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The Big Story  Feminism has left women across the globe concentrated in low-paid, precarious work and a persistent gender pay gap. An impressive 135 countries now enshrine maternity leave in law. But most women who juggle work and childcare will testify to the statistics that place domestic labour firmly in women’s court.Men are taking on more, yet if current trends continue, women in the West alone will have to wait until 2050 for a 50:50 split.2 Other gains are on more solid ground. The field of education has seen the biggest steps forward. Globally, as many girls as boys now attend primary school, and equal secondary enrolment is not far off. When it comes to political power, the advances are near universal. Only Saudi Arabia and the Vatican still withhold the vote from women, while Africa currently has three female heads of state. Legal progress is indisputable. Sexual harassment was so widely accepted that there was not even a name for it until the 1970s. It gained legal status in the US in 1986, and now, in 2014, close to two-thirds of countries have laws against it; sexual violence is recognized as a weapon of war and prosecutions have been brought. Lesbian and transgender people have fought successfully for more rights and visibility. Women in most parts of the world now enjoy greater automony and life choices than before – rights to property, to our children, to careers – that we now take for granted. Patriarchy rebooted Yet fighting patriarchy can feel like a game of whack-a-mole. As male privilege is eroded in one sphere, it crops up in a new guise. In the West in particular, cultural sexism seems to be making a comeback. ‘For a while we thought everything was OK,’ says Chris Blanche from French feminist outfit La Barbe (see below), ‘but it turned out it wasn’t the case. We have gone back on many values.’ For one thing, the gender binary is back. The craze for unisex parenting in the 1970s has long gone. Multicoloured stripes have given way to rigid pink and blue, and we are seeing the triumph of a gendered, highly sexist toy market. The trend took off in the 1980s. For girls, it’s femininity on steroids – they are sold glittering princess gear and cooking pots while boys get action toys and construction sets. Children get a clear message about what is appropriate for boys and girls to do, which forms expectations later in life. As young as three years old, children police the boundary and stigmatize those who cross the line. This is not just a Western malaise. Nursery workers as far afield as El Salvador are consciously working to counteract the gender stereotyping that comes with imported toys.3 On hand to back up these divisions is what neuroscientist Gina R ibbon calls ‘neophrenology’, a rash of literature on ‘female brains’ or men’s innate ‘capacity to read maps’. ‘Despite irrefutable evidence that brains are elastic and change according to what’s going on around us,’ she reports, ‘scientists and Profiles of groups sticking it to the Man LA BARBE Don a false beard and walk into a space of power. This is the irony-laden technique of French direct action group La Barbe, or Beard, who gatecrash male-dominated events of the French establishment. ‘We hold up a mirror,’ explains Chris Blanche, an early member. ‘We walk in and congratulate the men and say – “this is beautiful, fantastic, nothing has changed since the 19th century! Keep it that way.”’ La Barbe began as a protest against the sexist bile levelled at Ségolène Royal when she ran for president in the 2007 elections, but soon branched out into all areas where women are under-represented. ‘We found that those who were the most respectable – leftwing, civil society groups, the arts – were also run by men. They would say, “Oh my god, how can you do this to us? We do good every day” or “But you cannot count art!”’ This eye-catching and effective method spread from Paris to the rest of France and now has chapters as far afield as Mexico (where it is renamed Las Bigotonas – ‘the moustaches’ – and Australia. Blanche advises all women to carry a false beard at all times, as ‘many situations call for it ’. PLAY UNLIMITED Thea Hughes was first motivated to declare war on gendered toys by her son’s love of pink. ‘I want him to feel free to make his own choices, not to have options shut down by gender stereotypes,’ 14 ● N e w I n t e r n at i o n a liST ● july/au gust 2 014
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Abercrombie and Fitch has marketed ‘push-up’ bikini tops to girls as young as seven journalists insist on elevating those studies that ignore the “drip, drip, drip” of gender stereotypes.’ The biological determinists send a clear message: there are essential differences between men and women, which cannot be overridden; inequality is inevitable. At the same time, there is greater pressure than ever to conform to beauty ideals. A bugbear of feminists since Mary Wollstonecraft’s 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Women, these images have become ever more powerful – narrower and increasingly defined by the sex industry.4 No girl is too young to be sexy. US clothing retailer Abercrombie and Fitch has come in for criticism for marketing ‘push-up’ bikini tops to girls as young as seven. By way of concession, they rebranded them ‘padded’. (This is a fi rm that sells thongs printed with words like ‘eye candy’ and ‘wink wink’ in their kids’ range) Paradoxically, ‘looking good’ is marketed to girls as the path to self-expression and independence – ideals that feminists taught us, but without consumerism and selfobjectification in mind. (See ‘When rights go wrong’, page 22). The obsession with looks as a marker of success takes its toll on self-esteem, with around 40 per cent of British girls aged 10 and 11 wanting to lose weight.5 In a globalized world, body image quickly becomes every body’s problem. The same anxiety is reflected throughout Canada, Australia and the US, while a study of girls exposed to Western ads in Fiji showed they were quick to adopt the punishing culture of physical vigilance, becoming 60 per cent more likely to develop eating disorders.6 The attractive, pale, high-achieving woman is also a powerful brand across Africa, China and India. Old problems, new twist Meanwhile, new technology has propelled pornography – long a source of division in the feminist movement – into new spheres, one of which is the playground. I remember the frisson at primary school when kids passed round thumbnail images of women in bras, ripped out of catalogues. Now the material is likely to be a little more explicit. ‘Boys as young as 11 are watching porn and learning that sex is something you “do to” a girl,’ explains Sophie Bennett, who runs UK Feminista’s schools programme. Technology is bringing new ways of mediating sexual pressure. A study into sexting (sending explicit pictures by mobile phone) by the National Society for the Protection of Children recorded how boys – under pressure to brag and compete – coerce girls to send pictures of their breasts and other body parts. Once these images exist, sexting quickly turns into ‘shaming’ and sexual harassment. Technology has also carried porn deep into rural India. New Internationalist writer Mari Marcel Thekaekara says 10-year-old boys are downloading violent images on to their mobiles for as little as two rupees (4 US cents). She worries that this has led to sadistic rapes of explains the co-founder of Play Unlimited. The Australian group’s initial campaign saw Toys ‘R’ Us drop the boys and girls categories on their website in a matter of weeks, and quickly broadened to target all Australian toy retailers. ‘Change in this area is long overdue,’ says Hughes, adding that they have received overwhelming support. The group is part of an international movement, in contact with Britain’s Let Toys be Toys, Let Books be Books, A Mighty Girl (US) and others. It is fuelled by books such as Peggy Orenstein’s Cinderella ate my daughter (2011) and Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference (2010) by Cordelia Fine. Hughes has this advice for parents keen not to limit their children’s choices in later life: ‘Model your belief in equality in your home life, challenge gender stereotypes and point out those people who defy them.’ BUDDHIST FEMINISM In Thailand, being born female is seen as bad karma. Some 95 per cent of Thais follow a version of Theravada Buddhism which holds that women cannot attain enlightenment. Female monastics are considered lay nuns – deemed inferior and confined to a life of cooking and cleaning for monks. i t r a k a r / R e u t e r s l C h G o p a A group of courageous women is quietly trying to change this. They are led by the trailblazing Venerable Dhammananda who in 2003 became the first Thai woman to become a Bhikkhuni – or fully ordained Theravada Buddhist nun – at a ceremony in Sri Lanka. ‘It is very clear in Buddhist texts that enlightenment is for everyone,’ she says. ‘Some people say, “how dare you wear the robe?” They say women will “soil” the robe with their menstruation. But I tell them: “if you soil the robe you just go and wash it.” When you face a situation like this you have to be able to laugh.’ Meanwhile, nuns from the Drukpa Buddhist sect in Nepal are finding empowerment through martial arts. The world’s first order of kung fu nuns, they also lead prayers, drive jeeps and are schooled in business. Research by Hanna Hindstrom N e w I n t e r n at i o n a l i s t ● july/au gust 2 014 ● 15

Abercrombie and Fitch has marketed ‘push-up’ bikini tops to girls as young as seven journalists insist on elevating those studies that ignore the “drip, drip, drip” of gender stereotypes.’ The biological determinists send a clear message: there are essential differences between men and women, which cannot be overridden; inequality is inevitable.

At the same time, there is greater pressure than ever to conform to beauty ideals. A bugbear of feminists since Mary Wollstonecraft’s 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Women, these images have become ever more powerful – narrower and increasingly defined by the sex industry.4

No girl is too young to be sexy. US clothing retailer Abercrombie and Fitch has come in for criticism for marketing ‘push-up’ bikini tops to girls as young as seven. By way of concession, they rebranded them ‘padded’. (This is a fi rm that sells thongs printed with words like ‘eye candy’ and ‘wink wink’ in their kids’ range)

Paradoxically, ‘looking good’ is marketed to girls as the path to self-expression and independence – ideals that feminists taught us, but without consumerism and selfobjectification in mind. (See ‘When rights go wrong’, page 22). The obsession with looks as a marker of success takes its toll on self-esteem, with around 40 per cent of British girls aged 10 and 11 wanting to lose weight.5

In a globalized world, body image quickly becomes every body’s problem. The same anxiety is reflected throughout Canada, Australia and the US, while a study of girls exposed to Western ads in Fiji showed they were quick to adopt the punishing culture of physical vigilance, becoming 60 per cent more likely to develop eating disorders.6 The attractive, pale, high-achieving woman is also a powerful brand across Africa, China and India. Old problems, new twist Meanwhile, new technology has propelled pornography – long a source of division in the feminist movement – into new spheres, one of which is the playground. I remember the frisson at primary school when kids passed round thumbnail images of women in bras, ripped out of catalogues. Now the material is likely to be a little more explicit.

‘Boys as young as 11 are watching porn and learning that sex is something you “do to” a girl,’ explains Sophie Bennett, who runs UK Feminista’s schools programme.

Technology is bringing new ways of mediating sexual pressure. A study into sexting (sending explicit pictures by mobile phone) by the National Society for the Protection of Children recorded how boys – under pressure to brag and compete – coerce girls to send pictures of their breasts and other body parts. Once these images exist, sexting quickly turns into ‘shaming’ and sexual harassment.

Technology has also carried porn deep into rural India. New Internationalist writer Mari Marcel Thekaekara says 10-year-old boys are downloading violent images on to their mobiles for as little as two rupees (4 US cents). She worries that this has led to sadistic rapes of explains the co-founder of Play Unlimited. The Australian group’s initial campaign saw Toys ‘R’ Us drop the boys and girls categories on their website in a matter of weeks, and quickly broadened to target all Australian toy retailers. ‘Change in this area is long overdue,’ says Hughes, adding that they have received overwhelming support.

The group is part of an international movement, in contact with Britain’s Let Toys be Toys, Let Books be Books, A Mighty Girl (US) and others. It is fuelled by books such as Peggy Orenstein’s Cinderella ate my daughter (2011) and Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference (2010) by Cordelia Fine.

Hughes has this advice for parents keen not to limit their children’s choices in later life: ‘Model your belief in equality in your home life, challenge gender stereotypes and point out those people who defy them.’

BUDDHIST FEMINISM In Thailand, being born female is seen as bad karma. Some 95 per cent of Thais follow a version of Theravada Buddhism which holds that women cannot attain enlightenment. Female monastics are considered lay nuns – deemed inferior and confined to a life of cooking and cleaning for monks.

i t r a k a r / R e u t e r s l C h

G o p a

A group of courageous women is quietly trying to change this. They are led by the trailblazing Venerable Dhammananda who in 2003 became the first Thai woman to become a Bhikkhuni – or fully ordained Theravada Buddhist nun – at a ceremony in Sri Lanka.

‘It is very clear in Buddhist texts that enlightenment is for everyone,’ she says.

‘Some people say, “how dare you wear the robe?” They say women will “soil” the robe with their menstruation. But I tell them: “if you soil the robe you just go and wash it.” When you face a situation like this you have to be able to laugh.’

Meanwhile, nuns from the Drukpa Buddhist sect in Nepal are finding empowerment through martial arts. The world’s first order of kung fu nuns, they also lead prayers, drive jeeps and are schooled in business. Research by Hanna Hindstrom

N e w I n t e r n at i o n a l i s t ● july/au gust 2 014 ● 15

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