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FEBRUAR Y 2002 MUSIC & ART INTERV1EW ECCENTRICS GENERAL RESURRECTION FICTION CRIME AUDIOBOOK LETTERS SILENCED VO ICES POETRY COMPETITION LRBOOKSHOP LR SUBSCRIPI10N FORM 33 34 35 AL EXANDER WAU GH Th e Se lec ted L e fler s of Wi l/i am Wa lt o11 (E d ) M alco lm H ayes P ATR IC K O 'CONNOR Sollle u;h erefor Me: A Biograp hy of Ri chard Rodge rs M ery l e S ec re s t CHRISTOPHER 0NDAATJE Paul Caugui11: A11 Erotic L ife N a n cy M ow ll M a th ews 36 K AT HR YN H UG HES MEETS DIAN A A TH ILL 38 40 41 P ETE R WA SHI NGTON A Peli ca n in the Wilderness: H ennit s, Solitaries and R ecl uses l sabe l Co l ega t e J O H N CLAY Madn ess : A Bri ef H istory Ro y Porter CHARLES G IBSON Eccentri cs J ohn j olliffe 42 43 44 45 45 46 T OBY Y OUNG Being a Mall ... in t/1 e Lousy Modem World R.obert Twigger DA VID P ROFUMO Sa lt : A World H istory M a rk Kurl a n sky j ANE R YE Front Cover : Great Bo ok J ac k et a11d Cover D es ig 11 Al a n Powers C HARLIE CAMPBELL Lost City of th e Incas Hira m Bingham D UNCAN MI NSHULL A Cook's Tour Anth ony Bourdain MI C HAEL SYM ES ON GARDEN ING 48 ADAM L EB O R Emb ers S a nd er M a rai 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 J O HN D UGDA LE Th e Correct io11 s Jon a th a n Fr a nz e n R.I C HARD Z IML ER F l1g ht s of L ove B er nh a r d S c hlink A NDREW BARROW H eave 11 Forbid C hri s toph e r Hop e FRA NC IS KI NG Th e S ecret History of Modem ism C K Ste a d LucY LETHBRIDGE Cirlfrolll th e South Joanna Trollope EMMA P ARKER B OWLES T/1 e Nw; Y o1 1 Survival Kit Dai sy W a ugh CHRISTOPHE R BrtAY Spie s Mi c h ae l Fra y n M ARTYN B ED FO RD That Th e y May Fa ce th e Rising S u11 J ohn M c Gah e rn J ANE CHARTER IS Fam e Fatal e W e ndy H o ld e n S C ARLETT T HOMAS ON FIRST NOVE LS 58 59 60 61 62 11 64 PHI LIP 0AK ES SUSAN CROSLAND S IOB HA N D OWD ALI STA IIl H ORNE's Th e Pri re of G lory, Ve rdllll I 9 I 6 won th e H aw th o rnd c n Pri ze in 1963, and h as recen tl y bee n re iss u ed b y Pe ng uin (£9. 99). His Seven Ages of Paris is t o b e publi s h e d b y Ma c mill a n thi s autumn . PAMELA N ORRIS is writing a hi story of romantic love. FR ANK M C LYNN's man y book s include "/ 066, ava ilabl e in pape rback from Pimli co. Hi s n ew bo o k, WagoiiS West, wi ll be publish ed b y J o nath an Cape in Jun e. AL EXANDER W AUG H's God w ill be r evea le d at t h e e nd of th e m o nth (R ev iew). EMMA PAitKER BOWLES is M oto rin g Co rresp o nd e nt fo r Ta1 /er. She lik es pl ay ing Mon o po ly . RICHAR D GOTT is w ritin g a book abou t Imperial rebe lli o ns. T OBY YOUNG's HoiV to Lose Frimds a11d Alietwte People, an acco unt of th e fiv e yea rs h e sp e n t in N ew York, was rece ntl y p ublished by Abac us. PETER W AS HI NGTON is th e General Editor of th e Eve ryman Libra ry. AIDA N HAllTLEY was born in Ken ya and has covered East Mrica as a journalist and politi cal analys t sin ce 1988. His new book , now provi sio nall y ca ll e d Dead by To morrow, w ill b e publi s h e d l ate r thi s yea r b y H arp erColl ins. H e li ves w ith hi s wife in Laikipia in a papyru s-roo fed hut, w hi c h is pl agued by snakes a nd sco rpions but has magnifi ce nt views ove r th e north . Thei r fifteen-month-old da ug hte r has just learnt to say 'li o n '. RI CHAitiJ Z IMLER's novel s includ e The Lost Kabbalis t of Lisbou (Arcad ia). Th e Literary R eview, i11 corpo rating Quarto, is published uwlllhl y.frolll: 44 Lexiug1011 Street, Lo11d011 W1F OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392 Fax: 020 773 4 t 844 ISSN 0 144 4360 All subsmptiou enquiries aud chauges of address to: Literary Review Subscriptious, FREEPOST LON 17 199 Loudou SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756. UK Subscriptio11 Rate £3 0, E1mpe £36, res t of th e world air 111ail 011ly £50 (US 84) USA Airspeed subscriptio11 price is £3 6 (US$ 60) for per aJI JJUUJ. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlai11 NY (US PS 004218). All advertising enquiries to: Robert Posner, Literary RevieJI', 44 Lexington Street, Londo11 W1F OLW Tel: 020 743 7 9392 Printed by Si111pson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sheen Road, Rich111 ond, Surrey TW9 1UF T el: 020 8940 7441 Fa x: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to newsage11ts worldwide by COMA C Specia lis1, Tm;istock Works, Ta vistock Rd, West Drayt011 , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800 Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis R oad, Loudon E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854 email: LITERARY REVIEW February 2002












AL EXANDER WAU GH Th e Se lec ted L e fler s of Wi l/i am Wa lt o11 (E d ) M alco lm H ayes P ATR IC K O 'CONNOR Sollle u;h erefor Me: A Biograp hy of Ri chard Rodge rs M ery l e S ec re s t CHRISTOPHER 0NDAATJE Paul Caugui11: A11 Erotic L ife N a n cy M ow ll M a th ews




40 41

P ETE R WA SHI NGTON A Peli ca n in the Wilderness: H ennit s, Solitaries and R ecl uses l sabe l Co l ega t e J O H N CLAY Madn ess : A Bri ef H istory Ro y Porter CHARLES G IBSON Eccentri cs J ohn j olliffe


43 44

45 45 46

T OBY Y OUNG Being a Mall ... in t/1 e Lousy Modem World R.obert Twigger DA VID P ROFUMO Sa lt : A World H istory M a rk Kurl a n sky j ANE R YE Front Cover : Great Bo ok J ac k et a11d Cover D es ig 11 Al a n Powers C HARLIE CAMPBELL Lost City of th e Incas Hira m Bingham D UNCAN MI NSHULL A Cook's Tour Anth ony Bourdain MI C HAEL SYM ES ON GARDEN ING


ADAM L EB O R Emb ers S a nd er M a rai

49 50 51 52 53 54

54 55

56 57

J O HN D UGDA LE Th e Correct io11 s Jon a th a n Fr a nz e n R.I C HARD Z IML ER F l1g ht s of L ove B er nh a r d S c hlink A NDREW BARROW H eave 11 Forbid C hri s toph e r Hop e FRA NC IS KI NG Th e S ecret History of Modem ism C K Ste a d LucY LETHBRIDGE Cirlfrolll th e South Joanna Trollope EMMA P ARKER B OWLES T/1 e Nw; Y o1 1 Survival Kit Dai sy W a ugh CHRISTOPHE R BrtAY Spie s Mi c h ae l Fra y n M ARTYN B ED FO RD That Th e y May Fa ce th e Rising S u11 J ohn M c Gah e rn J ANE CHARTER IS Fam e Fatal e W e ndy H o ld e n S C ARLETT T HOMAS ON FIRST NOVE LS

58 59 60 61 62 11 64



ALI STA IIl H ORNE's Th e Pri re of G lory, Ve rdllll I 9 I 6 won th e H aw th o rnd c n Pri ze in 1963, and h as recen tl y bee n re iss u ed b y Pe ng uin (£9. 99). His Seven Ages of Paris is t o b e publi s h e d b y Ma c mill a n thi s autumn .

PAMELA N ORRIS is writing a hi story of romantic love.

FR ANK M C LYNN's man y book s include "/ 066, ava ilabl e in pape rback from Pimli co. Hi s n ew bo o k, WagoiiS West, wi ll be publish ed b y J o nath an Cape in Jun e.

AL EXANDER W AUG H's God w ill be r evea le d at t h e e nd of th e m o nth (R ev iew).

EMMA PAitKER BOWLES is M oto rin g Co rresp o nd e nt fo r Ta1 /er. She lik es pl ay ing Mon o po ly .

RICHAR D GOTT is w ritin g a book abou t Imperial rebe lli o ns.

T OBY YOUNG's HoiV to Lose Frimds a11d Alietwte People, an acco unt of th e fiv e yea rs h e sp e n t in N ew York, was rece ntl y p ublished by Abac us.

PETER W AS HI NGTON is th e General Editor of th e Eve ryman Libra ry.

AIDA N HAllTLEY was born in Ken ya and has covered East Mrica as a journalist and politi cal analys t sin ce 1988. His new book , now provi sio nall y ca ll e d Dead by To morrow, w ill b e publi s h e d l ate r thi s yea r b y H arp erColl ins. H e li ves w ith hi s wife in Laikipia in a papyru s-roo fed hut, w hi c h is pl agued by snakes a nd sco rpions but has magnifi ce nt views ove r th e north . Thei r fifteen-month-old da ug hte r has just learnt to say 'li o n '.

RI CHAitiJ Z IMLER's novel s includ e The Lost Kabbalis t of Lisbou (Arcad ia).

Th e Literary R eview, i11 corpo rating Quarto, is published uwlllhl y.frolll: 44 Lexiug1011 Street, Lo11d011 W1F OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392

Fax: 020 773 4 t 844 ISSN 0 144 4360 All subsmptiou enquiries aud chauges of address to:

Literary Review Subscriptious, FREEPOST LON 17 199 Loudou SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756.

UK Subscriptio11 Rate £3 0, E1mpe £36, res t of th e world air 111ail 011ly £50 (US 84)

USA Airspeed subscriptio11 price is £3 6 (US$ 60) for per aJI JJUUJ. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlai11 NY (US PS 004218). All advertising enquiries to: Robert Posner, Literary RevieJI', 44 Lexington Street, Londo11 W1F OLW Tel: 020 743 7 9392 Printed by Si111pson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sheen Road, Rich111 ond, Surrey TW9 1UF T el: 020 8940 7441 Fa x: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to newsage11ts worldwide by COMA C Specia lis1, Tm;istock Works, Ta vistock Rd, West Drayt011 , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800

Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis R oad, Loudon E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854



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