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THIS MONTH' PULPIT is writte n by R oge r Scruton, a writer a nd phi losopher. His most rece nt book, The West and th e Res t, is pub lish ed by Continuum. J OHN BAYLEY i a Fe l low of St a th e rine 's Co ll ege, Oxford. H is chird tn enl o ir, rtV; dOiver's HoHse, was published last yea r by Duckworrh . FRANCES SPALDING's Cwen Rnverat: Friwds, Family and Affecti ons is publish ed by th e H arv ill Press. She is w ritin g a joint biograp hy ofJohn and M yfa nwy Pipe r. HA ZH IR T EIMOURIA wr it es o n Islamic hi rory and po liti cs. LILI AN PI ZZ ICH INI's Dead Men's Wa)?eS, winner of the C WA M aca ll an ,old Dagger Non-Fiction Award, is published by Pi cador. M ARK M AZOWER is writing abo ur a lonica. WIL LIAM PALMER is th e author of fi ve no ve l s, the latest being The Pardon of aint Anne Oonathan Cape). H e is working on a tri logy of novels se t in th e "1 950s. JONATHA MlR KY, usually interested in C hina, has a thing for geis ha. PATRICIA 0 UNCKER's latest novel is Til e Deadly Space Between (Pi cado r). ADAM LEBoR's Milosevic: A Biography is published by Bloomsbury . TAHIR SHAH is th e author of four trav e l book s, th e m ost r ecen t of which is l11 Search of King Solomo11's Mines Qo hn Murray). H e is cu rrentl y making a film abo ut Calcutta. G s R ouSSEAU i s r~ esearc h Professo r of t he Humaniti es at D e Montforr Universiry. J ESS ICA MA N's most recent n ovel, T1 1e Voicefrom the Crave, is publish ed by Constable. Sh e is no w writing a history of th e overseas evacuatio n of c hildr en during the Second W o rld W ar. MI CHAEL GR IFFIN is the au th or of Rea ping tlte Whirlwi11d: Th e Taliban Movement in Ajglwnistan (Piuto) . CONTENTS P ULPIT 1 R OGER SCRUTO ADVENTURERS 4 PAUL J OHN SO N Sir Wa iter Ra/eig h Ra l e ig h T r eve l yan 6 AIDAN HARTLEY My Ltje a11d Trave ls : A11 Antho logy Wi l fr e d Thesiger 8 HAZI-I lR T EIMOURIAN Th e Trav els of Jbn Balllttah (Ed) Tim M ac kintos h -Smith 10 CHR ISTOP HER O NDAATJE White Rajah: A Bi og raphy of S ir Janus Bro oke Ni ge l Barl ey LIT ERARY BIOGRAPHY 12 DANIEL J OHN SON Thorn as Mar1n: Life as a Work of Art 14 16 17 18 19 - A Biography H e rmann Kur zk e J OHN BAYLEY J olm Betje man : New Far11 e, New Lov e B ev is Hilli e r ADAM SI SMAN Wordsworth: A Life i11 L ett ers Juli e t Barker W ILLLAM PALM ER Briall Moore: A Biograp hy P a tri c ia Craig M ARK MA ZOWER Cavafy: A Biog rap hy Robert Lid d e ll FRAN CIS Kr G Quentin and Philip: A D ouble Portrait Andrew Barrow ffi STORY BIOGRAPHY B ELLES LETTRES LETTER FROM BUDAP E ST 21 22 fEL l PE FER NAN DEZ-ARM ESTO 1421: Th e Y ea r China Discovered the World Gavin M e nzi es DE NN IS SEWELL A Moral R ec koni11g : Th e R ole of th e Catholic Church in rhe Ho locaJ,tst and I rs Utifulji/l ed D uty of R epa ir Dani e l Jonah Goldhagen 24 AN W rL ON joh11 H enry Newma r·r: T he Cha ll e11ge to Evangelica l R eligio11 Frank M Turn er 25 FRANK GILE S Atheuai"s: Th e R ea l Queen of Fran ce Lisa Hilton Th e Lo st King of France D ebo rah Cadbury 27 THOMAS H ODGK!NSON Ma x Bee rbohm: A Kind of a Life N John H a ll 28 G S Rou ssEAU Charles D am1in: The Power of Pla ce Vohtme Il of a Bi ograp /1y J a n e t Brown e 30 PATRI CK O 'CONNOR Bellir1i: Life, Tim es, Mu sic Stel i os Galatopou los 31 N!K OLA I T OLSTOY Th e R o111 a11ovs a11d Mr Gibbes Fran ces W e l c h 33 G EORD IE GR EIG j oyce Grenfe/1 Jani e H ampton 34 ALEX CLARKE Wicked Ernesr J ohn W a rdrop e r 3 7 S IMON HEFFER Th e Lasr Diaries: In and Our of th e Wild ertless Alan Clark 39 PETER WASHIN GTON G enius Haro ld Bloom 41 SEBA ST IAN SHAKESPEARE ON H ESPE RUS 42 ADAM LEBOR Ediror: NANCY SLADEK Deputy Editor: CHAR.LIE CAMPBELL Ce~teral Assistant: BENJAM IN DAVIS Contributitrg Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Busi11 ess Mm-rager: R OBERT POSNER A dvertisi11g Manager: T ERRY FI NNEGAN Fou11di11g Editor: DR ANNE SM ITH Fo11ndi11g Father: AUBERON WAUGH Cover illustration by Chris Ridde/1 Issue 110. 2941295 LITERARY REVIEW Dec 2002 / Jan 2003
page 5
DECEMBER 2002/ JANUARY 2003 MEMOffiS 43 44 45 46 48 49 ANTHONY DA IELS The Gate Fran ~ oi s 13i zo t j ESS ICA MA NN S/ipslrem11: A Me111oir Elizabeth J ane H oward j ONAT HAN MIRSKY Geisha of Gio11 Min eko l wa saki J W M THOMPSON Twelve Ci ti es: A M e111oir R oy Jenkin s T IM RI CE A ski11g for Tro11bl e Sheridan Morley TIM H EALD A Lirtle Over111all er Nichola s Bagn a ll BAD SEX REPORT FOREIGN PARTS GENERAL FICTION 50 CHARLIE CAMPBELL 52 53 54 j O H LLOYD R11 ss ia: Exp eri 111 e111 wii l1 a Peop le R obert Service K11rsk: R11 ss ia's L os t Prid e P eter Tru sco tt TAHIR SHAH f11 dia i11 Slow Mo tio11 Mark Tully and Gillian Wtight MI CHAEL GR I FF IN Tl1 e Sewi 11g C ircles of H erat: My Afgilall Y ears Ch ri s tin a Lamb 56 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 A LEXA DER WAUGH By tl1 e Sword Ri chard Cohen FRAN CES SPALDING A 111 o11g th e Bohe111ia11 S: Experilllellts ill Li11i11g 1900-1939 Vir g inia Ni c h o lson j ONAT HA N K EATES W/10 Is a Oa11dy? Geo r ge Walden CHRISTOPHER BRAY Nobo dy's Pe~fec l Anthon y Lane Ce ll11l oid Skyli11e J ames Sanders CLAU VON B ULOW Grea t Sex 11 al Sca11da/s Su sa n Cros land LILI AN PI ZZ IC HIN I Lo11d011 Orbital l a in Sinclair FRAN IS KI NG T he Ni11 e E111ofio11al Li11es of Cats J effrey Ma sso n T l1 e C l/(/ ra cier of Ca ts Step h en Budi a n s ky j AMES DELINGPOLE Tra,rzica l/y I Was a11 011iy T11 1i11: Th e Co111plete Peter Cook (Ed) Wil li am Cook 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ELAINE SHOWALTER T hat Old Ace i11 th e H ole Anni e Prou lx LI SA ALL ARD I E T he Body H an if Kur e i s hi J O HN DUGDALE Ro scoe Willi a m K ennedy j AMES M ORR ISON Aft er t/1 e Q11ak e H aruk i Mura kami P ATRICIA DUNCKER Th e P/eas11re of E/iza Ly11ch Anne Entight CHRI STOPHER H ART Til e Vi s it of til e R oyal Physicia11 P er Olov Enq ui st SARAH A SMITH No thi11g To Wear a11d Now/1ere To Hid e Fay W e ld on No t th e E11d of t/1 e World Kate Arkinson Nl11rd erers I J-l a11e KIIOIIJ/1 M a rin a Warn e r CHILDREN'S BOOKS CRIME SILENCED VOICES LETTERS AUDIOBOOK POETRY COMPETITION LR CROSSWORD LRBOOKSHOP 73 74 76 77 77 78 11 55 MI C HAEL TH O RN PHILIP 0AKE S SI OB HAN D OW D Su s A CROSLAND El AI E S II OWALTER is Professor of Engli s h ar Prin ccro n. H e r m ost recent book, fii i!C IIfill,~ 1-l ersc/f: Clai t11i11,~ a Fc111i11ist t llt ell crt llal Herita,~e, i' publis hed by Pi ca d or. j O ATIIAN KEAT!:' is a biog rap he r of Sre ndh a l. H e i s c urr e ntl y wo rkin g o n a stud y of the Venc ti an revolution of 1848. A N WILSON's most rece nt boo k, Th e Virtoria 11 s, is publi s h ed by Hutchinso n . ADAM S !SMAN's Bo s , .ell's PreS11111pllt OII s Task was publishe d by P e n g uin l ast yea r. H e i s n ow wo rkin g o n a book abo ut th e friendship between Word swo rth and Coleri dge. T! M RI CE h as r ece ntl y b eco m e Pr es id e nt of th e Mar y l c bon c C ri c k e t C lub. Thi s does n o t lea ve him much t im e to do an yth in g e lse. LI SA ALLARIJ ICE is ArtS Editor o f th e S ell' Swcsll w/1. AlllA H ART! EY was born in Kenya a nd h as cove r e d Ea st Afri ca as a j o urn ali st and po li t ica l an alyst sin ce 1988. H is n ew boo k , now ca ll ed 17te Za11z ibar Chest, wi ll be published by H arp erCollins in June . H e li ves in Laikipia in a p ap y ru s- r oofed hut , wh i c h is plagued b y snak es and sco rpions but has magnifi ce nt views ove r th e no rth . GI:ORD IE G rtEIG is Editor of Tt11/cr. FRANCIS KI NG's new novel, 17te J\'ick <>[ Ti111 e. will b e publish ed in March by Arcadi a. H e has always loved cats. FELIP E FERNAN DE Z-AR.M ESTO is a Pro fesso rial Fe ll ow of Queen M a1y, University of Lo ndon. D ENNIS SEWELL's Cmholics: Brirai11's Lmgest Jlli11 ori1y is published by Vik in g. NIKOLAI TOLSTOY is working on a biography of hi ' late ste pf.1th er, the novelist Patri ck 0'13rian. CIIRI!>I Ol'll io lt H Alt 1's last novel, Rcsrllc l\1£•, was the pro ud wi nn e r of the 200 1 13ad Sex Awa rd. H is n ex t novel w ill be about a sin ister aristocratic due llin g c u lt. Th e Literary Review, i11corpora ti11g Q11arto, is p11bfished 11/ 0IIIhly fro/11: 44 Lexi11g10n /reef, London I V IF OL IJl Tel : 020 7-+3 7 9392 Fax : 020 7734 1844 IS N 0 144 4360 © A ll s11bscription euq11iries a11d cha11ges (if address to: Literary R eview S11bscriptions, FREEPO T LON 17199 Lo11do11 SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756. UK Sllbscriptioll Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e Ulor/d air 1uail o11ly £ 5-l (US 84) USA Airspeed s11bscription price is £39 (US 60)for per a/11111 111 . Periodica l pre-paid m Cha111plai11 ry (US PS 004218). All advertising enquiries to: Robert Pos11 er, Literary R w ie111 , 44 Lexingto 11 Street, London Wl F OL IV Tel: 020 743 7 9392 Pn'nted by Si111pso n Dreweu & Co Ltd, 70 Shee11 R oad, Rici11 11 0nd, Surrey TW9 1UF Tel: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Dist ributed to newsagents worldwide by COMAC Specia list, Tavistock Works, Tavistock Rd, West Draytoll , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800 Distrib11ted to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854 email: lit k LITERARY REVIEW Dec 2002 / Jan 2003



43 44 45 46 48 49

ANTHONY DA IELS The Gate Fran ~ oi s 13i zo t j ESS ICA MA NN S/ipslrem11: A Me111oir Elizabeth J ane H oward j ONAT HAN MIRSKY Geisha of Gio11 Min eko l wa saki J W M THOMPSON Twelve Ci ti es: A M e111oir R oy Jenkin s T IM RI CE A ski11g for Tro11bl e Sheridan Morley TIM H EALD A Lirtle Over111all er Nichola s Bagn a ll








53 54

j O H LLOYD R11 ss ia: Exp eri 111 e111 wii l1 a Peop le R obert Service K11rsk: R11 ss ia's L os t Prid e P eter Tru sco tt TAHIR SHAH f11 dia i11 Slow Mo tio11 Mark Tully and Gillian Wtight MI CHAEL GR I FF IN Tl1 e Sewi 11g C ircles of H erat: My Afgilall Y ears Ch ri s tin a Lamb

56 58

59 60

62 63 64


A LEXA DER WAUGH By tl1 e Sword Ri chard Cohen FRAN CES SPALDING A 111 o11g th e Bohe111ia11 S: Experilllellts ill Li11i11g 1900-1939 Vir g inia Ni c h o lson j ONAT HA N K EATES W/10 Is a Oa11dy? Geo r ge Walden CHRISTOPHER BRAY Nobo dy's Pe~fec l Anthon y Lane Ce ll11l oid Skyli11e J ames Sanders CLAU VON B ULOW Grea t Sex 11 al Sca11da/s Su sa n Cros land LILI AN PI ZZ IC HIN I Lo11d011 Orbital l a in Sinclair FRAN IS KI NG T he Ni11 e E111ofio11al Li11es of Cats J effrey Ma sso n T l1 e C l/(/ ra cier of Ca ts Step h en Budi a n s ky j AMES DELINGPOLE Tra,rzica l/y I Was a11 011iy T11 1i11: Th e Co111plete Peter Cook (Ed) Wil li am Cook

66 67 68 69 70 71


ELAINE SHOWALTER T hat Old Ace i11 th e H ole Anni e Prou lx LI SA ALL ARD I E T he Body H an if Kur e i s hi J O HN DUGDALE Ro scoe Willi a m K ennedy j AMES M ORR ISON Aft er t/1 e Q11ak e H aruk i Mura kami P ATRICIA DUNCKER Th e P/eas11re of E/iza Ly11ch Anne Entight CHRI STOPHER H ART Til e Vi s it of til e R oyal Physicia11 P er Olov Enq ui st SARAH A SMITH No thi11g To Wear a11d Now/1ere To Hid e Fay W e ld on No t th e E11d of t/1 e World Kate Arkinson Nl11rd erers I J-l a11e KIIOIIJ/1 M a rin a Warn e r


73 74 76 77 77 78 11 55



El AI E S II OWALTER is Professor of Engli s h ar Prin ccro n. H e r m ost recent book, fii i!C IIfill,~ 1-l ersc/f: Clai t11i11,~ a Fc111i11ist t llt ell crt llal Herita,~e, i' publis hed by Pi ca d or.

j O ATIIAN KEAT!:' is a biog rap he r of Sre ndh a l. H e i s c urr e ntl y wo rkin g o n a stud y of the Venc ti an revolution of 1848.

A N WILSON's most rece nt boo k, Th e Virtoria 11 s, is publi s h ed by Hutchinso n .

ADAM S !SMAN's Bo s , .ell's PreS11111pllt OII s Task was publishe d by P e n g uin l ast yea r. H e i s n ow wo rkin g o n a book abo ut th e friendship between Word swo rth and Coleri dge.

T! M RI CE h as r ece ntl y b eco m e Pr es id e nt of th e Mar y l c bon c C ri c k e t C lub. Thi s does n o t lea ve him much t im e to do an yth in g e lse.

LI SA ALLARIJ ICE is ArtS Editor o f th e S ell' Swcsll w/1.

AlllA H ART! EY was born in Kenya a nd h as cove r e d Ea st Afri ca as a j o urn ali st and po li t ica l an alyst sin ce 1988. H is n ew boo k , now ca ll ed 17te Za11z ibar Chest, wi ll be published by H arp erCollins in June . H e li ves in Laikipia in a p ap y ru s- r oofed hut , wh i c h is plagued b y snak es and sco rpions but has magnifi ce nt views ove r th e no rth .

GI:ORD IE G rtEIG is Editor of Tt11/cr.

FRANCIS KI NG's new novel, 17te J\'ick <>[ Ti111 e. will b e publish ed in March by Arcadi a. H e has always loved cats.

FELIP E FERNAN DE Z-AR.M ESTO is a Pro fesso rial Fe ll ow of Queen M a1y, University of Lo ndon.

D ENNIS SEWELL's Cmholics: Brirai11's Lmgest Jlli11 ori1y is published by Vik in g.

NIKOLAI TOLSTOY is working on a biography of hi ' late ste pf.1th er, the novelist Patri ck 0'13rian.

CIIRI!>I Ol'll io lt H Alt 1's last novel, Rcsrllc l\1£•, was the pro ud wi nn e r of the 200 1 13ad Sex Awa rd. H is n ex t novel w ill be about a sin ister aristocratic due llin g c u lt.

Th e Literary Review, i11corpora ti11g Q11arto, is p11bfished 11/ 0IIIhly fro/11: 44 Lexi11g10n /reef, London I V IF OL IJl Tel : 020 7-+3 7 9392

Fax : 020 7734 1844 IS N 0 144 4360 © A ll s11bscription euq11iries a11d cha11ges (if address to:

Literary R eview S11bscriptions, FREEPO T LON 17199 Lo11do11 SW20 8BR Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fa x: 020 8545 2756.

UK Sllbscriptioll Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e Ulor/d air 1uail o11ly £ 5-l (US 84)

USA Airspeed s11bscription price is £39 (US 60)for per a/11111 111 . Periodica l pre-paid m Cha111plai11 ry (US PS 004218). All advertising enquiries to: Robert Pos11 er, Literary R w ie111 , 44 Lexingto 11 Street, London Wl F OL IV Tel: 020 743 7 9392 Pn'nted by Si111pso n Dreweu & Co Ltd, 70 Shee11 R oad, Rici11 11 0nd, Surrey TW9 1UF Tel: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Dist ributed to newsagents worldwide by COMAC Specia list, Tavistock Works, Tavistock Rd, West Draytoll , Middlesex, UB7 7QX Tel: 01895 433 800

Distrib11ted to bookshops by Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 Tel: 020 8986 4854

email: lit k

LITERARY REVIEW Dec 2002 / Jan 2003

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