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frican Banker 2ND QUARTER 2013 3 nited Kingdom IC Publications 7 Coldbath Square London ec1r 4lq tel: +44 20 7841 3210 Admin FA X: +44 20 7713 7898 Editorial FA X: +44 20 7841 3211 E-mail: France IC Publications 609 Bat A , 77 Rue Bayen, 75017 Paris tel: +33 1 44 30 81 00 fa x: +33 1 44 30 81 11 email: OUNDER Afif Ben Yedder Directeur de la publication ( Group Publisher Omar Ben Yedder ( Editor Anver Versi ART DIRECTOR Karishma Mehta Editorial Consultant Christian Udechukwu ASSistant EDITOR Alexa Dalby Editorial Asistant Carole Lambert Corespondent-at-large Stephen Williams GENERAL MANAGER Leila Ben Hassen ( VP Development Saliba Manneh ( group sales director Tibor Fuchsel Advertising Sales Directors Medrine Chitty Elisée Marie Darren Moore Nick Rosefield istribution production Richard Briggs Printers Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Queens Road, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HH For subscriptions, see page 63. All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 1757-1413 ©2013 IC Publications Ltd N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0115 T 90333 Dépôt légal Mai 2013 COVER STORY embrace practicality – AfDB’s Donald kaberuka 04 Editorial Journey across Africa’s financial landscape 06 African Banker’s World Round-up of the last quarter in Africa’s banking industry 12 New Appointments Who has moved where 16 Cover Story Star interview: Donald Kaberuka 22 Sovereign Wealth Funds All you need to know 26 FEATURE Sanusi at large 30 UBA Back in the black 32 CAPITAL MARKETS Growing appetite for African multi-class assets 36 INTERVIEW Dr Eleni Gabre-Madhin 42 BANKING Germany’s adc puts down roots in Africa 46 AFRican Banker awards Who will the winners be? 48 NIGERIA Industry bank’s silent revolution on SMEs 52 KENYA Profits galore for Kenya Banks 54 Johannesburg Stock Exchange African hub and cross listing is the way forward 58 ALGERIA Will new listing stimulate Algerian bourse? 60 INSURANCE The African paradox 64 Pension funds Ready for lift-off 68 GUEST COLUMN aul Derreumaux: Africa’s breathless restructuring 70 TunisIA Free-for-all loans threaten Tunisian banking industry 72 Private Equity nterview: Luc Rigouzzo 74 Monetary Union Will the eco ever see the light of day? 76 GADGETS & GIZMOS Toys for the boys and girls 80 African Financial Outlok omprehensive overview of Africa’s financial landscape

frican Banker 2ND QUARTER 2013


nited Kingdom IC Publications 7 Coldbath Square London ec1r 4lq tel: +44 20 7841 3210 Admin FA X: +44 20 7713 7898 Editorial FA X: +44 20 7841 3211 E-mail: France IC Publications 609 Bat A , 77 Rue Bayen, 75017 Paris tel: +33 1 44 30 81 00 fa x: +33 1 44 30 81 11 email:

OUNDER Afif Ben Yedder Directeur de la publication ( Group Publisher Omar Ben Yedder ( Editor Anver Versi ART DIRECTOR Karishma Mehta Editorial Consultant Christian Udechukwu ASSistant EDITOR Alexa Dalby Editorial Asistant Carole Lambert Corespondent-at-large Stephen Williams GENERAL MANAGER Leila Ben Hassen ( VP Development

Saliba Manneh ( group sales director Tibor Fuchsel Advertising Sales Directors Medrine Chitty Elisée Marie Darren Moore Nick Rosefield istribution production Richard Briggs Printers Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Queens Road, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HH For subscriptions, see page 63.

All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 1757-1413 ©2013 IC Publications Ltd N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0115 T 90333 Dépôt légal Mai 2013

COVER STORY embrace practicality – AfDB’s Donald kaberuka

04 Editorial

Journey across Africa’s financial landscape 06 African Banker’s World

Round-up of the last quarter in Africa’s banking industry 12 New Appointments

Who has moved where 16 Cover Story

Star interview: Donald Kaberuka 22 Sovereign Wealth Funds

All you need to know 26 FEATURE

Sanusi at large 30 UBA

Back in the black 32 CAPITAL MARKETS

Growing appetite for African multi-class assets 36 INTERVIEW

Dr Eleni Gabre-Madhin


Germany’s adc puts down roots in Africa 46 AFRican Banker awards

Who will the winners be? 48 NIGERIA

Industry bank’s silent revolution on SMEs 52 KENYA

Profits galore for Kenya Banks 54 Johannesburg

Stock Exchange African hub and cross listing is the way forward 58 ALGERIA

Will new listing stimulate Algerian bourse? 60 INSURANCE

The African paradox 64 Pension funds

Ready for lift-off 68 GUEST COLUMN

aul Derreumaux: Africa’s breathless restructuring 70 TunisIA

Free-for-all loans threaten Tunisian banking industry 72 Private Equity nterview: Luc Rigouzzo 74 Monetary Union

Will the eco ever see the light of day? 76 GADGETS & GIZMOS

Toys for the boys and girls 80 African Financial Outlok omprehensive overview of Africa’s financial landscape

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