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CONTENTS THIS MONTH'S PULPIT is written by J ere m y Lewi s, who is c urr e ntl y commissioning editor of th e Literary Reviell'. His bi ograp hy of Alien Lane wi ll be publi shed in May. H EN il.J ETTA GARNETT is the au th or of A tt11ie, a biography of An n e Th ac k e r ay c hi e (C h atto & Windus) , and is c urrently wri tin g a book about the R.osse tti fa mil y. SAUL DAVID is t h e author of Tft c l11di a11 M11tilly a nd Z 11 l 11 , both publish ed by Penguin . H e is worki ng on a history of the early Victorian war.;. CHR ISTINE KELLY's book Mrs D11b erly's War , an edi ti o n of the Crimean War J o urnal an d unpublished le t ters of Fanny Duberl y, th e on ly officer 's wife present throughout the whole campaign , will appear this year. J OHN ADAM SON, a Fe l lo w of Peterhouse, Cambridge, was brought up in Australia . His new history of the English C ivil War, Tlte Noble Revolt, w ill be published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson later tl1i s year. SE LI NA O 'GRADY is a reviewer , co-edi tor of Great Spirits and A Deep VIII Dazzli11<~ Dark11ess (borh 2002), a nd a former TV produce r on Heart of tft e Matt er. CA P... HILLS li es in bed most of th e t ime but occasional l y rise s t o produce work of great distin c tion. Lu cv LETHURIDGE's most re cen t book is A1111ie Oakley: Sharp Shoo ter of the Wild West (S hort Books, 2004). JAMES LE FANU is a humbl e f:1 mil y doctor and w rites medical co lumns for the Daily Telegraph. Th e Rise and Fall of Moder11 Medicin e, hi s monumental hi sto ry of m ed i c in e , was publi shed by Abacus in 2000. PULPIT HISTORY LITERARY LIVES BIOGRAPHY FOREIGN PARTS ADVENTURERS 1 J EREMY LEWIS 4 RI CHARD OvERY Hitler's Spy Chief: Th e Wilh elm Canaris Myst ery Ri c hard Bassett 6 CAROL£ ANGlER The End: Hamburg 1943 Hans Erich Nossack 7 SAUL DAVID Bury the Chains: The Briti sh Struggl e to Abolish Slavery Adam Hochschild Human Cargo : j ourn eys Among the R efugees Caroline Moorehead 9 TOM P ococK Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Gamble Andrew Roberts 10 TIM H EA LD Tail-End Charlies: The Last Battles of th e Bomb er War 1944-45 John Nichol and Tony Rennell Bomb er Cm.v: Taking on th e R eich John Sweetman 11 P ETER WESTON Symbol of Courage Max Arthur Suprem e Courage General Sir P e t e r d e la Billiere 12 HENRIETTA GARNETT Bombay to Bloom sbury: A Biography of th e Stra chey Farnily Barbara Caine 14 ADAM SI SMAN Fi ery H ea rt: Th e First Life of L eig h Hunt Ni c holas Roe The Wit in th e Dungeon : A Life of L eig h Hunt Anthony Holden 15 ALLAN MASSlE Robert Louis Stevenson: A Biography C laire Hamu n 17 SELINA O 'GRADY Mary Wollstonecrcift: A New Genus Lyndall Gordon 19 J ONATHAN KEATES Th e Pope's Daughter Caroline P Murph y 20 PAUL JOHN SON Rob ert E Lee : Icon for a Nation Brian Hold e n Reid 22 CHRISTINE KELLY Mary Seaco le: Th e Charismatic Black Nurse who Beca me a Heroin e of th e Crimea Jane Robinson Wondeiful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands Mary Seacole (Ed Sarah Salih ) Wondeiful Adventtms of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands Mary Seaco le (E dd Ziggi Alexander and Audrey Dewjee) 24 J AMES LE FANU Th e Knife Man W e ndy Moore 25 KAREN ARM STRONG H oly Fire: Th e Battlefor Christ 's Tomb Vi c tori a C lark 26 FRANC IS KI NG Wrong About japan Peter Carey 27 JOH N ADAMSON In Tasmania Nicholas Shakespeare 30 J ONAT HAN MIRSKY Mad About th e M eko ng John Keay 31 MATTHEW LEEMING The Gem Hunt er: Tru e Adventures of an American in Afghanistan G a ry Bowersox 32 CHRISTOPHER ONDAATJE Cassell's Tal es of Endurar1ce Fergus Fleming LITERARY REVIEW February 2005 Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Actiug Editor: ALAN R.AF FERTY Co 111111iss ionil'lg Editor: ]ER EM Y LEW IS Editorial Assistant: T OM FLEM ING Get/era/ Assistm·1t: SoPI-IIE LEW IS Cot'1tributi11g Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Busin ess Manager: SAR.AH MAHAFFY Advertising Manager: Tm.R Y FINNEGAN Founding Editor: DR ANNE SM ITH Founding Fath er: AVBERON WAUG H Cover illu stratiorl by Chn·s Ridde/1 Iss~<e no. 318
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FEBRUARY 2005 GENERAL FICTION CRIME SILENCED VOICES AUDTOBOOK POETRY COMPETITION LETTERS LR CROSSWORD LRBOOKSHOP 34 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 MI CHAEL BURLEIGH The Right Nation: Why Amen·ca is Different John Mickl e thwait and Adrian Wooldridge Neoconservatism (Ed) lrwin Stelzer STEPHEN GARD INER Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture Daniel Libeskind DtANA ATHILL Germs: A Memoir of Childhood Richard Wollheim LUCY LETHBR ID GE Rats : A Year w ith New York's Most Unwanted Inh abitants Robert Sullivan jANE RYE Hang-Ups : Essays on Painting (Mostly) Simon Schama OIARMAID 0 MUIRITHE Empires of the Word: A Lang uag e History of the World Nichola s Ostler ALEXANDER W AUG H The Seven Basic Plots: Why we Tell Stories Christopher Booker WILLIAM PALM ER Shepperton Babylo11: The Lost Worlds of British Cinema Matth ew Sweet CAR HILLS Arts and L ette rs Edmund White L!LIAN Pl ZZ ICH INI The Vanished Lat~dscap e : A 1930s Childhood in the Potteries Paul John son j AMES DELINGPOLE Fatherhood: The Truth Marcus Berkmann 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 MATT THOI~E Saturday lan M cEwan ELAINE SHOWALTER Runaway A li ce Munro PAMELA N ORRIS 15 There Anythi11g You Want? Margaret Forster SUSANNA ] ONES Kafka on the Shore H ar uki Murakami OPHELIA F IELD Vi ll ages John Updik e J OHN DUGDALE Human Capital Stephen Amidon LINDY BURLEIGH L eav ing H ome Anita Brookner NiCK PARKER Men and Cartoon s Jonathan Lethem PHI LIP WOMACK Love Lies Bleeding Jeremy Simpson TRISTAN QUINN City of Class Paul Auster (Adaptation by Paul Karasik and David Mazzuchelli ) LUCY BERESFORD ON FIRST NOVELS ROSE WILKIN S The Wives of Bath Wendy Hold en 59 61 63 62 58 18 64 PHILIP 0AKES LUCY POPESCU SUSAN CROSLAND STEP HEN GARDINER is a practising a r chitect - the designer of severa l state sc hools, neighbourhoods for Milton Keynes and p laybuildings for handi ca pp e d ch ildr e n. H e h as published eight books, includin g a biography ofj acob Epstein. j ONATHAN J<EATES's forthcoming book, T11e Siege of Vmice, will be published by Chatto & Windus in September. ELAINE SHOWALTER is Professor Emerita at Princeton University. H er new book, Famlty Totms: T11e Academic Novel a11d liS DiscolltmiS, will be published in 2005 by Oxford University Press. 0JARMA ID 0 M UJR ITHE is Senior Lecture r Emeritus in Irish Language and Literature at t h e Nation a l University of Ire land, Dublin , and ha s writte n exte n s ively on the English of Ire land. MATT THORNE is the eo-founder of th e New Puritans and the author ofsix novels . His most recent novel, Cherry, was longlisted for the Booker Prize . SUSANNA j ONES is th e author of Til e Earthquake Bird and Water Lily. She lectures on fi c tion writing at th e University of Exeter. TRISTAN QUINN is a producer at BBC Panorama, and has just directed a do c umentary for BBC 4 abou t Thomas H eatherwick and th e building of Britain's biggest sculpture. jAMES DELIN GPO LE is le arning to hunt for the purpose of makin g a docum e ntary for C hann e l 4 about the upper classes. R OSE WILKINS li ves in th e highest room in the tallest tower in d1e most cobwebfilled casde in Wales. Her second novel for teenagers, So uper Stylish , i~ o ut this month from Macmillan. The Literary Review, it·icorporatit1g Quarto, is published monthly from: 44 Lexi11gtot·1 Street, London W1F OLW Tel: 020 743 7 9392 Fax: 020 7734 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 ©A ll subscription enquiries at1d chm1ges of address to: Literary Review Subscriptiom, FREEPOST LON 17963 Lmdot·t SW20 8YY Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fax: 020 8545 2756. UK Subscription Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e world air mail only £54 (US$84) USA Airspeed subscriptior1 price is £39 (US$60) per amwm . Periodical pre-paid at Champlain NY (USPS 004218). All advertising enquiries to : Robert Posner, Literary Review, 44 Lexington Street, London WJF OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392 Pn'nted by Simpson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sheen Road, Richmo11d, Surrey TW9 1UF Tel: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to newsagents wo rldwide by COMAC Specialist, Tavistock Works, Tavistock Rd, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7QX Te l: 01895 433 800 Distributed to bookshops by Centra l Books, 99 Wallis Road, Londo11 E9 Tel : 020 8986 4854 email: LITERARY REVIEW F e bruary 2005







37 38

40 41



45 46


MI CHAEL BURLEIGH The Right Nation: Why Amen·ca is Different John Mickl e thwait and Adrian Wooldridge Neoconservatism (Ed) lrwin Stelzer STEPHEN GARD INER Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture Daniel Libeskind DtANA ATHILL Germs: A Memoir of Childhood Richard Wollheim LUCY LETHBR ID GE Rats : A Year w ith New York's Most Unwanted Inh abitants Robert Sullivan jANE RYE Hang-Ups : Essays on Painting (Mostly) Simon Schama OIARMAID 0 MUIRITHE Empires of the Word: A Lang uag e History of the World Nichola s Ostler ALEXANDER W AUG H The Seven Basic Plots: Why we Tell Stories Christopher Booker WILLIAM PALM ER Shepperton Babylo11: The Lost Worlds of British Cinema Matth ew Sweet CAR HILLS Arts and L ette rs Edmund White L!LIAN Pl ZZ ICH INI The Vanished Lat~dscap e : A 1930s Childhood in the Potteries Paul John son j AMES DELINGPOLE Fatherhood: The Truth Marcus Berkmann

48 49 50

51 52 53 53 54 55 56

57 58

MATT THOI~E Saturday lan M cEwan ELAINE SHOWALTER Runaway A li ce Munro PAMELA N ORRIS 15 There Anythi11g You Want? Margaret Forster SUSANNA ] ONES Kafka on the Shore H ar uki Murakami OPHELIA F IELD Vi ll ages John Updik e J OHN DUGDALE Human Capital Stephen Amidon LINDY BURLEIGH L eav ing H ome Anita Brookner NiCK PARKER Men and Cartoon s Jonathan Lethem PHI LIP WOMACK Love Lies Bleeding Jeremy Simpson TRISTAN QUINN City of Class Paul Auster (Adaptation by Paul Karasik and David Mazzuchelli ) LUCY BERESFORD ON FIRST NOVELS ROSE WILKIN S The Wives of Bath Wendy Hold en

59 61 63 62 58 18 64


STEP HEN GARDINER is a practising a r chitect - the designer of severa l state sc hools, neighbourhoods for Milton Keynes and p laybuildings for handi ca pp e d ch ildr e n. H e h as published eight books, includin g a biography ofj acob Epstein.


ELAINE SHOWALTER is Professor Emerita at Princeton University. H er new book, Famlty Totms: T11e Academic Novel a11d liS DiscolltmiS, will be published in 2005 by Oxford University Press.

0JARMA ID 0 M UJR ITHE is Senior Lecture r Emeritus in Irish Language and Literature at t h e Nation a l University of Ire land, Dublin , and ha s writte n exte n s ively on the English of Ire land.

MATT THORNE is the eo-founder of th e New Puritans and the author ofsix novels . His most recent novel, Cherry, was longlisted for the Booker Prize .

SUSANNA j ONES is th e author of Til e Earthquake Bird and Water Lily. She lectures on fi c tion writing at th e University of Exeter.

TRISTAN QUINN is a producer at BBC Panorama, and has just directed a do c umentary for BBC 4 abou t Thomas H eatherwick and th e building of Britain's biggest sculpture.

jAMES DELIN GPO LE is le arning to hunt for the purpose of makin g a docum e ntary for C hann e l 4 about the upper classes.

R OSE WILKINS li ves in th e highest room in the tallest tower in d1e most cobwebfilled casde in Wales. Her second novel for teenagers, So uper Stylish , i~ o ut this month from Macmillan.

The Literary Review, it·icorporatit1g Quarto, is published monthly from: 44 Lexi11gtot·1 Street, London W1F OLW Tel: 020 743 7 9392

Fax: 020 7734 1844 ISSN 0144 4360 ©A ll subscription enquiries at1d chm1ges of address to:

Literary Review Subscriptiom, FREEPOST LON 17963 Lmdot·t SW20 8YY Tel: 020 8545 2755 Fax: 020 8545 2756.

UK Subscription Rate £32, Europe £39, rest of th e world air mail only £54 (US$84)

USA Airspeed subscriptior1 price is £39 (US$60) per amwm . Periodical pre-paid at Champlain NY (USPS 004218). All advertising enquiries to : Robert Posner, Literary Review, 44 Lexington Street, London WJF OLW Tel: 020 7437 9392 Pn'nted by Simpson Drewett & Co Ltd, 70 Sheen Road, Richmo11d, Surrey TW9 1UF Tel: 020 8940 7441 Fax: 020 8948 8749 Distributed to newsagents wo rldwide by COMAC Specialist, Tavistock Works, Tavistock Rd, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7QX Te l: 01895 433 800

Distributed to bookshops by Centra l Books, 99 Wallis Road, Londo11 E9 Tel : 020 8986 4854


LITERARY REVIEW F e bruary 2005

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