37 38
40 41
45 46
MI CHAEL BURLEIGH The Right Nation: Why Amen·ca is Different John Mickl e thwait and Adrian Wooldridge Neoconservatism (Ed) lrwin Stelzer STEPHEN GARD INER Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture Daniel Libeskind DtANA ATHILL Germs: A Memoir of Childhood Richard Wollheim LUCY LETHBR ID GE Rats : A Year w ith New York's Most Unwanted Inh abitants Robert Sullivan jANE RYE Hang-Ups : Essays on Painting (Mostly) Simon Schama OIARMAID 0 MUIRITHE Empires of the Word: A Lang uag e History of the World Nichola s Ostler ALEXANDER W AUG H The Seven Basic Plots: Why we Tell Stories Christopher Booker WILLIAM PALM ER Shepperton Babylo11: The Lost Worlds of British Cinema Matth ew Sweet CAR HILLS Arts and L ette rs Edmund White L!LIAN Pl ZZ ICH INI The Vanished Lat~dscap e : A 1930s Childhood in the Potteries Paul John son j AMES DELINGPOLE Fatherhood: The Truth Marcus Berkmann
48 49 50
51 52 53 53 54 55 56
57 58
MATT THOI~E Saturday lan M cEwan ELAINE SHOWALTER Runaway A li ce Munro PAMELA N ORRIS 15 There Anythi11g You Want? Margaret Forster SUSANNA ] ONES Kafka on the Shore H ar uki Murakami OPHELIA F IELD Vi ll ages John Updik e J OHN DUGDALE Human Capital Stephen Amidon LINDY BURLEIGH L eav ing H ome Anita Brookner NiCK PARKER Men and Cartoon s Jonathan Lethem PHI LIP WOMACK Love Lies Bleeding Jeremy Simpson TRISTAN QUINN City of Class Paul Auster (Adaptation by Paul Karasik and David Mazzuchelli ) LUCY BERESFORD ON FIRST NOVELS ROSE WILKIN S The Wives of Bath Wendy Hold en
59 61 63 62 58 18 64
STEP HEN GARDINER is a practising a r chitect - the designer of severa l state sc hools, neighbourhoods for Milton Keynes and p laybuildings for handi ca pp e d ch ildr e n. H e h as published eight books, includin g a biography ofj acob Epstein.
j ONATHAN J ELAINE SHOWALTER is Professor Emerita at Princeton University. H er new book, Famlty Totms: T11e Academic Novel a11d liS DiscolltmiS, will be published in 2005 by Oxford University Press.
0JARMA ID 0 M UJR ITHE is Senior Lecture r Emeritus in Irish Language and Literature at t h e Nation a l University of Ire land, Dublin , and ha s writte n exte n s ively on the English of Ire land.
MATT THORNE is the eo-founder of th e New Puritans and the author ofsix novels . His most recent novel, Cherry, was longlisted for the Booker Prize .
SUSANNA j ONES is th e author of Til e Earthquake Bird and Water Lily. She lectures on fi c tion writing at th e University of Exeter.
TRISTAN QUINN is a producer at BBC Panorama, and has just directed a do c umentary for BBC 4 abou t Thomas H eatherwick and th e building of Britain's biggest sculpture.
jAMES DELIN GPO LE is le arning to hunt for the purpose of makin g a docum e ntary for C hann e l 4 about the upper classes.
R OSE WILKINS li ves in th e highest room in the tallest tower in d1e most cobwebfilled casde in Wales. Her second novel for teenagers, So uper Stylish , i~ o ut this month from Macmillan.
The Literary Review, it·icorporatit1g Quarto, is published monthly from: 44 Lexi11gtot·1 Street, London W1F OLW Tel: 020 743 7 9392
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LITERARY REVIEW F e bruary 2005