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CONTENTS PENELOPE STOKES published a book called Picture Framing Made Easy with Cassell last month. It does not introduce a new l i terary technique , but aims to teach people how to frame pictures. This month she self-publishes Craven Country, a 40,000-word history of her village, covering 1,000 years. It is available for £10 plus £2 p&p from The Holding, Hamstead Marshal!, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 OHW. J W M THOMPSON spends his retirement from editing the Sunday Telegraph tending his large garden in Norfolk and buying second-hand books in the neighbourhood. He no longer has a dog, having lost his dearly loved English springer spaniel, Sam, ten years ago. DAMIAN THOMPSON has written a book about the resurgence of apocalyptic belief in the shadow of the Millennium. Called The End of Time , i t is due from Sinclair-Stevenson in August. ELISA SEGRAVE's new novel Ten Men, is being published by Faber & Faber in February 1997. She is divorced, but has taken no vows of poverty or chastity. She and her two children own a dog - a black and white cavalier King Charles spaniel called Toby - a Russian horse and a fish, which has no name. SILVIA RODGERS publishes her own account of escaping from the Holocaust as a young girl in her memoirs, Red Saint, Pink Daughter (Andre Deutsch) , reviewed by Jessica Mann 1n last February's LR. CAROL£ ANGlER is working on a biography ofPrimo Levi. LITERARY REVIEW June 1996 FROM THE PULPIT BElLES LETTRES 1 AUBERON W AUGH 4 HENRY PORTER Resident Alien: New York Diaries Quentin Crisp 5 DAVTD CHIPP The Picador Book of Sportswriting (Ed) Nick Coleman and Nick Homby 6 ALICE OSWALD Collected Poems Robert Nye BIOGRAPHY EXPLORERS WISDOM PROFILE 7 ALEX WoODCOCK-CLARKE Lola Montez: A Life Bruce Seymour 8 DEREK DAVIES Hannah Riddell: An Englishwoman in japan Julia Boyd 11 WENDY ROWLAND A Life of Matthew Arnold Nicholas Murray 13 JW M THOMPSON I May Be Some Time Francis Spufford 14 JAMES TRAVERS Bright Paradise: Victorian Scientific Travellers Peter Raby 16 DAMIAN THOMPSON Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus Anthony Storr 17 COLIN WILSON Alter-Egos: Multiple Personalities David Cohen 18 DAVID FLEMING Why Things Bite Back Edward Tenner 20 ALAN TAYLOR on Alastair Reid BRITISH FICTION 21 HILARY MANTEL 71te Cast Iron Shore Linda Grant 22 GILL HORNBY Altered States Anita Brookner 23 JANE CHARTERJS Kitchen Venom Philip Hensher 24 SusAN ELKIN Shadow Baby Margaret Forster 26 DOMINIC BRADBURY The Football Factory John King 27 GARETH H OWELL-j ONES Strandloper Alan Gamer 28 DAVID UTTERSON Ecstasy lrvine Welsh 29 RICHARD TYRRELL Suspicion Robert McCrum 29 BENEDICT KING New Boy William Sutcliffe 30 CLIFF KIMBER Adventures in Capitalism Toby Litt 30 ALEX SILCOX Some Kind of Black Diran Adebayo MEMOffiS 31 CAROL£ ANGlER All Rivers Run to the Sea, Memoirs: Volume One 1928-1969 Elie Wiesel 33 SIMON DENIS Tamara: Memoirs of St Petersburg, Paris, Oxford and Byzantium Tamara Talbot Rice 34 SILVIA RODGERS The War After Anne Karpf Editor: AUBERON W AUG H Deputy Editor: NANCY SLADEK Editorial Consultant: LOLA BUBBOSH Business Manager: lSABEL BOOTHBY Assistant Editor: JOANNA CRAVEN Advertising Manager: CLIFF KIMBER Publisher: NAJM ATTALLAH Founding Editor: DR ANN£ SMITH Cover illustration by William Rushton Issue no. 216


PENELOPE STOKES published a book called Picture Framing Made Easy with Cassell last month. It does not introduce a new l i terary technique , but aims to teach people how to frame pictures. This month she self-publishes Craven Country, a 40,000-word history of her village, covering 1,000 years. It is available for £10 plus £2 p&p from The Holding, Hamstead Marshal!, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 OHW.

J W M THOMPSON spends his retirement from editing the Sunday Telegraph tending his large garden in Norfolk and buying second-hand books in the neighbourhood. He no longer has a dog, having lost his dearly loved English springer spaniel, Sam, ten years ago. DAMIAN THOMPSON has written a book about the resurgence of apocalyptic belief in the shadow of the Millennium. Called The End of Time , i t is due from Sinclair-Stevenson in August.

ELISA SEGRAVE's new novel Ten Men, is being published by Faber & Faber in February 1997. She is divorced, but has taken no vows of poverty or chastity. She and her two children own a dog - a black and white cavalier King Charles spaniel called Toby - a Russian horse and a fish, which has no name.

SILVIA RODGERS publishes her own account of escaping from the Holocaust as a young girl in her memoirs, Red Saint, Pink Daughter (Andre Deutsch) , reviewed by Jessica Mann 1n last February's LR.

CAROL£ ANGlER is working on a biography ofPrimo Levi.





4 HENRY PORTER Resident Alien: New York Diaries Quentin Crisp 5 DAVTD CHIPP The Picador Book of Sportswriting (Ed) Nick

Coleman and Nick Homby 6 ALICE OSWALD Collected Poems Robert Nye





7 ALEX WoODCOCK-CLARKE Lola Montez: A Life Bruce

Seymour 8 DEREK DAVIES Hannah Riddell: An Englishwoman in japan Julia Boyd 11 WENDY ROWLAND A Life of Matthew Arnold Nicholas Murray

13 JW M THOMPSON I May Be Some Time Francis Spufford 14 JAMES TRAVERS Bright Paradise: Victorian Scientific Travellers

Peter Raby

16 DAMIAN THOMPSON Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus Anthony Storr 17 COLIN WILSON Alter-Egos: Multiple Personalities David Cohen 18 DAVID FLEMING Why Things Bite Back Edward Tenner

20 ALAN TAYLOR on Alastair Reid


21 HILARY MANTEL 71te Cast Iron Shore Linda Grant 22 GILL HORNBY Altered States Anita Brookner

23 JANE CHARTERJS Kitchen Venom Philip Hensher 24 SusAN ELKIN Shadow Baby Margaret Forster 26 DOMINIC BRADBURY The Football Factory John King 27 GARETH H OWELL-j ONES Strandloper Alan Gamer 28 DAVID UTTERSON Ecstasy lrvine Welsh 29 RICHARD TYRRELL Suspicion Robert McCrum 29 BENEDICT KING New Boy William Sutcliffe 30 CLIFF KIMBER Adventures in Capitalism Toby Litt 30 ALEX SILCOX Some Kind of Black Diran Adebayo


31 CAROL£ ANGlER All Rivers Run to the Sea, Memoirs:

Volume One 1928-1969 Elie Wiesel 33 SIMON DENIS Tamara: Memoirs of St Petersburg, Paris, Oxford and

Byzantium Tamara Talbot Rice 34 SILVIA RODGERS The War After Anne Karpf

Editor: AUBERON W AUG H Deputy Editor: NANCY SLADEK Editorial Consultant: LOLA BUBBOSH Business Manager: lSABEL BOOTHBY Assistant Editor: JOANNA CRAVEN Advertising Manager: CLIFF KIMBER

Publisher: NAJM ATTALLAH Founding Editor: DR ANN£ SMITH Cover illustration by William Rushton

Issue no. 216

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