JUNE 2000
33 SuSAN CROSLAND Mak ers of Th e America11 C entury
M ar t in Walker 34 FARRUKH DH O NDY Th e Atlantic Sou11d C a ry l Phillips 35 SEBA ST IAN SHAK ESPEARE W h ere th e Earth Ends : A
J ourn ey Beyond Patag onia J o h n Harrison
RI C HARD DOWDEN M e A g ain s t My Broth er: At War in Soma li a, S udan and Rwanda Scott Peterson M ARK ALMOND Tnt sted Mol e: A Soldi er's J ourn ey into Bosnia 's H eart of Darkn ess Mil os S t ankovic, 011 e Woman 's War: L i fe an d D eat h on D ead lin e Eve-An n Prentice J U ST I N WINTLE Amo11g lriSiug ent s : Wa lking Throt1g h Burma S h e lb y Tucker
W ILLI AM SH AWCROss's last b o ok, Delil>er Us Fro111 E1>il, about the wa rs and peace kee pin g e ffo rts o f t he 1990s, is sh o rtli st c d fo r th e Samu e l J o hn son Pri ze . His next boo k retnains a mystery. Meanwhil e, he and his w ife, Olga, have taken over th e Tref.1 nton Ho tel , in St Mawes, which is rapidly becoming th e prid e of th e West C ountry.
R.OOERT HAR RIS's Euig111a, a stud y o f code- brea kin g pra cti ces in wanime, is bei ng made into a film , with a sc ript by T o m Sto ppard , enabling th e auth o r t o liv e in tol e r a b l e c omfo rt as h e po nd ers his next subj ect.
41 42
42 43
THOMAS H O D G K IN SO N I 'm a Man: S ex , Cod s and Rock 'n ' Roll Ruth Padel ANTHONY STORR Mad M en and M edu sas Juli et Mit c h e l l S IM O N NI XO N Falling Eag le: Th e D ecli11 e of Barclays M a rtin Vander We y e r FI~ N CES W o o D Th e Arts cif Chi11a 900-1 620 William Watson EMMA TENNANT Flora Dom es ti ca: A Hi s tory of Flou1er Arrang ing 1500-'1930 M a r y R ose Blacker
45 47
W I LLI AM SHAW C R O SS Go ing to th e Wars M ax H as t in gs LOUI S E H ARR ISO N Cha sing Shadows Hu g o Gryn n w i th N aom i Gryn n J ES S IC A M ANN Th e Shark N et Robert Dre we
49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
j AN E GARDAM Diamond Dus t Anita Des a i PAMELA N O RRI S Th e Biog raph er's Tal e AS Byatt ANDREW BISWELL Ben , in the World Dor i s Lessing LIN DA GRANT In A merica Susan Sontag CRESSIDA CONNOLLY A N ew World Amit C h a udhuri FRAN C I S KI NG Eng li sh Passe nge rs M a t th ew Kneale DJ TAYLOR fl 1heritance Livi Mi c h ae l SEBAST IAN SHAKESPEARE U 11 kn ow11 Pl easures J as on Cowley S O PHIA WATS O N Ch arlott e D M Thomas CHRI ST O PHER HART O N SH O RT STO RI ES SU SAN CROS LAND PHILIP 0AKES
27 64
B ELINDA J AC K's Geo rge S aud : A Wo111a11 's Life Writ La ~ge is published by C hatto & Windus.
H UMI'HREY CARP ENTER is thought to b e w ritin g a b oo k about th e An g ry Yo un g Men.
SuSA OtOSLAND, who spent her childhood in Baltimo re, Maryland , has published three best-sellin g novels sin ce the death o f her husband , Anthony C rosland, as well as her classic biography of th e great Labo ur st atesman. There are mmours that she may be finishin g another novel.
MARK MAZOWER has j ust finish ed a short book on th e Balkans, to be published by W eidenfeld & Nicolson in August.
R.I CHARD Gorr's /u the Sh adow ~{ th e Lib era t or: 1-lugo C ha vez aud th e Tra u ~{o rttlatiou of Vw ez 11 ela wi ll b e publi shed by Verso later this month.
ANNA R EID is w riting a book o n th e indi ge n o u s peo pl es of Sib e ri a fo r Weidenfe ld & Nicolson . She is currently with the shamanist BuryaiS o f Lake Baikal.
ANDREW LYCETT's acclaim ed Kipfi11g is pub lish ed next mo nth in paperbac k (Phoe ni x £8.99).
R ICHAR D O OWD EN w o rk s for Th e Erm10mist.
W ILLI AM PACKE R is art criti c for th e Fiwmrial Tim es.
J OHN GR IU BIN is a Vi sitin g Fell ow in Astronomy at the Uni ver.;ity o f Sussex.
Th e Literary Review, i1·zcorpora tiug Quarto, is publislt ed llt onthly from: 44 Lex ington Street, London W1R 3LH Tel: 020 743 7 9392
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