33 34
41 42
AL EXA DER WAUGH A Miud of It s Ount: A Cultural Hi s tory of tlt e Pwis Dav i d M Fri e dman AMA NDA CRA IG Cou sc iou suess aud the ovel David Lodg e DAVID PR OFUMO Th e Book of Eels : Fi sh, Mau aud Hi s R elatiou ship to Na ture Ton< Fort CHITRALECKA BASU C hild ren of Kali: Through Iudia 111
S ea rch of Bandits, th e Thug Cult aud th e Briti sh Raj Kevin Rushby A NA REID Shamau s : Sib eriau Spirituality aud tlt e W es tem Imag in ation R ona l d Hutton CEORG E SEBA STIAN R OUSSEAU Blood and Cut s : A Sl10rl Hi story of i\!Iedi cin e Ro y Porter V ANESSA COLL INGRIDGE Int o th e Blue: Boldly Co iug Wh ere Capta in Cook Ha s Con e Before Tony H orwit z M ATTHEW SPENCER i\!fouut Athos: Rwewal in Paradise Graham Speake TIM H EALD Playing H ard BallET Smit h CHR ISTO PHER BR AY Th e Crafty Art of Playmaking Alan A yc kbourn
FR ANK GILE S ltfl ars aud Sltadows: Tlt e Memoirs of Ceueral Sir D av id Fra se r David Fraser CHR ISTOPHER ONDAATJE Editor: A11 lu sid e St ory of Newspapers Max H as t in gs P ETER B O TT OM LEY Chance l;fl itne ss : An Outsider's Life in Politics Matthew Parris
47 48 49 50 51 51 53 54 54 55 56
ROGER S C RUT ON f,R nora nce Milan Kund era D] T AYLOR. T!t e Auto"rzrap!t Mau Zadie Smit h J ONAT HAN MIRSKY On e Malt's Bibl e Gao Xingji a n Mm.ANDA FRAN CE T lt e Cav e J ose Sar a m ago CHR ISTO PHER. H ART T!t e Office of lnnocetl ce Thomas K enea ll y CHARLIE CAMPBELL Tlt e Littl e Fri end Donna Tartt TH OMAS WRIGHT Doria1t: An 1//l itati on Will Self SEBA STIAN SHAKESPEARE Tlt e Bat Tatt oo Ru sse l l H oban R ACHEL H OLMES Be!tindling s Ni co l a Barker PIER S M OO RE EDE City of lit e Beas ts l sabe l A l l ende l ucv BER ESFO RD Clara Ca ll an Richard Wright
57 58 60 61 21 51
ANDREW R OUERTS is prese ntin g a four- part BBC hi story se 6es e ntitl ed Seems <>[ Leaders hip , w hi c h w ill b e bro adcas t in Fe bru a r y. H e is pr ese ntly wr i t in g a biograph y of H e nry Ki ss in ge r , and hi s we b s ir e can be found ar www.andrewrob e rts. n e t
D AVID PROFUMO is Fishin g Writer for Couutry Life magaz in e, and has bee n ca tc hin g eels sin ce 1959.
RI CHARD OVER Y is Professo r of M o d e rn History ar King's College, L o nd o n. Hi s mo s t r ece nt book , /uterrogatiow : 77t e f\!a:: i Elite in Allied Hands, 1945, is publi sh ed by Ali e n Lane.
A LEXANDER W AUG H sp e nt seve ral years set t in g him se lf up as rh e world's p e ni s ex p e rt, bur h as b ee n d e flat ed by D av id Fri edman 's penile 1nasterpiece.
FRANK M C LY NN's mo s t r ece nt book , Wagons West, is pub lished by Jonathan Cape.
FELII'E FEil.NANDEZ- ARMESTO is a Professo ri al Fellow o f Queen M ary, Uni versity o f London .
ANNA l'lEID's Th e Shn111a 11 's Com: A f\!ati11e History of Siberia is pub lish ed b y W e id e nfeld & Nico lso n.
P ETER. B OTTOM LEY i s MP for W o rthing West. H e appears in M a t th ew Pan·is·s memoirs in a c h a pt er h ea d e d ' I n 13ed wit h rhc Bortoml eys', bur w ill not be d rawn as ro why.
A C GRAYLIN 's Th e R eason of Things was pub li sh ed by Weidenfe ld & Nicolson rh is summ e r.
FRANCIS KI NG 's most rece nt no ve l, Prodigies . is pubLi sh e d b y Arcadia.
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