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CONTENTS j AN MOIUUS is working on a book about h er ex p e ri e n ces of Trieste, which promises to be fascinating. Meanwhile, she has written 0 11r Firsr Leader: A Welsh Fable, to be published by Gomer in Wales later this year under the name of Jan Morys. The book describes a Genmn occupation of Wales, lea din g to an unwelcome fom1 of independence. It will appear in Welsh and English, the Welsh translat ion being suppli ed by her son. Twm Morys. f i~NK LONGFORD's extens ive publi shed work includ es bio graphi es of J es us C hrist, St Francis of Assisi and President Nixon. H e was C hancell or of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1947, has held Cabin et posts under many Labour prime ministers, and is an acknowledged expert on prisons. At 94, he is pub lishin g in M ay a diary of his prison visits. It features many notorious cri minals, as we ll as some unknown ones. C HR ISTOP HE R PATTEN was C hancell or of the Duchy of Lancaster from 1990-92 before becoming Commander-in-C hi ef in H o n g Kong. He is now Commissioner for External Affairs on the European Commission in Brussels. G ILLIAN DARLEY is the author of th e rece ntl y pub li shed jol111 Soa ne: An Accidenlal Ro111anric (Ya le), short!i sted for the J ames Tait Black Memoria l Prize, and biographer of Octav ia Hill (Co nsta bl e 1990). Sh e is curren tl y C hairman of th e Sociery for the Protec tio n of Anc ien t Buildings (fo und ed in 1877 by William Morris on R.uskin's principles). On 17 April she is giving a lecture on Ruskin in the Tate Ga ll ery series w hi ch accompanies the exhibition 'Ruskin, Turner an d the Pre-Raphaelites' (fro m 9 March to 28 May). TOM HOLLAND's The Sleeper in rhe SaJ~ds is published by Abacus. FROM THE PULPIT PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE 1 AUBERON WAUCH 4 RAYM OND SEITZ Day of D ece it: Th e Truth about FDR and Pea rl Harbor Robert St inn e t t 5 MARK M AZOWER Th e H oloca nst in Co l/ ecti11e Me111ory Pe t er N ovick 6 CHR I TOPHER PATTEN Making Foreig n Poli cy J o hn Co tes 8 MARK ALMOND Virtu al War: Koso11o a11d Beyon d Mich ae l Ignat i eff, Ko sovo: War and R evwge Tim Jud ah 10 J OHN SWEENEY Sadda111 Hu sse iw The Politics of R eveuge Sa id K Aburish 11 GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT The Neu; Ceu tu ry: In Co in;e rsa tion with Antonio Po lit o Eric Hobsbawm WOMEN BIOGRAPHY 13 )AN M OR.R IS j oan of Arc Mary Gordon,joan of Arc: A Military L ea der Kelly Devries 14 MI CHELE RoBER.TS Ta111 ara de L e111pi cka: A Life of Deco and Deca denc e Laura C lar id ge 16 FRANK LONGFORD Bronwen Astor: H er Life and Ti 111 es Pe t e r Sta nford 17 G ILLIAN DARLEY j olur Ru ski w The Lat er Years Tim Hilton , J ohn Ru sk in: No Wea lth But Life John Batc h e lo r , Ru skin's Ven ice: Tl1 e Stones R e11 isit ed Sara h Quill 19 SEAN DAY-LEWIS Fool of tl1 e Farnily: A Life ofJ M Sy nge W J M cCo rmack 20 A NDREW BI SWELL The Third Wo111a11: The Secret Pa ss ion that In sp ired 'Th e End of th e Affair' Willi am Cash, Crewe 011 Capri : A Mw10ir Shir ley Ha zzard 22 ANT HONY STORR. Vaughan WilliaiiiS Simon Heffer 23 FRANK M CLYNN Sergio L eo ne: So 111 ething To Do W ith D ea th C hri stopher Fr ay l in g FOREIGN PARTS 24 J UL IAN BARNES Life in th e Frwch Co unt ry Hou se: A Social a11d Political Hi story M a rk G ir ouard 26 TOM H OLLAND In tl1 e Pl~araoh 's S lwdou; Anthony Sattin 27 GAV IN ESLER. Ri11er-Horse Willi am Leas t Heat-Moon BELLES LETTRES 28 PATR.ICK O'CoNNOR. Marcel Pro11 st: Selected L et'ters Vo l(llll e Four, 1918-1922 (E d ) Philip Kolbe 30 GEORCE WALDEN Naboko11's Butt erflies: Unpublished aud U11 correcte d Writings (Edd) Brian Boyd and Rob e rt Mi c h ae l Pyle 31 J EREMY LEWIS More Matter: Essays a11d C riticism John Updik e 32 K AT HRY N HuCHES Th e Oxford Co 111-p ani on to Fairy Ta les (E d ) Ja c k Z ip es Editor-in-Chief- AUBER.ON WAUCH Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Assistm-tl Editor: LISA ALLAR.DICE General Assistallf: THOMAS HODGKINSON Busil'ress Manager: I SA BEL BOOTHBY Advertisi11g Ma11ager: LOU ISE HARRISON Classified Sales: THOMAS HODGKINSON Subscriptions: BEN HOUSE Publisher: NAIM ATTALLAH FoJAndi11,~ Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Co11er Illu stration by Chris Ridde/1 Issue no. 261 LITERARY REVIEW MARCH 2000


j AN MOIUUS is working on a book about h er ex p e ri e n ces of Trieste, which promises to be fascinating. Meanwhile, she has written 0 11r Firsr Leader: A Welsh Fable, to be published by Gomer in Wales later this year under the name of Jan Morys. The book describes a Genmn occupation of Wales, lea din g to an unwelcome fom1 of independence. It will appear in Welsh and English, the Welsh translat ion being suppli ed by her son. Twm Morys.

f i~NK LONGFORD's extens ive publi shed work includ es bio graphi es of J es us C hrist, St Francis of Assisi and President Nixon. H e was C hancell or of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1947, has held Cabin et posts under many Labour prime ministers, and is an acknowledged expert on prisons. At 94, he is pub lishin g in M ay a diary of his prison visits. It features many notorious cri minals, as we ll as some unknown ones.

C HR ISTOP HE R PATTEN was C hancell or of the Duchy of Lancaster from 1990-92 before becoming Commander-in-C hi ef in H o n g Kong. He is now Commissioner for External Affairs on the European Commission in Brussels.

G ILLIAN DARLEY is the author of th e rece ntl y pub li shed jol111 Soa ne: An Accidenlal Ro111anric (Ya le), short!i sted for the J ames Tait Black Memoria l Prize, and biographer of Octav ia Hill (Co nsta bl e 1990). Sh e is curren tl y C hairman of th e Sociery for the Protec tio n of Anc ien t Buildings (fo und ed in 1877 by William Morris on R.uskin's principles). On 17 April she is giving a lecture on Ruskin in the Tate Ga ll ery series w hi ch accompanies the exhibition 'Ruskin, Turner an d the Pre-Raphaelites' (fro m 9 March to 28 May).

TOM HOLLAND's The Sleeper in rhe SaJ~ds is published by Abacus.




4 RAYM OND SEITZ Day of D ece it: Th e Truth about FDR

and Pea rl Harbor Robert St inn e t t

5 MARK M AZOWER Th e H oloca nst in Co l/ ecti11e Me111ory

Pe t er N ovick 6 CHR I TOPHER PATTEN Making Foreig n Poli cy J o hn Co tes 8 MARK ALMOND Virtu al War: Koso11o a11d Beyon d

Mich ae l Ignat i eff, Ko sovo: War and R evwge Tim Jud ah 10 J OHN SWEENEY Sadda111 Hu sse iw The Politics of R eveuge

Sa id K Aburish 11 GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT The Neu; Ceu tu ry: In

Co in;e rsa tion with Antonio Po lit o Eric Hobsbawm



13 )AN M OR.R IS j oan of Arc Mary Gordon,joan of Arc:

A Military L ea der Kelly Devries 14 MI CHELE RoBER.TS Ta111 ara de L e111pi cka: A Life of Deco and Deca denc e Laura C lar id ge 16 FRANK LONGFORD Bronwen Astor: H er Life and Ti 111 es

Pe t e r Sta nford

17 G ILLIAN DARLEY j olur Ru ski w The Lat er Years Tim

Hilton , J ohn Ru sk in: No Wea lth But Life John Batc h e lo r , Ru skin's Ven ice: Tl1 e Stones R e11 isit ed Sara h Quill

19 SEAN DAY-LEWIS Fool of tl1 e Farnily: A Life ofJ M Sy nge

W J M cCo rmack 20 A NDREW BI SWELL The Third Wo111a11: The Secret Pa ss ion that In sp ired 'Th e End of th e Affair' Willi am Cash, Crewe 011 Capri : A Mw10ir Shir ley Ha zzard 22 ANT HONY STORR. Vaughan WilliaiiiS Simon Heffer 23 FRANK M CLYNN Sergio L eo ne: So 111 ething To Do W ith

D ea th C hri stopher Fr ay l in g


24 J UL IAN BARNES Life in th e Frwch Co unt ry Hou se: A

Social a11d Political Hi story M a rk G ir ouard 26 TOM H OLLAND In tl1 e Pl~araoh 's S lwdou; Anthony Sattin 27 GAV IN ESLER. Ri11er-Horse Willi am Leas t Heat-Moon


28 PATR.ICK O'CoNNOR. Marcel Pro11 st: Selected L et'ters

Vo l(llll e Four, 1918-1922 (E d ) Philip Kolbe 30 GEORCE WALDEN Naboko11's Butt erflies: Unpublished aud

U11 correcte d Writings (Edd) Brian Boyd and Rob e rt Mi c h ae l Pyle 31 J EREMY LEWIS More Matter: Essays a11d C riticism John Updik e 32 K AT HRY N HuCHES Th e Oxford Co 111-p ani on to Fairy Ta les

(E d ) Ja c k Z ip es

Editor-in-Chief- AUBER.ON WAUCH

Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Assistm-tl Editor: LISA ALLAR.DICE General Assistallf: THOMAS HODGKINSON

Busil'ress Manager: I SA BEL BOOTHBY Advertisi11g Ma11ager: LOU ISE HARRISON Classified Sales: THOMAS HODGKINSON

Subscriptions: BEN HOUSE Publisher: NAIM ATTALLAH FoJAndi11,~ Editor: DR ANNE SMITH

Co11er Illu stration by Chris Ridde/1

Issue no. 261


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