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CONTENTS THIS MONTH'S PULP IT is written by Fe l ip e Fe rnandez-A r mesto , Professo rial Fe ll ow of Queen Mary, Lo ndon. Hi s book s i n clude C ivili za rion s a nd , mo st r ece ntl y, Fo od: A H isto ry. He is writing a history of the co ncept of humankind. 0 0NALD R AYF IELD is th e auth o r of A nron C hek hov: A Life (H arperCo ll in s). H e is wo rkin g o n a book called Stali11 a11d the Hangme11. GIL ES M ACDONOG H h as w ritt e n h.isrori es of Pru ss ia and Berhn as well as biographies of Frederi ck the G reat and Kaise r William 11. RACHEL H OLMES's Scanry Parriw/ars: The L ife of Dr Jam es Barry h as just been pubhshed by Viking. C HR. IS RIDDELL, whose beautiful drawings g ra ce our covers, has just wo n th e pr es ti g iou s C l LIP Kat e Greenaway M edal for his illustration of The Pirate Diary by Richard Platt . Since 1995, he has bee n a pohri cal cartoonist for th e Observer, w here he has outlasted four edito rs. B EV IS H ILLI ER., fo rm e rl y Editor of The Co mw iss wr, is the au th o r of twenty- fi ve books on the a rt s. His authorised biography of John B e tj e man w ill be publi sh ed in the au tumn by J o hn Murra y. 0 0NALD CAMER.ON WATT is Emeritus P rofesso r of Inte rn atio nal Hisrory at th e London c h oo l of Economics and a fellow of th e British Academ y. V ANESSA COLLING IUDGE is the author of Captain Cook : Obsession and Berrayal i11 rhe New World (Ebury Press) . ALAN WOLFE teaches politi cal sc ien ce at Boston College and is th e author of Moral Freedom CV/ W Norton). PULPIT BIOGRAPHY INTERVIEW CONFLICT IDST ORY BELLES LETTRES FILM 1 fELIPE fERNANDEZ-ARME ST O 4 D ON ALD RAYFIELD D osto evs ky: Th e Mantl e of th e Proph et 1871 - 1881 Joseph Frank 6 ALAN W O LFE Ma s ter of the S enate: Th e Y ea rs of Lyndon J ohnson, Volum e 3 Robert A Caro 8 ALLAN MA SS IE Following H adrian: A Second - Centu ry J ourney through the Roman Empire E l i zabet h Spe l l e r 10 S IMON NIX ON Amedeo: A Tru e Story of L ove an d War in Abyssinia Seba s t ian O 'Ke l l y 11 V ANESSA COLLIN GR ID GE M ercat or: The Ma n who Mapped the Plan et Nichola s Crane 12 WILLIAM P AL MER A Wounded Thing Must H ide: In Search of Libbi e Custer J eremy Poo l man 14 BRYA N APPLEYARD TALK TO TOM STOP PARD 17 HA Z HIR TEIM O URIAN Paki sta n: Eye of the Storm Owe n Ben n ett J ones 18 G ILES MACDONOGH Wilful Murd er: Th e Sinking of th e Lu s itania Diana P r es t on 20 J W M THOMPSON Th e Pilg rimage of Grace: Th e R ebelhon that Shook H en ry V IJI 's Thron e G eo ffr ey Moore ho u se 21 J OHN ADAM SON Virgins of Venice Mary Laven 22 D OUG LA S JOHN SON Th e Great Nation: Fran ce from Louis XV to Napoleon 17 15-99 Co l in Jones 23 S IMON HEFFER In Churchill 's Shadow: Confronting the Pa st in Modern Britain David Cannadine 25 D ONA LD CAMERON W ATT Th e S ec ret H istory of PWE, th e Politi ca l Warfare Executive, 1939-1945 David Garne t t 27 P ETER WA SHIN GTON Th e Comp lete Work s of W H Auden: Pro se, Vo l Il , 1939-1948 (Ed) Edward Mend e lson 29 ANDREW TAYLOR Th e Power of Babe/ Jo h n M cWhorterLang 14age in Dar1ge r Andrew D a lb y Lost Lang uages Andrew Robinson 31 CHRISTOPHER SILVE STE R Film Journal Ev e Arno l d 32 SHERIDAN MORLEY Korda : Bri tai n 's Only Movi e Mog ul Cha r les Draz i n LITERARY REVIEW Augus t 2002 Editor: NA NCY SLADEK Deputy Editor: THOMAS H ODGK INSON Editorial Assistant: CI-IAR_LJ E CAMPBELL Co11tributing Editor: SEBASTIA N SHAKESPEARE Business Manager: R OBERT POSNER Advertising Manager: TERRY FI NNEGAN Founding Editor: DR. A NNE SM ITH Foundirlg Father: AUBERON W AUG H Cover illu stration by Chris Riddell issue no. 290
page 5
AUGUST 2002 MEMOffiS GENERAL FICTION CRIME AUDIOBOOK PAPERBACKS SILENCED VOICES POETRY COMPETITION LR CROSSWORD LRBOOKSHOP 34 35 36 38 JER EMY LEWI S Getting Personal: A Biograph e r's M emoir Brian Masters PAM ELA NORRI S Strange r on a Train J enny Di s ki CHR ISTO PHER ONDAATJE S eriou s : Th e Autobiog raphy John M c Enroe with Jam es Kaplan Su SAN CROSLAND Hom e Truths: Life around my Fath er Penny Junor 39 40 41 44 45 47 48 49 ALEXANDER WAUGH Dr Tatiana 's S ex Advice to All Creation Olivia Jud son LILIAN PI ZZ IC HINI The Plague Race: A Tale of F ea r, Science and H erois m Edward M arr iott BE VIS HILLIER To Hav e and to H old: An Intim ate Hi s tory of Coll ec tors and Collecting Philipp Blom LEW IS W OLPERT I Hav e Landed: Spla sh es and R eflec t ion s in Nat ural Hi s tory Stephen J ay Gould J O HN DU GDA LE The Po et and the Murd ere r Simon Worrall TH O MA S HOD GKINSON Th e Reaso n of Thing s A C Grayling TAHIR SHAH Riv e r Dog: A Journ ey Down the Brahmaputra Mark Shand AL EXANDE R BARLEY Th e D edalu s Book of Absinthe Phi! Bak e r 50 50 52 52 54 54 55 56 57 MARTYN B EDFO RD Wak e Up Tim Pears FRAN C IS KI NG White Lightning Ju s t in Car twri ght CHRISTOP HER BRAY A s It Happ en ed David Storey R ACHEL H OLMES Man-Made Fibr e Francine Stock L UC Y CADOGAN In th e Fores t Edna O 'Brien L uc y BERESFORD Look at M e J e nnife r Egan J ONATHAN MIRSKY Wild Ginger An c h ee Min ELI ZABETH DAY The Fa ce Phi! Whitaker CHARLIE CAMPBELL ON FIR ST NOVELS 58 59 60 61 62 PHILIP OAKES SU SAN CROSLAND SI OB HAN D owD 19 30 J OHN ADAM SON is a Fell ow of P e t e rh o u se, Ca mbrid ge. H e i s the ed i t o r of Priu ce ly Courts of Europe: 1500-'1750 (W e idenfe ld & Nicolson) ; and a pro li fic reviewer and criti c. His n ew book o n politi cs during th e Eng li s h C ivil W a r , The Nob le Revolt, wi ll app ea r late r this yea r. DOUGLAS J OHNSON i s Em e ritu s Pr ofesso r o f Fren c h Hi s tory at University Coll ege, London. SUSAN C ROSLAND's Great Sexual Scanda ls, w hj c h covers th e las t 4,000 years, wil l b e publi s h e d in N ovember by Robso n Books. H er novel The Prim e Mi11i ster's Wife is availab le in paperback t hi s month. H AZH IR TEIMOURIAN writes o n Middle Eastern po liti cs and history . LILIAN PI ZZ ICHI NI is th e amh o r of D ea d Me11 's Wages (Picador). Sh e has a ca t , Duke , nam e d a ft e r the American jazz musicia n C h et 13 aker. PETER WASH INGTON i s Genera l Edito r of Everyman's Library. LEWI S WOLPERT is Professo r of Biology as Appli e d to M e di c in e at Unjversiry Coll ege, London. TAHIR SHAH's most re ce nt book , ! 11 Search of King Solomon 's Min es, is publi sh ed b y J o hn Murray. H e is no w in t h e jungl e working on a documentary a bout th e las t g r eat lost c i t y of the Am e ri cas in Peru. J EREMY LEW IS's acc la im e d Cy ril Co1111olly: A Life i s avai lable tn paperback from Pimli co. SHER IDAN M ORLEY's m emoi r s, Askiug for Trouble, w ill be publish ed in November by H odder. The Literary R eview, ir1corporatir1g Quarto, is published monthly from: 44 Lexington Street, London W1 F OLW T el: 020 7437 9392 Fax: 020 773 4 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subscription enq uiries and changes of address to: Literary R eview Subscriptions, FREEPOST LON 17199 Lor·rdon SW20 8BR T el: 020 8545 2755 Fax : 020 8545 2756. UK Subscriptior1 Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of the wo rld air mail on ly £54 (US$8 4) USA Airspeed mbscrrption price is £3 9 (US$60) for per annum. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlain NY (US PS 004218) . All advertising enquiries to: Robert Posner, Literary R evieuJ, 44 Lexington Street, London W1F OLW T el: 020 7437 9392 Printed by Simpson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sh een Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1UF T el: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 89 48 8749 Distributed to newsagents worldwide by COMAG Specialist, Tavistock Works, Ta vistock Rd, W est Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800 Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854 email: LITERARY REVIEW August 2002








35 36


JER EMY LEWI S Getting Personal: A Biograph e r's M emoir Brian Masters PAM ELA NORRI S Strange r on a Train J enny Di s ki CHR ISTO PHER ONDAATJE S eriou s : Th e Autobiog raphy John M c Enroe with Jam es Kaplan Su SAN CROSLAND Hom e Truths: Life around my Fath er Penny Junor









ALEXANDER WAUGH Dr Tatiana 's S ex Advice to All Creation Olivia Jud son LILIAN PI ZZ IC HINI The Plague Race: A Tale of F ea r, Science and H erois m Edward M arr iott BE VIS HILLIER To Hav e and to H old: An Intim ate Hi s tory of Coll ec tors and Collecting Philipp Blom LEW IS W OLPERT I Hav e Landed: Spla sh es and R eflec t ion s in Nat ural Hi s tory Stephen J ay Gould J O HN DU GDA LE The Po et and the Murd ere r Simon Worrall TH O MA S HOD GKINSON Th e Reaso n of Thing s A C Grayling TAHIR SHAH Riv e r Dog: A Journ ey Down the Brahmaputra Mark Shand AL EXANDE R BARLEY Th e D edalu s Book of Absinthe Phi! Bak e r

50 50 52 52 54 54 55 56 57

MARTYN B EDFO RD Wak e Up Tim Pears FRAN C IS KI NG White Lightning Ju s t in Car twri ght CHRISTOP HER BRAY A s It Happ en ed David Storey R ACHEL H OLMES Man-Made Fibr e Francine Stock L UC Y CADOGAN In th e Fores t Edna O 'Brien L uc y BERESFORD Look at M e J e nnife r Egan J ONATHAN MIRSKY Wild Ginger An c h ee Min ELI ZABETH DAY The Fa ce Phi! Whitaker CHARLIE CAMPBELL ON FIR ST NOVELS

58 59 60 61 62



19 30

J OHN ADAM SON is a Fell ow of P e t e rh o u se, Ca mbrid ge. H e i s the ed i t o r of Priu ce ly Courts of Europe: 1500-'1750 (W e idenfe ld & Nicolson) ; and a pro li fic reviewer and criti c. His n ew book o n politi cs during th e Eng li s h C ivil W a r , The Nob le Revolt, wi ll app ea r late r this yea r.

DOUGLAS J OHNSON i s Em e ritu s Pr ofesso r o f Fren c h Hi s tory at University Coll ege, London.

SUSAN C ROSLAND's Great Sexual Scanda ls, w hj c h covers th e las t 4,000 years, wil l b e publi s h e d in N ovember by Robso n Books. H er novel The Prim e Mi11i ster's Wife is availab le in paperback t hi s month.

H AZH IR TEIMOURIAN writes o n Middle Eastern po liti cs and history .

LILIAN PI ZZ ICHI NI is th e amh o r of D ea d Me11 's Wages (Picador). Sh e has a ca t , Duke , nam e d a ft e r the American jazz musicia n C h et 13 aker.

PETER WASH INGTON i s Genera l Edito r of Everyman's Library.

LEWI S WOLPERT is Professo r of Biology as Appli e d to M e di c in e at Unjversiry Coll ege, London.

TAHIR SHAH's most re ce nt book , ! 11 Search of King Solomon 's Min es, is publi sh ed b y J o hn Murray. H e is no w in t h e jungl e working on a documentary a bout th e las t g r eat lost c i t y of the Am e ri cas in Peru.

J EREMY LEW IS's acc la im e d Cy ril Co1111olly: A Life i s avai lable tn paperback from Pimli co.

SHER IDAN M ORLEY's m emoi r s, Askiug for Trouble, w ill be publish ed in November by H odder.

The Literary R eview, ir1corporatir1g Quarto, is published monthly from: 44 Lexington Street, London W1 F OLW T el: 020 7437 9392

Fax: 020 773 4 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subscription enq uiries and changes of address to:

Literary R eview Subscriptions, FREEPOST LON 17199 Lor·rdon SW20 8BR T el: 020 8545 2755 Fax : 020 8545 2756.

UK Subscriptior1 Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of the wo rld air mail on ly £54 (US$8 4)

USA Airspeed mbscrrption price is £3 9 (US$60) for per annum. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlain NY (US PS 004218) . All advertising enquiries to: Robert Posner, Literary R evieuJ, 44 Lexington Street, London W1F OLW T el: 020 7437 9392 Printed by Simpson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sh een Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1UF T el: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 89 48 8749 Distributed to newsagents worldwide by COMAG Specialist, Tavistock Works, Ta vistock Rd, W est Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800

Distributed to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854



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