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CONTENTS MALCO LM BR ADI3URY, w h o is Emeritus Professo r of English and Ameri can Studies at East An g li a Uni vers it y, h as finish e d a n ew novel, but M ac mill an h as posponed its publi cation until May in deferen ce to New Year problems. It is call ed To Th e Her111itage, a nd i s ab o ut the phil osop her Diderot and modern attempts to fi nd his papers in Russ ia . jE AN AIT CHI SON is th e Rupert Murdo ch Professo r of Lan gu age a nd Co mmuni ca ti o n a t th e Univ e r s i ty of Oxford , and a professo rial fellow at Worces t e r College. She is th e author of a numbe r of books, including Th e Aniculate Manunal: An Introduaion ro Psycholing11isri cs (4th Editi o n, R o utl edge 1998), and Th e Seeds of Sp eec h: Lang 11 age Origin and Evo lnri on (C UP 1996). She gave th e 1996 BBC R ei th lectures on The Language Web: TI1e Power a11d Proble111 cif Words (CUP 1997). Ni ALL FERGUSON's Th e World 's Banker: A History cif N M Rorhschild wi ll be published in paperba ck by Penguin in th e new year. ANNA R EID's Borderland: A ) o11rney rhro11gh ril e H isrory of Ukrain e i s p u bli s h ed b y Weidenfeld & Nicolso n at £7.99 . She is currently working o n a b oo k o n th e indi geno us peoples of Sibe1i a. DAVI D P ROFUMO is hard at work on a study of l zaa k W alto n and th e id ea of Eng li s hn ess. Hi s coll ec ti o n of stuffed spec im ens is currentl y being moved to hi s new Scottish mansion. MARGOT N oR.MAN, after working for the Telegraph and as a co lumnist o n The Ti111 es, went off to H ong Ko n g to lea rn C hin ese. Back in Britain , she con t inu es t o wri t e about ed uca ti o n and is susp ec t ed by her fr ie nds of hav in g sec re tl y written a novel. FROM THE PULPIT BIOGRAPHY & MEMOIRS BRITAIN WOMEN HISTORY 1 AUBER ON W AU GH 4 LY NN BAR BE R Th e Sorcerer's Appren tic e: Pi casso, Pro ve nce al/d Doug las Cooper J ohn Ri c h ar dson 5 j EREMY LEWI S St eph en Sp eHd er: A L i fe in Mo dernism David Lemming 6 LIAM HUD SON A Life ofj ung Ronald H ay man 8 R ov P oRTER. A Life ofJam es Bo swe /1 P e ter Martin 9 SEA N DAY-L EW IS L aurie L ee: Tir e W ell-Lov ed Strarrge r Valeri e Gro ve 10 M ARGOT N OR MAN ja cq ues Tati: Hi s Life ar1d Art D av id B e l lo s 11 DAVID CHIPP A li stair Cooke: Th e Bi og raphy Ni ck C l a rk e 12 PHI LIP OAKES Mr Blu e: M emoirs of a R enega de Edward Bunk e r 14 DA VID MAR QUAND Th e Isles N o rman D a vi es 16 F ELIPE F ERNANDEZ -ARM ESTO Tir e Oxford Hi story of tir e Briti sh Ernp ire, Vol s Ill , I V ar1d V Edi to r- in- C hief Wm Roger Loui s 17 NIALL F ER.GUSON From Empire to Europe : Th e D eclir·re and R ev i!Ja/ of Briti sh Indu st ry si uce the S eco nd Wor ld Wa r Geoffr ey Owen 19 BE VIS HILLIER Th e Spirit of Britair1: A Narrative Hi story of th e Arts R oy Strong 22 KATIE HI CKMAN Fr eya Stark: Pa ss ionat e No mad J a n e Fl e t c h er Geniesse 23 LI NDA KELL Y T ir e Pilg rim Prin cess : A L1je of Prin cess Zinaida Volk on s ky Maria F a irweath e r 24 ANNE APPLEBA UM Till My Ta le is T old: Womelf 's M e111 oirs of th e Gu lag (Ed) by Sim eo n Vil e nsk y 25 N ORMAN STONE Tir e Mitrokhin Archi ve : Th e K GB in Europe and th e West C hri s topher Andr ew and V as i l i Mitrokhi;, Tir e Road to Terror: Stalin ar·td the S elfD es tru ct iolf of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939 J Ar c h Ge t t y and Ol eg V N a umov 27 BEN SHEPHARD Hum alfity: A Moral Hi sto ry of th e T wen ti eth Ce ntury J ona th an Glo ve r 29 MARK ALM OND Th e Balkans, 1804 -199 9: Nat iona li sm, War ar1d tire Great Powers Mi s h a Glen ny Th e Fra cture Zon e: A R eturn to tir e Balkan s Simo n Win c h es t er 30 J ULIAN CR IT C HL EY Crimea: Tir e Great Cri 111 ean War 1854-1856 Trevor Royle Ediror-in-Chief AUI3 ERON WAUGH Editor: NANCY SLA DEK Assistant Editor: LISA ALLARD ICE Cmera/ Assistant: THOMAS H ODGKINSON Business Manager: ISABEL BOOTHBY A dr1ertising Ma11ag er: LOUI SE H ARRISON Classified Sa les : THOMAS H ODGK INSON Subscriprions : BEN H OUSE P~1b/is h e r: N AIM ATTALLAH Foundi11g Ediror: DR A NNE SMITH Cover il/u srrario r1 by Chris Ridde/1 Iss ue no. 25819 LITERARY REVIEW Dec 1999/ J an 2000


MALCO LM BR ADI3URY, w h o is Emeritus Professo r of English and Ameri can Studies at East An g li a Uni vers it y, h as finish e d a n ew novel, but M ac mill an h as posponed its publi cation until May in deferen ce to New Year problems. It is call ed To Th e Her111itage, a nd i s ab o ut the phil osop her Diderot and modern attempts to fi nd his papers in Russ ia .

jE AN AIT CHI SON is th e Rupert Murdo ch Professo r of Lan gu age a nd Co mmuni ca ti o n a t th e Univ e r s i ty of Oxford , and a professo rial fellow at Worces t e r College. She is th e author of a numbe r of books, including Th e Aniculate Manunal: An Introduaion ro Psycholing11isri cs (4th Editi o n, R o utl edge 1998), and Th e Seeds of Sp eec h: Lang 11 age Origin and Evo lnri on (C UP 1996). She gave th e 1996 BBC R ei th lectures on The Language Web: TI1e Power a11d Proble111 cif Words (CUP 1997).

Ni ALL FERGUSON's Th e World 's Banker: A History cif N M Rorhschild wi ll be published in paperba ck by Penguin in th e new year.

ANNA R EID's Borderland: A ) o11rney rhro11gh ril e H isrory of Ukrain e i s p u bli s h ed b y Weidenfeld & Nicolso n at £7.99 . She is currently working o n a b oo k o n th e indi geno us peoples of Sibe1i a.

DAVI D P ROFUMO is hard at work on a study of l zaa k W alto n and th e id ea of Eng li s hn ess. Hi s coll ec ti o n of stuffed spec im ens is currentl y being moved to hi s new Scottish mansion.

MARGOT N oR.MAN, after working for the Telegraph and as a co lumnist o n The Ti111 es, went off to H ong Ko n g to lea rn C hin ese. Back in Britain , she con t inu es t o wri t e about ed uca ti o n and is susp ec t ed by her fr ie nds of hav in g sec re tl y written a novel.







4 LY NN BAR BE R Th e Sorcerer's Appren tic e: Pi casso,

Pro ve nce al/d Doug las Cooper J ohn Ri c h ar dson

5 j EREMY LEWI S St eph en Sp eHd er: A L i fe in Mo dernism

David Lemming 6 LIAM HUD SON A Life ofj ung Ronald H ay man 8 R ov P oRTER. A Life ofJam es Bo swe /1 P e ter Martin 9 SEA N DAY-L EW IS L aurie L ee: Tir e W ell-Lov ed Strarrge r

Valeri e Gro ve 10 M ARGOT N OR MAN ja cq ues Tati: Hi s Life ar1d Art

D av id B e l lo s 11 DAVID CHIPP A li stair Cooke: Th e Bi og raphy Ni ck C l a rk e 12 PHI LIP OAKES Mr Blu e: M emoirs of a R enega de

Edward Bunk e r

14 DA VID MAR QUAND Th e Isles N o rman D a vi es 16 F ELIPE F ERNANDEZ -ARM ESTO Tir e Oxford Hi story of tir e

Briti sh Ernp ire, Vol s Ill , I V ar1d V Edi to r- in- C hief Wm Roger Loui s 17 NIALL F ER.GUSON From Empire to Europe : Th e D eclir·re and R ev i!Ja/ of Briti sh Indu st ry si uce the S eco nd Wor ld Wa r Geoffr ey Owen 19 BE VIS HILLIER Th e Spirit of Britair1: A Narrative Hi story of th e Arts R oy Strong

22 KATIE HI CKMAN Fr eya Stark: Pa ss ionat e No mad

J a n e Fl e t c h er Geniesse 23 LI NDA KELL Y T ir e Pilg rim Prin cess : A L1je of Prin cess

Zinaida Volk on s ky Maria F a irweath e r 24 ANNE APPLEBA UM Till My Ta le is T old: Womelf 's

M e111 oirs of th e Gu lag (Ed) by Sim eo n Vil e nsk y

25 N ORMAN STONE Tir e Mitrokhin Archi ve : Th e K GB in

Europe and th e West C hri s topher Andr ew and V as i l i Mitrokhi;, Tir e Road to Terror: Stalin ar·td the S elfD es tru ct iolf of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939 J Ar c h Ge t t y and Ol eg V N a umov 27 BEN SHEPHARD Hum alfity: A Moral Hi sto ry of th e

T wen ti eth Ce ntury J ona th an Glo ve r 29 MARK ALM OND Th e Balkans, 1804 -199 9: Nat iona li sm,

War ar1d tire Great Powers Mi s h a Glen ny Th e Fra cture Zon e: A R eturn to tir e Balkan s Simo n Win c h es t er 30 J ULIAN CR IT C HL EY Crimea: Tir e Great Cri 111 ean War

1854-1856 Trevor Royle

Ediror-in-Chief AUI3 ERON WAUGH

Editor: NANCY SLA DEK Assistant Editor: LISA ALLARD ICE Cmera/ Assistant: THOMAS H ODGKINSON Business Manager: ISABEL BOOTHBY A dr1ertising Ma11ag er: LOUI SE H ARRISON Classified Sa les : THOMAS H ODGK INSON

Subscriprions : BEN H OUSE P~1b/is h e r: N AIM ATTALLAH Foundi11g Ediror: DR A NNE SMITH Cover il/u srrario r1 by Chris Ridde/1

Iss ue no. 25819

LITERARY REVIEW Dec 1999/ J an 2000

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