l l lST ORY
39 40
j ONATHAN KEATES Tri es te and th e M ea ning of Nowhere J an M orris j EREMY L EW IS A H ou se in Corfrr Emma Tenn a nt RI C HARD G OTT Crrba: Th e Pursuit of Freedont H u g h Thoma s CHRISTOPHER. 0NDAATJE Blu e N il e: Et/riopia's Riv er of Magic and My stery Virginia M ore ll
J O HN ADAM SON Tire Mar /boroughs: John and Sa rail Churcirill, 1650-1 7 44 Christopher Hibb e rt AL AN PALM ER apoleon Bonaparte : Eng land's Pri soner Fr a nk G il es Th e Man wiro Brok e Napoleon's Codes: Th e Story of Ceorge S cove /1 M a rk Urban P ETE R J ONES Th e Extraordinary Voyage of Pytir eas rh e Creek: Tir e Man Who Discove red Britain Barry Cunl iffe
48 49
G EORD IE GR.EIG Sea Room: Life on One Man's Scottish Islands Adam N i co lso n A C GRAYLI NG Th e Work of Nfo1 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 56 SEB AST IAN SHAKESPEA IU TALKS TOW G S EBALD J OHN MURRAY Austerlitz W G Seba l d MARTYN BEDFORD Atonernent ] a n M cEwan PATR IC IA DUN CKER. Tir e Srone Carvers J a ne Urquh a rt FR ANC IS K ING if th e I nvad er Comes Dere k B eave n WENDY H OL DE N Th e Bulgar i Corrnection Fay W e l don CHAR.LIE CAMPBELL A/ice in Ex il e Piers Pa ul Re a d TIM H EA LD l r-nage in th e Wat er Dougl as Hurd RA C HEL H o ru Oue- H it Wond er Li sa Jewe ll 57 58 59 60 S USAN CROSLAND PHILIP 0AK ES S IOB HAN D owD 61 28 RI CHARD OVER Y i s Professo r of M o d e rn Histo ry at Kin g's College Lo ndon. His Interroga ti ons: 17t e Naz i Elite in Allied Han ds, 1945 was publish ed last month by Ali en Lan e. AL AN P ALMER is the a uth o r of Napoleo n in R11ssia and , most rece ntl y , Napo leon and Marie L o11 ise (Cons table).
PETER WASHINGTON is the General Editor o f E very man 's Library.
J OHN ADAMSON i s a Fellow of Pe te rh o use, Ca mbrid ge.
GEORD IE G rtE IG, formerly Literary Editor of Th e S11nday Times, is Editor of Tat/er. Lik e the aut hor of th e boo k h e is reviewing, h e too owns a sli ce of Sco tl and.
SIMON H EFFER is conti nuin g th e srm ggle to find another book to wtite.
D ONALD CAMERON W ATT i s Professo r Em e ritu s o f Inte rnati ona l Hi sto ry a t the Londo n Sc h oo l of Economics a nd a F e ll ow of th e Briti s h A cademy. H e wo n the Wolfson Pri ze for hi s book on th e o ri g in s of th e Second W o rld War, How vVar Came, whi ch h as recently been published in pap e rba c k b y Pimli co. H e still lik es cats.
KATIE H ICKMAN, auth o r of Dat(~hters cif Britmmia, is curren tl y worki ng on her new book, Co11rtesa l/s.
j ONATHAN M IRSKY h e roi ca l ly rev iews any book offe re d to him by Literary Review.
CLAUDIA fi TZ H ERJ3E 1. T I S st ill thinking about the suffra ge t tes .
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LITERARY REVIEW O ctob e r 2001