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CONTENTS TH IS MONTH'S PULPI T is wtitten by Ilrya n App leya rd. His m ost recent b oo k , Brmte Ne 11' J,Yo r/ds: Ce11etics a11d th e Hu111 a11 Experie11ce, is ava ila bl e in paperback from H a rp e rCo llin s. He h as just comp le ted a sto ry ca ll ed 'Pork y is Not a Pi g', wh ic h is go ing to be pub l i s h e d on a table in Va le ncia in Aptil. R. oGER. SCRUTO is a wr it e r and philoso phe r. HAZ HII1. TEIMOURIAN is work in g on a life of Omar Kh ayya m. VANESSA COLLI GRIDGE is the autho r of Caprai11 Cook : Obsession mrd Betrayal in the Nelt' World (Ebury Press). MI CHAEL Il URLE IGH is c urr e ntl y Kratter Vi sitin g Professo r at Stanford Uni ve r s it y, Ca l ifornia, w h e r e h e is research in g a book o n p o liti ca l religio ns. PAUL j OH SON's most recent book, Napoleon, is publi s h e d b y W e id enfe ld & N icolso n . GRAH AM STEWART is currentl y w riting Vo lume VII of th e officia l fcl istory of Th e Ti111 es: Tire Murdoclr )'ears. Besides this, his stud y of fri endship and be tra yal in po li tical li fe is eagerly awa ited, not least by his publish er. SIMON H EF FER h as written f i ve works of bi ograp hy, p o l i t i cs a nd po l i t ica l biograp h y, and o n e day mi g ht eve n w rite a sixt h . AMANDA CRA IG's new nove l, Love i11 Idleness, wi ll b e pub li s h e d b y Littl e. Ilrown in Jul y. SH EI1.1DAN MOR.LEY is th e dram a critic of the Nelt' Srares nr a11 and th e f11tema rional fcl erald Trib1111 e. H is memoirs, Aski11,e for Tro 11ble, are publi shed thi s mo nth by H odder & Stou gh ton. PULPIT LITERARY LIVES HISTORY BIOGRAPHY MUSIC & FILM 1 BR YAN APP LEYARD 5 8 9 4P AUL J OHNSON Byron: L ife and Lege nd Fi ona M acCa rth y P ETE R W AS HI NGTON A nth on y Burgess Ro ge r L ew i s FR ANC IS KI NG D o11g ins j erro/d 1803 -1 857 M ic h ae l S lat e r A C GRAYLING Th e Shor t Sltarp Life ofT E Hul111 e Rob e rt Fergu so n 10 THOMAS H ODGK INSON Li v ing at t!t e Ed<~e: A Bi ograp h y of D H Law rence and Fri eda vo n Richti!Ofe n Mi c h ae l S quir es a nd L y nn K Talbot 12 P AU L DEA N Shak es p ea re For A ll Ti /1/ e St a nle y W e ll s 13 SI MO H EFFER Britain in R et;o /uti on Au s t in Woolr yc h Tlt e Ens li slt C it;i/ War at First H nud Tri s tr a m Hunt 15 F ELIPE F ERNAN DEZ-ARME ST O pa in 's R oad to E 111pi re : T!t e Making of a World Power 1492 -1 763 H e nr y Kam e n 17 MI C HAEL B uRLE IG H Verdi ct on Viclt y: A Col'flpreh ws it;e, R ev is io11ist Hi story of t!t e Vich y Fran ce R eg im e Mi c h ae l Curt i s 19 H AZ HIR TEIM OU RIA Th e Assass in s: The Story of Medi eva l !slant 's S ecre t Sect W B B a rtl ett 20 A DREW R OllE R T Man of lit e Ce ntu ry: Win s ton C hurchill and Hi s L ege nd Siu ce 1945 J o hn R a m s d e n C hurchill : Vi sionary, St ntes 111 an, I-l is toriatt J oh n Luka cs 22 J W M THOMPSON A Bran d fro nt th e Buming: Tlt e L ife of J ohn Weslq R oy H at t ers l ey 23 FR.ANK M C L YNN Bwja tllill Frn11klitt Edmund S M o r gan 25 RI C HARD O VER y Gu s fatl Strese ll/ a/1/l: vVeimar 's Greatest Stat es l/lall Jon at h an Wright 26 ALL AN M ASS I E Livi a: First Lady of ll/l perin/ R o111 e Anth ony A B ar r e t t 27 G RA HAM STEWART Friwd s n11d Ri va ls : C ros ln11d, j c11kitt S a11d H en ley G i l es R ad i ce 28 WI LLI AM P ALME I So Whnr: Til e Life of Mile s D nvis J ohn S zwe d 30 SHERIDA N M O RLEY A lec Guinn ess : The Unktl OII'II Garr y O 'Connor 31 PHILIP OAKE S H ea rtbr eak n11d Vi11 e: Tir e Far e of H ard Boi led Writers i11 H oll ytvoo d Wo ody H a ut Ediror: N ANCY SLADEK D ep11f )' Ediror: TH OMAS H ODG KI NSO Editorial Assisrmrt: CHAR LI E CAMP UELL Co111rib llfi11g EdiTor: SEBASTIAN SH AKES PEAR E Busin ess Mat/(/ger: R..OUERT POSNER Adverrisi11g Mm rager : T ERR.Y FINNEGAN Fot11 tdi 11g EdiTor: O R. A NNE SM ITH Foundi11g Far!t er: AUB ER.O W AUG H Cover illu stration by Cltris Ridde/1 lsst re 11 0. 293 LITERARY REVIEW November 2002
page 5
NOVEMBER 2002 GENERAL 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 AL EXA DER WAUGH A Miud of It s Ount: A Cultural Hi s tory of tlt e Pwis Dav i d M Fri e dman AMA NDA CRA IG Cou sc iou suess aud the ovel David Lodg e DAVID PR OFUMO Th e Book of Eels : Fi sh, Mau aud Hi s R elatiou ship to Na ture Ton< Fort CHITRALECKA BASU C hild ren of Kali: Through Iudia 111 S ea rch of Bandits, th e Thug Cult aud th e Briti sh Raj Kevin Rushby A NA REID Shamau s : Sib eriau Spirituality aud tlt e W es tem Imag in ation R ona l d Hutton CEORG E SEBA STIAN R OUSSEAU Blood and Cut s : A Sl10rl Hi story of i\!Iedi cin e Ro y Porter V ANESSA COLL INGRIDGE Int o th e Blue: Boldly Co iug Wh ere Capta in Cook Ha s Con e Before Tony H orwit z M ATTHEW SPENCER i\!fouut Athos: Rwewal in Paradise Graham Speake TIM H EALD Playing H ard BallET Smit h CHR ISTO PHER BR AY Th e Crafty Art of Playmaking Alan A yc kbourn MEMOIRS FI CTION AUDIOBOOK CRIME SILENCED VOICES POETRY COMPETITION LR CROSSWORD LRBOOKSHOP 43 44 45 FR ANK GILE S ltfl ars aud Sltadows: Tlt e Memoirs of Ceueral Sir D av id Fra se r David Fraser CHR ISTOPHER ONDAATJE Editor: A11 lu sid e St ory of Newspapers Max H as t in gs P ETER B O TT OM LEY Chance l;fl itne ss : An Outsider's Life in Politics Matthew Parris 47 48 49 50 51 51 53 54 54 55 56 ROGER S C RUT ON f,R nora nce Milan Kund era D] T AYLOR. T!t e Auto"rzrap!t Mau Zadie Smit h J ONAT HAN MIRSKY On e Malt's Bibl e Gao Xingji a n Mm.ANDA FRAN CE T lt e Cav e J ose Sar a m ago CHR ISTO PHER. H ART T!t e Office of lnnocetl ce Thomas K enea ll y CHARLIE CAMPBELL Tlt e Littl e Fri end Donna Tartt TH OMAS WRIGHT Doria1t: An 1//l itati on Will Self SEBA STIAN SHAKESPEARE Tlt e Bat Tatt oo Ru sse l l H oban R ACHEL H OLMES Be!tindling s Ni co l a Barker PIER S M OO RE EDE City of lit e Beas ts l sabe l A l l ende l ucv BER ESFO RD Clara Ca ll an Richard Wright 57 58 60 61 21 51 SU SAN CROSLAND PHILIP OAKE S SI OB HAN Dowo ANDREW R OUERTS is prese ntin g a four- part BBC hi story se 6es e ntitl ed Seems <>[ Leaders hip , w hi c h w ill b e bro adcas t in Fe bru a r y. H e is pr ese ntly wr i t in g a biograph y of H e nry Ki ss in ge r , and hi s we b s ir e can be found ar www.andrewrob e rts. n e t D AVID PROFUMO is Fishin g Writer for Couutry Life magaz in e, and has bee n ca tc hin g eels sin ce 1959. RI CHARD OVER Y is Professo r of M o d e rn History ar King's College, L o nd o n. Hi s mo s t r ece nt book , /uterrogatiow : 77t e f\!a:: i Elite in Allied Hands, 1945, is publi sh ed by Ali e n Lane. A LEXANDER W AUG H sp e nt seve ral years set t in g him se lf up as rh e world's p e ni s ex p e rt, bur h as b ee n d e flat ed by D av id Fri edman 's penile 1nasterpiece. FRANK M C LY NN's mo s t r ece nt book , Wagons West, is pub lished by Jonathan Cape. FELII'E FEil.NANDEZ- ARMESTO is a Professo ri al Fellow o f Queen M ary, Uni versity o f London . ANNA l'lEID's Th e Shn111a 11 's Com: A f\!ati11e History of Siberia is pub lish ed b y W e id e nfeld & Nico lso n. P ETER. B OTTOM LEY i s MP for W o rthing West. H e appears in M a t th ew Pan·is·s memoirs in a c h a pt er h ea d e d ' I n 13ed wit h rhc Bortoml eys', bur w ill not be d rawn as ro why. A C GRAYLIN 's Th e R eason of Things was pub li sh ed by Weidenfe ld & Nicolson rh is summ e r. FRANCIS KI NG 's most rece nt no ve l, Prodigies . is pubLi sh e d b y Arcadia. Th e Litera ry R ellieii', iuco rp ora tiug Quarto, is published ut outhly.from: 44 Lexiugtou Street, Loudou WIF OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392 Fax: 020 7734 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subsaiptivu euquiries al/(1 clwuges of address to: Literary R eview Subscriptious, FREEPOST LON t7199 Loudou SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756. UK Subscriptiou Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e world air mail ouly £ 54 (US 84) USA Airspeed subsrriptiou price is £39 (US$60)for per atlltUJ/1. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlaiu NY (US PS 00421 8) . All advertis iu,~ euquiries to: R obert Posuer, Literary Ret,iew, 44 Lexiugto11 Stree t, Londou W1F OLvll Tel: 020 7437 9392 Priuted by Si tupsmt Dre111ctt & Co Ltd , 70 Slteett Road, Ridutt ottd , Surrey TW9 'IUF Tel: 020 8940 744 1 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to ueu,sageuts worldwide by COMAG Specialist, Tavistock Works, Ta ll istock Rd, West Draytou , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01 895 433 800 Distribwed to boo kshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, Loudou E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854 email: litrev@dircon. co. uk LITERARY REVIEW November 2002




33 34






41 42

AL EXA DER WAUGH A Miud of It s Ount: A Cultural Hi s tory of tlt e Pwis Dav i d M Fri e dman AMA NDA CRA IG Cou sc iou suess aud the ovel David Lodg e DAVID PR OFUMO Th e Book of Eels : Fi sh, Mau aud Hi s R elatiou ship to Na ture Ton< Fort CHITRALECKA BASU C hild ren of Kali: Through Iudia 111

S ea rch of Bandits, th e Thug Cult aud th e Briti sh Raj Kevin Rushby A NA REID Shamau s : Sib eriau Spirituality aud tlt e W es tem Imag in ation R ona l d Hutton CEORG E SEBA STIAN R OUSSEAU Blood and Cut s : A Sl10rl Hi story of i\!Iedi cin e Ro y Porter V ANESSA COLL INGRIDGE Int o th e Blue: Boldly Co iug Wh ere Capta in Cook Ha s Con e Before Tony H orwit z M ATTHEW SPENCER i\!fouut Athos: Rwewal in Paradise Graham Speake TIM H EALD Playing H ard BallET Smit h CHR ISTO PHER BR AY Th e Crafty Art of Playmaking Alan A yc kbourn







FR ANK GILE S ltfl ars aud Sltadows: Tlt e Memoirs of Ceueral Sir D av id Fra se r David Fraser CHR ISTOPHER ONDAATJE Editor: A11 lu sid e St ory of Newspapers Max H as t in gs P ETER B O TT OM LEY Chance l;fl itne ss : An Outsider's Life in Politics Matthew Parris

47 48 49 50 51 51 53 54 54 55 56

ROGER S C RUT ON f,R nora nce Milan Kund era D] T AYLOR. T!t e Auto"rzrap!t Mau Zadie Smit h J ONAT HAN MIRSKY On e Malt's Bibl e Gao Xingji a n Mm.ANDA FRAN CE T lt e Cav e J ose Sar a m ago CHR ISTO PHER. H ART T!t e Office of lnnocetl ce Thomas K enea ll y CHARLIE CAMPBELL Tlt e Littl e Fri end Donna Tartt TH OMAS WRIGHT Doria1t: An 1//l itati on Will Self SEBA STIAN SHAKESPEARE Tlt e Bat Tatt oo Ru sse l l H oban R ACHEL H OLMES Be!tindling s Ni co l a Barker PIER S M OO RE EDE City of lit e Beas ts l sabe l A l l ende l ucv BER ESFO RD Clara Ca ll an Richard Wright

57 58 60 61 21 51


ANDREW R OUERTS is prese ntin g a four- part BBC hi story se 6es e ntitl ed Seems <>[ Leaders hip , w hi c h w ill b e bro adcas t in Fe bru a r y. H e is pr ese ntly wr i t in g a biograph y of H e nry Ki ss in ge r , and hi s we b s ir e can be found ar www.andrewrob e rts. n e t

D AVID PROFUMO is Fishin g Writer for Couutry Life magaz in e, and has bee n ca tc hin g eels sin ce 1959.

RI CHARD OVER Y is Professo r of M o d e rn History ar King's College, L o nd o n. Hi s mo s t r ece nt book , /uterrogatiow : 77t e f\!a:: i Elite in Allied Hands, 1945, is publi sh ed by Ali e n Lane.

A LEXANDER W AUG H sp e nt seve ral years set t in g him se lf up as rh e world's p e ni s ex p e rt, bur h as b ee n d e flat ed by D av id Fri edman 's penile 1nasterpiece.

FRANK M C LY NN's mo s t r ece nt book , Wagons West, is pub lished by Jonathan Cape.

FELII'E FEil.NANDEZ- ARMESTO is a Professo ri al Fellow o f Queen M ary, Uni versity o f London .

ANNA l'lEID's Th e Shn111a 11 's Com: A f\!ati11e History of Siberia is pub lish ed b y W e id e nfeld & Nico lso n.

P ETER. B OTTOM LEY i s MP for W o rthing West. H e appears in M a t th ew Pan·is·s memoirs in a c h a pt er h ea d e d ' I n 13ed wit h rhc Bortoml eys', bur w ill not be d rawn as ro why.

A C GRAYLIN 's Th e R eason of Things was pub li sh ed by Weidenfe ld & Nicolson rh is summ e r.

FRANCIS KI NG 's most rece nt no ve l, Prodigies . is pubLi sh e d b y Arcadia.

Th e Litera ry R ellieii', iuco rp ora tiug Quarto, is published ut outhly.from: 44 Lexiugtou Street, Loudou WIF OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392

Fax: 020 7734 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 © All subsaiptivu euquiries al/(1 clwuges of address to:

Literary R eview Subscriptious, FREEPOST LON t7199 Loudou SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756.

UK Subscriptiou Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e world air mail ouly £ 54 (US 84)

USA Airspeed subsrriptiou price is £39 (US$60)for per atlltUJ/1. Periodica l pre-paid at Champlaiu NY (US PS 00421 8) . All advertis iu,~ euquiries to: R obert Posuer, Literary Ret,iew, 44 Lexiugto11 Stree t, Londou W1F OLvll Tel: 020 7437 9392 Priuted by Si tupsmt Dre111ctt & Co Ltd , 70 Slteett Road, Ridutt ottd , Surrey TW9 'IUF Tel: 020 8940 744 1 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to ueu,sageuts worldwide by COMAG Specialist, Tavistock Works, Ta ll istock Rd, West Draytou , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01 895 433 800

Distribwed to boo kshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, Loudou E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854

email: litrev@dircon. co. uk


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