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CONTENTS NICHOLAS H ENDERSON retired as ambassador to France after a distinguished diplomati c career in airo, W ashing t on, Athens , Vienna , Santiago, M adrid and Londo n , with ambassadors h ips also in Poland and Federal Gem1any. No sooner had he retired , th an h e was reappointed ambassador eo Washington . H e has written extensive ly o n histOry and con te mp orary subj ects, and published numerous sto ries and articles. OLEG GORDIEV SKY sp ent e leven yea rs as a Secret Agent for British Inte lli gence working for rh e KGB. H e survives, somewhere in England, to te ll th e tale, and has written four books, rhree of th em in partners hip with Chriscopher Andrew. KEN LIVINGSTO E, one-time leader of the G r ea ter London Co un c il , elected Labour MP for Brent East in I 987, writes regularly for Trib1111e and othe r publi ca tions , mostly on political subj ects . ALLAN MASS IE has just published A11io 11y , a s tudy of the Roman adven tur er, M ark Anro n y, in his Roman se ri es wi rh Sceptre. J OHN MURRAY's third novel, Radio Aaiviry, a sa tire o n Sellafield, is being filmed by Studio Arts for TV. They are also making an accompanying fi lm abo ut its aut h or. Both will appear rhis summer. Hi s first ever srory ap peared in rhe Lirerary Review, C hri stm as 1982. H e won the Dylan Thomas Award in 1988 and rhe Boden Sanskrit Pri ze in 1971. FI>-ANCES SPALDING 's biograp hy of Duncan Grant was publi shed (Charco & Windus) in June last year and her Tile Tare: A History is comin g o ur in March. PATRICK WEST hasjusr launched what will unquestionably be a distinguished joumalistic career with several months un paid work experie n ce on Lirerary Review, afi:er having recently finished his MA ar M anchester University. FROM THE PULPIT THIS OTHER EDEN RUSSIA REST OF EUROPE 1 AUBERON WAUGH 7 8 4 6 NICHOLA HENDERSON Over Here Raymond Seitz NIGEL NI OLSON Hinch: A Celebration rj Viscount Hinchingbrooke MP 1906-1995 (Edd) Andrew Best and John Sandwich HUGH M ONRO Headmaster: The Life ofJohn Percival, Radical Autocrat J eremy Potter KEN LI VINGSTONE Parliament Under Pressure Peter Riddell 10 0 RLANDO FI GES Three 1/Vhys rj th e Russian R evolution Richard Pipes, Rebirth of a Nation: An Anatomy of Russia John Lloyd 11 NIKOLAI T OLSTOY Th e H ermitage: The Biography rj a Great Muse11m Geraldine Norman 13 O LEG GORDIEVSKY War of th e Black H em;ens: Th e Battles rj Western Broadcasting irr th e Cold War Michael Nelson 16 GEOFFREY MACNAB Eisenstei11: A Life in Conflict Ronald Bergan 17 GEORGE STERN In side the Enigma: British Officials in Russia 1900-1939 Michael Hughes 19 CAR HI LLS Portuga l: A Companion History Jose Hermano Saraiva 20 PATRlCK WEST n e Lie rjthe Land Fintan O'Toole, An Intelligent Person's G11ide to Modem Ireland John Waters 22 GARY LA HMAN Prag11e in Black and Gold: Tire History ifa City Peter Demetz SUBSCRIPTION FORM 22 BIOGRAPHY & MEMOIR 24 ALLAN MAssiE D H Lawrence: Dying Game 1922-1930 David Ellis 26 MARv KENNY &ycott: Tire lift &hind the Word Charles Arthur Boycott 27 KATE MOSSE Muleleine's World: A Bicwaphy ifa 11m~e- Year-Old Brian Hall 28 JESSICA MANN TI1e YearifR.eading AvustPhyllisRose 28 ANGELA NEUSTATTER Tire Color ifWater: A Black Man's TnbutetoHis White MotlrerJames McBride FICTION I 30 JoHN DuGDALE UndemvrldDon DeLillo 31 PRANCIS KINGAds ifMutiny Derek Beaven 32 ToM ANGlER Tire Pied Piper's Poison Christopher Wallace 33 ANNE CHJSHO!M Bdred]ones, Lulubelle and the Most High Clare Nonhebel 34 SoPHIA WATSON Cronrarlie v I11e God Shiva Acting 71rrough tire Government ifIndia Rumer Godden 35 PAUL BLNDING Sa/man tire Solitary Yashmar Kenlal Editor: AUBERON WAUGH Dep11ty Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Assistant Editor: ] OA NA CRAVE Editorial Assistant: LISA ALLA R.D ICE Business Mmwger: lSABEL BOOTHBY Advertising Manager: LOUISE HAR.RI SON Classified Advertisemel'lt ales: LISA ALLARDI CE Subscriptions: B EN H ouSE P11blisher: NAIM ATTALLA H Fourrdi11g Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Cover il111 stration by Clrris Riddell Iss ue no. 235 LITERARY REVIEW Janu ary 1998
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JANUARY 1998 GENERAL SHORT ST ORIES ART LETTER FROM JAPAN POETRY CELEBRAT ION FICTION I I CHILDREN'S BOOKS CRIME SILEN CED VOICES PAPERBACKS POETRY C OMPETIT ION AND RESULTS 36 37 38 PAll<JCK O 'CONNOR TI1e Mi!Sical: A Concise History Kurt Ginzl, BroadliXI)' Babies Say Coodllight:.Mttsicals 17tetl and Now Mark Steyn SALLY CUNE Madonna a11d Child: To11X1rds a Ne111 Politics i fMotherlwod M elissa Benn, ??1e Tew Fet11i11is111 Nat:!Sha Waiter D AVIJ HJPP f11 the Combat Zotie: Spaial Fon:es i11ce 1945Robin eillancls, War Behi11d E11et 11 y Li11es j ulian Thompson 40 40 41 43 44 45 M!RANDA FRANCE TI1e l[gliest H01 tse i11 the World Peter H o Davies BEN FAI<J<JNGTON Bear and His Dm((Ihter R.obett Stone V tRG INA CROMPTON Tales i fthe 1ight Peter H 0eg FRANClS AMES-LEWIS Bemini: Cmil ts i fthe Batvque Charles Avety, TI!C 'Divine' C 11ido: Religion, Sex, Mo11ey and A 11 in the World i fCuido Rmi Richard E Spear FRANCES SPAUJ ING Conrggio David EkserdJian N ICHOLA.S STOGDON TI1e E1 (glish Ai11t 1688-1802 Timothy Clayton 47 48 49 M URRAY SAYLE AuSON PRINCE TI1e Life i fMetrical a11d Free VetSe i11 Tu.entieth- Ceutwy Poetry J on Silkin R .A PAGE ON RECENT POETRY 50 P ICO lYER ON j AN M ORRIS 51 52 52 53 54 55 se NICHOLA.S R oYLE TI1e Sal1?!>111a11 J oseph O'Connor W ENDY BRANDMARK Mis Eiltstet"n Anna M cGt-ail D J TAYLOR Paul177eroiL-.:: TI1e Coll1'1:ted Shorl No~~els JANE CHARTERJS Lovesick Angeles Mastretta LlSA AliAI<JJ ICE TI1e C11ckoo's Parlil·!ft Cry Anthea H alliwell jo~ M URRAY Ad~ Baby Liz j ensen MlCHAEL THORN 57 PHIUPOAKES 58 59 60 IOBHAN 0 0WD OrtLANDO FreES is th e auth o r o f A People's Trn<~edy: Th e Ru ssinu Revo lu1 io u 189 1-1924, w hi ch won the N C R. Boo k Aw a rd , th e Wolfso n History Prize and th eW H Smith Literary Awa rd . NIGEL NICOLSON served in Tunisia and It aly during the wa r , and was Conse• vative MP for Bo urn emouth and hri s t c hurc h from 1952 to 1959, when he was re pud ia ted by th e Bou rn emouth Tories, acc used of havi ng shown in suffi c ie n t e nth usiasm fo r th e Suez Ca mpaign . H e has written m any books, w innin g the Whitbread Award for Mary Curzo 11. H e h as a lso e dited th e l e t t ers of Virgi ni a Woolf in six vo lum es, as we ll as th ose of Vita Sac kvill e-West and H aro ld Nicolson. M ARv KENNY is a co lumnist for the Express 011 Su11da y and writes books on Iri sh themes. Her most rece nt is Goodbye to Catholic lrela11d . NI CHOLAS R.OYLE's latest novel, The Marrer cif th e Hear1, was pub lish ed last N ovember by Abacus an d was the winner of th e Lit erary Review Dad Sex Prize 1997. SALLY C u E's most recent book is Radcll![fe Hall: A I Vo11tn11 Called j olt11. published last July by John Murra y. She is at prese nt completin g a boo k o n T!t e Makill,l! of a Coup le (Littl e, Brow n ) a nd researching a biography of Zelda Fitzge ra ld . H UGH M ONRO is H ea dm as t e r at C lifton Co ll ege. fRANC IS AMES- LEW IS is R ea de r in History of Art at Birkbeck Coll ege, University of Lo nd on . Last yea r his Tusca11 Marble Carviug 1250- 1350 was publ ish ed by Ashga te. ALISON PRI CE is th e author of over thir ty children's books. H er bi ograph y of H ans C hri stian Anderse n wi ll be publi shed this autumn by Alliso n & Busby, who a lso pub lish e d h e r bi ograph y o f Kenn eth G ra hame. T l1 e Litera ry R eview, i11 corporati11g Quarto, is published tiiOIIthly jro111: 44 Lexi11<QIOII Street, Lo11do11 W 1R 3LH Tel: 0171 43 7 9392 Fax: 0171 73 -1 1844 !SSN 0144 4360 ©A ll S11bscriptio11 e11q11iries and cha nges i f address to : Literary Revie111 Subscriptions, FREEPOST 39 (WD 2983), 45-4 6 Poland /reef, Lo11don W1E 5HU Tel: 0171 73 4 3555 Fax: 0171 287 4767. UK Subscriptio11 Rate £26, Europe £32, rest i f th e world air 111 ail only £50 (US 84) USA Airspeed subscn"ption price is £3 6 (US 60) for 12 iss ues . Periodica l pre-paid at So11tl1 Hackensack 1 !]. A ll advertising enquiries to: Louise Harriso11, Literary R eview, 44 Lexi11glo11 tree/, London Wl R 3LH Tel: 0 171 43 7 9392 Pri111ed by Si111pso n Drewetl & Co Lid, 70 Sl1ee1 1Road, Rich111 ond, urrey TW9 1UF Tel: 0181 940 7441 Fax: 0181 948 8749 Distribr<led to newsage11/s rvo rldu;ide by USM Ltd, 86 teumwn Street, Limdon W I P 3LD Tel: 0171 396 8000 Fax: 0171 396 8002 WWW: http :/ / www.litreview. co m Distribut ed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wa ll is Road, Londo11 £9 Tel: 018 "1 986 485 4 email: litrev@dircon LITERARY REVIEW J anua ry 1998


















40 40 41


44 45

M!RANDA FRANCE TI1e l[gliest H01 tse i11 the World Peter H o Davies BEN FAI

FRANClS AMES-LEWIS Bemini: Cmil ts i fthe Batvque Charles Avety, TI!C 'Divine' C 11ido: Religion, Sex, Mo11ey and A 11 in the World i fCuido Rmi Richard E Spear FRANCES SPAUJ ING Conrggio David EkserdJian N ICHOLA.S STOGDON TI1e E1 (glish Ai11t 1688-1802 Timothy Clayton





AuSON PRINCE TI1e Life i fMetrical a11d Free VetSe i11 Tu.entieth- Ceutwy Poetry J on Silkin R .A PAGE ON RECENT POETRY



51 52 52 53 54 55


NICHOLA.S R oYLE TI1e Sal1?!>111a11 J oseph O'Connor W ENDY BRANDMARK Mis Eiltstet"n Anna M cGt-ail D J TAYLOR Paul177eroiL-.:: TI1e Coll1'1:ted Shorl No~~els JANE CHARTERJS Lovesick Angeles Mastretta LlSA AliAI








OrtLANDO FreES is th e auth o r o f A People's Trn<~edy: Th e Ru ssinu Revo lu1 io u 189 1-1924, w hi ch won the N C R. Boo k Aw a rd , th e Wolfso n History Prize and th eW H Smith Literary Awa rd .

NIGEL NICOLSON served in Tunisia and It aly during the wa r , and was Conse• vative MP for Bo urn emouth and hri s t c hurc h from 1952 to 1959, when he was re pud ia ted by th e Bou rn emouth Tories, acc used of havi ng shown in suffi c ie n t e nth usiasm fo r th e Suez Ca mpaign . H e has written m any books, w innin g the Whitbread Award for Mary Curzo 11. H e h as a lso e dited th e l e t t ers of Virgi ni a Woolf in six vo lum es, as we ll as th ose of Vita Sac kvill e-West and H aro ld Nicolson.

M ARv KENNY is a co lumnist for the Express 011 Su11da y and writes books on Iri sh themes. Her most rece nt is Goodbye to Catholic lrela11d .

NI CHOLAS R.OYLE's latest novel, The Marrer cif th e Hear1, was pub lish ed last N ovember by Abacus an d was the winner of th e Lit erary Review Dad Sex Prize 1997.

SALLY C u E's most recent book is Radcll![fe Hall: A I Vo11tn11 Called j olt11. published last July by John Murra y. She is at prese nt completin g a boo k o n T!t e Makill,l! of a Coup le (Littl e, Brow n ) a nd researching a biography of Zelda Fitzge ra ld .

H UGH M ONRO is H ea dm as t e r at C lifton Co ll ege.

fRANC IS AMES- LEW IS is R ea de r in History of Art at Birkbeck Coll ege, University of Lo nd on . Last yea r his Tusca11 Marble Carviug 1250- 1350 was publ ish ed by Ashga te.

ALISON PRI CE is th e author of over thir ty children's books. H er bi ograph y of H ans C hri stian Anderse n wi ll be publi shed this autumn by Alliso n & Busby, who a lso pub lish e d h e r bi ograph y o f Kenn eth G ra hame.

T l1 e Litera ry R eview, i11 corporati11g Quarto, is published tiiOIIthly jro111: 44 Lexi11

Fax: 0171 73 -1 1844 !SSN 0144 4360 ©A ll S11bscriptio11 e11q11iries and cha nges i f address to :

Literary Revie111 Subscriptions, FREEPOST 39 (WD 2983), 45-4 6 Poland /reef, Lo11don W1E 5HU Tel: 0171 73 4 3555 Fax: 0171 287 4767.

UK Subscriptio11 Rate £26, Europe £32, rest i f th e world air 111 ail only £50 (US 84) USA Airspeed subscn"ption price is £3 6 (US 60) for 12 iss ues . Periodica l pre-paid at So11tl1 Hackensack 1 !]. A ll advertising enquiries to: Louise Harriso11, Literary R eview, 44 Lexi11glo11 tree/, London Wl R 3LH Tel: 0 171 43 7 9392 Pri111ed by Si111pso n Drewetl & Co Lid, 70 Sl1ee1 1Road, Rich111 ond, urrey TW9 1UF Tel: 0181 940 7441 Fax: 0181 948 8749 Distribr

WWW: http :/ / www.litreview. co m

Distribut ed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wa ll is Road, Londo11 £9 Tel: 018 "1 986 485 4

email: litrev@dircon

LITERARY REVIEW J anua ry 1998

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