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r--------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------ CONTENTS P ERCY CRADO CK was Ambassador to China from 1978 to 1984 and th e Prim e Minister's Foreign Policy Advise r from 1984 to 1992 . Hi s book Experie11 ces of Chiua was published in 1994 . ALLAN MASS LE ha s just fini sh ed a nove l set in th e yea r of the four emperors, 69 AD. l t is to be call ed Nero's Heirs. ALEXANDER CHANCE LLOR's longawaited account of hi s t imes in America , entitled Som e Tim es iu America, is now scheduled to appear from B loomsbury in June . I n a va ried and co lourfu l journali stic career, he was Editor of 17le Spectator from 1975 to 1984. His American masterpiece is said to be very enterra ining by peopl e who have see n parts of it. Those intere ted shou ld start saving the £17.99 th a t Bloomsbury are plamung to charge . DAV ID PROFUMO is hard at work on hi s mag uum opu s, e ntitl e d Walto11's Ghost, a literary exanunation of fi sh and fi shing . DAM IAN TH OMPSON, whi l e writing learned and entertaining art icl es on re l igiou s subje c ts for the best publications, is also reading for hi s Ph D on the sociology of religion at the London School of Econom i cs. Vintage recent ly reissued Ius last book, Th e End of Time , at £6.99. GERALD HOWSON is the author of Anns for Spain : 17ze Uutold Story of th e Spanish Civil War Qohn Murray). T AHIR SHAH 's latest book is Sorcerer's Apprmtice (Weidenfeld & Nicolso n £20). H e lives in Londo n, but is about to vVlite a book on Pem. R OWAN PELLI NG is Editor of Th e Erotic R e11 iew . Grub Smith, h e r subj ec t , was an editorial assistant on Literary Review for some yea rs in the mid Eighti es. LITERARY REVIEW April 1999 FROM THE PULPIT HIST ORY MEMOIRS RELIGION & DEATH FOREIGN PARTS BIOGRAPHY BELLES LETTRES FICT ION I 1 AUB.ERON W AUGH 4 RoBIN BLACKBURN King Leopold's Ghost Adam H och sc h i ld 5 G.El~LD H OWSON Cornrades Pau l Pres t on 7 R ICHARD OvERY H ess: Th e British Conspiracy J o h n H arris and MJ Trow 8 MARY KEEN Girlitude: A Memoir of the 50s and 60s Emma Tennant 9 AlSLING FOSTER 44: A Dub lin Mernoir Peter S h e ri dan 10 PATRICK TAYLOR-MARTIN A Positively Final Appearance: A J ournal 1996-1998 Alec G ui1mess 11 ANTHONY STORR Sight Unseen Geo r gi n a Kl eege 12 CLAUD!A PUGH-THOMASJosser: An Outsider in the Cirws N ell Stro ud 14 DAMIAN THOMPSON Lourdes : Body and Spirit in the Secu lar Age Ruth Harris 15 M ICHAEL WATERHOUSE The Gender of Death: A Cultura l History in Art and Literature Ka rl S Guth ke 16 RHODA KOENI G History of S11icide Georges Mino is 18 PERCY CRADO K Th e Cl·wn 's Great Continent: China i11 Wes tern Minds J ona t han Spence 19 CHARLOTTE EDWAR.DES KurdistanJonath an C Randa] 20 TAHIR SHAH Th e Search for Shangri-Lo: A j oumey into Tibetan History Charles Alien 22 CHRISTOPH.ER. HART Fro st on lll[y Moustache: The Arctic Exploits rf a Lord and a Loafer Tim Moore 23 SIMON H.EFFER Bonar Law R J Q Adams 24 R ICHARD GRAY Wait Whitman: The Song of Himself J erome Loving 26 KATHRYN H UGHES Frederick the Great Giles M acDo n ogh 27 GEORGE WALDEN The Broken Estate: Essays on Litera ture and BeliifJames Wood 28 FAR.RUKH DHONDY Derek Walcott J o h n T h iem.e 30 ALASTAIR NI VEN Th e Ground Beneath Her Feet Salman Rush d i e 31 CAROL! NE MooR.E An Equa l Music V ikram Seth 32 V ICTORIA GL.END INNIN G Mara and Dann: An Adventure Doris Lessing 33 DAVID PROFUMO Th e Plato Papers Peter Ackroyd 34 ST EPHEN AM IDON Ton·rca t in Lo11e T im O'Brien 36 PAMELA N OR.R. IS A Stairway to Paradise M ade le in e St J o h n Editor: Aunm.ON WAUGH Deputy Editor: NANCY SLADEK Asmtant Editor: LI SA ALLAP...DICE Genera l A ss istant: jAM.ES PuSEY Business Manager: ]SABEL BOOTHBY Advert.isirrg Manager: LOUISE HAR.R.I SON Classified Ad~~ertisement Sales: lAM ES PUSEY Contribr.tti l·tg Editor: LILI AN l'IZZICH INI Subscriptior!S: BEN H OUSE Publisher: NAIM ATTALLAH Fou 11ding Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Co11er illustration by Chris Riddell Iss ue no. 250
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APRI L 1999 GENERAL BRITAIN RESURRECTION WORK & TECHNOLOGY FICTION II CRIME PAPERBACKS SILENCED VOICES POETRY COMPETITION AND RESULTS 37 ALLAN MASS I£ Th e Light/10use St er1ensolls Be ll a Bathurst 38 MARY KEEN Ti re Orchid Thiif: A Tru e Story of Beauty and Obsessio11 Susan Orlean 39 PATRI CK 0 ' ONNOR C/yndebour11 e: A11 Operatic Miracle ) oh11 j oll!ffe 40 DuN AN M c LAREN Farewell to an Idea : Episodes fro/11 a History of Modemism T JC lark 41 R o wAN PELLING R eal Sex Grub Smith 42 43 44 J OHN BIFFEN Nor Sha ll My Sword Simon Heffer C OLJN BAILLIEU More Adventures with Brita1111ia: Perso11alities, Politics a11d C ulture in Britain (Ed) W M Roger Louis ALEXANDER CHANCELLOR T o Co~tve y lntellige11ce : Th e Spectator 1928-1998 Simon Courtauld 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE Ca esar: Th e Life Story of a Panda Leopard, and Hussei11: An Entertai 11111 ent Patri ck O 'Brian T OM H ODGKI NSON Tir e Oxf ord Book of Work (Ed) Keith Thomas PATRICK M oOR£ Th e Cia11t Leap: Mankind H eads for the Stars Adrian Berry DAVID MI LNER Tir e Pearly Gates ofCyberspace: A History of Space jro 111 Da11te to th e In temet M argaret Wertheim SEBASTIAN HAKESPEARE l 11k John Preston DJTAYLOR Underground Tobias Hill SuE GA ISFOR.D A Foreig 11 Country Francine Stock EDWINA CURH.IE Foreig n Brides Elena Lappin ALEX CLAR.K Fntit of tir e Le1110II And rea Levy SIMON LOUV ISH Unreal City Tony H anani a SUSAN CROSLAND A lm ost H eavet1 Matianne Wiggin s Fl ONA PlTT-KETHLEY Satan Wants Me Rob e rt lrwin PHI LIP 0AKES Blue Light Walter M osl ey PHILIP 0AKES SJ OBHAN D OWD LRBOOKSHOP SUBSCRIPTION FORM 45 62 R OBIN BLAC KB URN is Edi to r o f Nerv Left Review and auth o r o f Th e Maki11g cif New Wo rld Sla very: Fro 111 Baroq11 e to th e Modem 14 92-1 800 and Th e 0 11e rth ro w of Co lo11i al Sl ave ry , 1776-1 8 4 8, b o th pub]jshed by Verso. AL AST AI R N IVEN is H ea d o f Lite rature fo r th e British Council. He has twi ce been a Booker Jud ge. ST EPH EN AMIDON has just fini shed hi s la te st nov e l , The New City , whi c h w ill b e published b y D o ubl ed ay in February , thou g h h e is infinite ly prouder of th e rece nt arri val of his twin dau ghters , Aurora and C eleste . MARY KEEN, the ga rde n d esign e r responsibl e fo r Glyndeboum e , and professio nal consul tant o n large ga rd e ns, is th e a uth o r o f Crea ti11g a C ardw, publi sh ed b y Co nr a n O cto pus, who have also brought o ut her ea rli er work, Decorate yo11r Carde11, with enom10us success in paperbac k. SI MON H EFFE R is th e a uth o r o f Po111er a11d Pl ace : Th e Polit ica l Co11seqllellces cif Ki1 1g Edward VII, Like a Roma11: Th e Life of Etwch Powe/1 and Nor Shall My Sword, all publish ed by W e id e nfe ld & Ni colso n sin ce August. H e is tty in g not to w rite any mo re bo oks for th e moment, but we are told he is about to start a short biography ofVaughan Williams. SEBASTI AN SHAKESPEARE is Editor o f th e Eve11i11g Stm1dard Londoner's Diary and Literary Editor of Tat/er, and manages to combine both ro les . RI HARD G RAY is Pro fesso r o f Lit e r a tur e a t th e Uni ve rs i t y o f Sussex, and Edito r of th e ) o11mal of A meri ca 11 t11di es (Ca mbrid ge Uni vers ity Press). SUSAN C ROSLAND is just finishin g a no ve l abo ut trapeze artists. CL AU DIA P UG H- TH OMAS rs a trap eze arti st . Th e Literary R eview, itr co rporatitrg Q11arto, is pr<blished mo11thly frotll : 44 Lex itrgton Street, London W1R 3LH Tel: 0171 437 93 92 Fa x: 0171 73 4 / 844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subscriptiott e11quiries and cha11ges of address to: Litera ry Review S11bscriptions, FREEPOST 39 (WD 2983), 45-46 Pola11d Street, London W1E 5HU Tel: 01 71 73 4 3555 Fax: 0"171 287 4767. UK S11bscriptiott Rate £ 30, Europe £3 6, res t cif th e wo rld air I l l ail only £ 50 (U 84) USA Airspeed s11bscriptiotr price is £3 6 (US 60) for 12 iss11 es . Periodical pre-paid at Chatllplaitr N Y (US PS 00421 8) . A ll advertising enq11iries to: Louise Harrisot·t, Literary R eview, 44 Lex i11gtot1 Street, Lottdotr W1R 3LH Tel: 0171 437 9392 Pn'11ted by Sit11pson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Shem Road, RidltnoHd, S11rrey TW9 ·JUF Tel: 0181 940 7441 Fa x: 0181 948 8749 Distrib11ted to newsagerrts wo rld1 vide by USM Ltd, 86 Newman Street, London W1 P 3LD Tel: 0171 396 8000 Fa x : 0171 396 8002 WWW: http: / / Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, Lo11do1t E9 Tel: 0181 98 6 4854 email: litrev@dircon . co .uk LITERARY REVIEW April 1999

APRI L 1999







37 ALLAN MASS I£ Th e Light/10use St er1ensolls Be ll a Bathurst 38 MARY KEEN Ti re Orchid Thiif: A Tru e Story of Beauty and

Obsessio11 Susan Orlean 39 PATRI CK 0 ' ONNOR C/yndebour11 e: A11 Operatic Miracle

) oh11 j oll!ffe 40 DuN AN M c LAREN Farewell to an Idea : Episodes fro/11 a History of Modemism T JC lark 41 R o wAN PELLING R eal Sex Grub Smith

42 43


J OHN BIFFEN Nor Sha ll My Sword Simon Heffer C OLJN BAILLIEU More Adventures with Brita1111ia: Perso11alities, Politics a11d C ulture in Britain (Ed) W M Roger Louis ALEXANDER CHANCELLOR T o Co~tve y lntellige11ce : Th e Spectator 1928-1998 Simon Courtauld





50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56

57 58 59 60

WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE Ca esar: Th e Life Story of a Panda Leopard, and Hussei11: An Entertai 11111 ent Patri ck O 'Brian

T OM H ODGKI NSON Tir e Oxf ord Book of Work (Ed) Keith Thomas PATRICK M oOR£ Th e Cia11t Leap: Mankind H eads for the Stars Adrian Berry DAVID MI LNER Tir e Pearly Gates ofCyberspace: A History of Space jro 111 Da11te to th e In temet M argaret Wertheim

SEBASTIAN HAKESPEARE l 11k John Preston DJTAYLOR Underground Tobias Hill SuE GA ISFOR.D A Foreig 11 Country Francine Stock EDWINA CURH.IE Foreig n Brides Elena Lappin ALEX CLAR.K Fntit of tir e Le1110II And rea Levy SIMON LOUV ISH Unreal City Tony H anani a SUSAN CROSLAND A lm ost H eavet1 Matianne Wiggin s Fl ONA PlTT-KETHLEY Satan Wants Me Rob e rt lrwin PHI LIP 0AKES Blue Light Walter M osl ey




45 62

R OBIN BLAC KB URN is Edi to r o f Nerv Left Review and auth o r o f Th e Maki11g cif New Wo rld Sla very: Fro 111 Baroq11 e to th e Modem 14 92-1 800 and Th e 0 11e rth ro w of Co lo11i al Sl ave ry , 1776-1 8 4 8, b o th pub]jshed by Verso.

AL AST AI R N IVEN is H ea d o f Lite rature fo r th e British Council. He has twi ce been a Booker Jud ge.

ST EPH EN AMIDON has just fini shed hi s la te st nov e l , The New City , whi c h w ill b e published b y D o ubl ed ay in February , thou g h h e is infinite ly prouder of th e rece nt arri val of his twin dau ghters , Aurora and C eleste .

MARY KEEN, the ga rde n d esign e r responsibl e fo r Glyndeboum e , and professio nal consul tant o n large ga rd e ns, is th e a uth o r o f Crea ti11g a C ardw, publi sh ed b y Co nr a n O cto pus, who have also brought o ut her ea rli er work, Decorate yo11r Carde11, with enom10us success in paperbac k.

SI MON H EFFE R is th e a uth o r o f Po111er a11d Pl ace : Th e Polit ica l Co11seqllellces cif Ki1 1g Edward VII, Like a Roma11: Th e Life of Etwch Powe/1 and Nor Shall My Sword, all publish ed by W e id e nfe ld & Ni colso n sin ce August. H e is tty in g not to w rite any mo re bo oks for th e moment, but we are told he is about to start a short biography ofVaughan Williams.

SEBASTI AN SHAKESPEARE is Editor o f th e Eve11i11g Stm1dard Londoner's Diary and Literary Editor of Tat/er, and manages to combine both ro les .

RI HARD G RAY is Pro fesso r o f Lit e r a tur e a t th e Uni ve rs i t y o f Sussex, and Edito r of th e ) o11mal of A meri ca 11 t11di es (Ca mbrid ge Uni vers ity Press).

SUSAN C ROSLAND is just finishin g a no ve l abo ut trapeze artists.

CL AU DIA P UG H- TH OMAS rs a trap eze arti st .

Th e Literary R eview, itr co rporatitrg Q11arto, is pr

Fa x: 0171 73 4 / 844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subscriptiott e11quiries and cha11ges of address to:

Litera ry Review S11bscriptions, FREEPOST 39 (WD 2983), 45-46 Pola11d Street, London W1E 5HU Tel: 01 71 73 4 3555 Fax: 0"171 287 4767.

UK S11bscriptiott Rate £ 30, Europe £3 6, res t cif th e wo rld air I l l ail only £ 50 (U 84)

USA Airspeed s11bscriptiotr price is £3 6 (US 60) for 12 iss11 es . Periodical pre-paid at Chatllplaitr N Y (US PS 00421 8) . A ll advertising enq11iries to: Louise Harrisot·t, Literary R eview, 44 Lex i11gtot1 Street, Lottdotr W1R 3LH Tel: 0171 437 9392 Pn'11ted by Sit11pson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Shem Road, RidltnoHd, S11rrey TW9 ·JUF Tel: 0181 940 7441 Fa x: 0181 948 8749 Distrib11ted to newsagerrts wo rld1 vide by USM Ltd, 86 Newman Street, London W1 P 3LD Tel: 0171 396 8000 Fa x : 0171 396 8002

WWW: http: / /

Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, Lo11do1t E9 Tel: 0181 98 6 4854

email: litrev@dircon . co .uk


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