo hn Gray
Evil Men James Dawes 35 Conor Gear ty
The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay Jess Bravin The General: The Ordinary Man Who Challenged Guantanamo Ahmed Errachidi 37 Joanna K avenna
Kith: The Riddle of the Childscape Jay Griffiths 38 F rances Wilson
The Public Woman Joan Smith 39 C harles Fernyhough
Permanent Present Tense: The Man with No Memory, and What He Taught the World Suzanne Corkin 40 Jessica Mann
I Know You’re Going to Be Happy: A Story of Love and Betrayal Rupert Christiansen 40 Anthon y Sattin
The Lost Art of Finding Our Way John Edward Huth p o em 41 Jane Draycott ‘Silent Movie’
g r av e mat t e r s 42 John Harwood
The Undiscovered Country: Journeys Among the Dead Carl Watkins 43 Har ry Mount
How to Read a Graveyard: Journeys in the Company of the Dead Peter Stanford h i st or y 44 Boyd Hilton
Perilous Question: The Drama of the Great Reform Bill 1832 Antonia Fraser 45 Jane Rid ley
1913: The World before the Great War Charles Emmerson 46 Jo hn Man
The History of Central Asia, Volume One: The Age of the Steppe Warriors Christophe Baumer 47 P aul Addison
The Mass Observers: A History, 1937–1949 James Hinton f i c t i on 49 John Banville
A Delicate Truth John le Carré 50 P amela Norris
The Round House Louise Erdrich 51 Jonathan Bec kman
All That Is James Salter • Collected Stories James Salter 53 S imon Hammond on five first novels 54 James Kidd
Cle ver Girl Tessa Hadley 55 L ucian Robinson
Fallen Land Patrick Flanery 56 K ate Saunders
The Burgess Boys Elizabeth Strout 56 Jo hn Dugdale
Big Brother Lionel Shriver 58 Malcolm F orbes
The Aftermath Rhidian Brook 59 S imon Baker
Under the Radar James Hamilton-Paterson
60 Histor ical Novels Jonathan Barnes 62 S ilenced Voices Lucy Popescu 19 LR Boo kshop 30 Crossword m a y 2 0 1 3 | Literary Review 3