PAll 40 40 41 43 44 45 M!RANDA FRANCE TI1e l[gliest H01 tse i11 the World Peter H o Davies BEN FAI FRANClS AMES-LEWIS Bemini: Cmil ts i fthe Batvque Charles Avety, TI!C 'Divine' C 11ido: Religion, Sex, Mo11ey and A 11 in the World i fCuido Rmi Richard E Spear FRANCES SPAUJ ING Conrggio David EkserdJian N ICHOLA.S STOGDON TI1e E1 (glish Ai11t 1688-1802 Timothy Clayton 47 48 49 M URRAY SAYLE AuSON PRINCE TI1e Life i fMetrical a11d Free VetSe i11 Tu.entieth- Ceutwy Poetry J on Silkin R .A PAGE ON RECENT POETRY 50 P ICO lYER ON j AN M ORRIS 51 52 52 53 54 55 se NICHOLA.S R oYLE TI1e Sal1?!>111a11 J oseph O'Connor W ENDY BRANDMARK Mis Eiltstet"n Anna M cGt-ail D J TAYLOR Paul177eroiL-.:: TI1e Coll1'1:ted Shorl No~~els JANE CHARTERJS Lovesick Angeles Mastretta LlSA AliAI MlCHAEL THORN 57 PHIUPOAKES 58 59 60 IOBHAN 0 0WD OrtLANDO FreES is th e auth o r o f A People's Trn<~edy: Th e Ru ssinu Revo lu1 io u 189 1-1924, w hi ch won the N C R. Boo k Aw a rd , th e Wolfso n History Prize and th eW H Smith Literary Awa rd . NIGEL NICOLSON served in Tunisia and It aly during the wa r , and was Conse• vative MP for Bo urn emouth and hri s t c hurc h from 1952 to 1959, when he was re pud ia ted by th e Bou rn emouth Tories, acc used of havi ng shown in suffi c ie n t e nth usiasm fo r th e Suez Ca mpaign . H e has written m any books, w innin g the Whitbread Award for Mary Curzo 11. H e h as a lso e dited th e l e t t ers of Virgi ni a Woolf in six vo lum es, as we ll as th ose of Vita Sac kvill e-West and H aro ld Nicolson.
M ARv KENNY is a co lumnist for the Express 011 Su11da y and writes books on Iri sh themes. Her most rece nt is Goodbye to Catholic lrela11d .
NI CHOLAS R.OYLE's latest novel, The Marrer cif th e Hear1, was pub lish ed last N ovember by Abacus an d was the winner of th e Lit erary Review Dad Sex Prize 1997.
SALLY C u E's most recent book is Radcll![fe Hall: A I Vo11tn11 Called j olt11. published last July by John Murra y. She is at prese nt completin g a boo k o n T!t e Makill,l! of a Coup le (Littl e, Brow n ) a nd researching a biography of Zelda Fitzge ra ld .
H UGH M ONRO is H ea dm as t e r at C lifton Co ll ege.
fRANC IS AMES- LEW IS is R ea de r in History of Art at Birkbeck Coll ege, University of Lo nd on . Last yea r his Tusca11 Marble Carviug 1250- 1350 was publ ish ed by Ashga te.
ALISON PRI CE is th e author of over thir ty children's books. H er bi ograph y of H ans C hri stian Anderse n wi ll be publi shed this autumn by Alliso n & Busby, who a lso pub lish e d h e r bi ograph y o f Kenn eth G ra hame.
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