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The European Business Review September - October 2012 Contents Management Compliance Leadership Innovation Business Process, Outsourcing & Offshoring 5 Simpler Organisation Designs Improve Company Performance and Employee Motivation Simon Collinson, Melvin Jay & Mary Pizzey 11 Engaging Government: Why It’s Necessary and How Businesses Should Do It Howard Viney & Paul Baines 17 Going for Gold in the Productivity Olympics? Your Choices in Reward Administration are Business Critical! James Markham 21 Reclaiming the Battlefield of Consumer Influence Paul F. Nunes & Joshua B. Bellin 25 Revenue Performance Management As A Business Growth Strategy Phil Fernandez 28 The Normality of Organizational Wrongdoing Donald Palmer 33 FCPA Enforcement: What does it mean for non-US companies? Thomas R. Fox 37 Why Some Firms Thrive While Others Fail: Management Lessons from the US Financial Crisis Thomas H. Stanton 42 Leadership Development and The High Performing Team: The Wharton Leadership Program Jeff Klein 45 Transforming Employee Performance One Coaching Conversation at a Time Brian Souza 50 The Hedgehog Effect: Building High Performance Teams Manfred Kets de Vries 54 Reverse Innovation Case Study: GE Healthcare in the Heart of India Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble 57 Medium Sized Cities Can Show the Way… Richard Ball 60 It Takes Two to Tango: Entrepreneurial interaction and innovation Joe Tidd 64 Putting the Patient in Charge: the future of healthcare Mohammad Al-Ubaydli 67 Mobile Payments Christopher Coonen 69 What We Learned about Information Technology Management Eser Kandogan, Paul P. Maglio, Eben M. Haber & John Bailey 74 Gamifying E-Commerce: Gaming and Social-Networking Induced Loyalty Yasmin Razavi, Bernard Ho and Mark S. Fox 78 Ensuring the ROI from ERP has a Bigger ‘R’ than ‘i’ Sean Culey 84 Outsourcing and Management: Why Market Realities Will Topple Old School Management Styles Thomas Tunstall 88 Sustainability Practices in Global Outsourcing Ron Babin and Brian Nicholson 94 Understanding Reverse Offshoring: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Valérie Fernandes Editors Jane Liu Peres Kagbala David Lean Elenora Elroy Annabel Jacobs Commissioning Editors Laura Macshane Stine Gjevnoe Sorensen Nisha Khimji Denneshia Henry Adelya Larsson Emily Bonner Angela Lee Business Development Editors Rene Britton Ian Love Sophia James Delia Larsson Lauren Armstrong Marcus James Head of Production Saul Luckman Production Norman Steinberg Arwa Al Balushi Illustration Suya Zhang David Applegate Head of Finance Lynn Moses Editor in Chief The European Business Review Publishing Oscar Daniel READERS PLEASE NOTE The views expressed in articles are the authors’ and not necessarily those of The European Business Review. Authors may have consulting or other business relationships with the companies they discuss. The European Business Review 113 Sternhold Avenue London SW2 4PF Tel +44 (0)20 8678 8991 Fax +44 (0)20 7000 1252 Copyright © 2012 EBR Media Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission.

The European Business Review September - October 2012






Business Process, Outsourcing & Offshoring

5 Simpler Organisation Designs Improve Company Performance and Employee Motivation Simon Collinson, Melvin Jay & Mary Pizzey 11 Engaging Government: Why It’s Necessary and How Businesses Should Do It Howard Viney & Paul Baines 17 Going for Gold in the Productivity Olympics? Your Choices in Reward Administration are Business Critical! James Markham 21 Reclaiming the Battlefield of Consumer Influence Paul F. Nunes & Joshua B. Bellin 25 Revenue Performance Management As A Business Growth Strategy Phil Fernandez 28 The Normality of Organizational Wrongdoing Donald Palmer 33 FCPA Enforcement: What does it mean for non-US companies? Thomas R. Fox 37 Why Some Firms Thrive While Others Fail: Management Lessons from the US Financial Crisis Thomas H. Stanton 42 Leadership Development and The High Performing Team: The Wharton Leadership Program Jeff Klein 45 Transforming Employee Performance One Coaching Conversation at a Time Brian Souza 50 The Hedgehog Effect: Building High Performance Teams Manfred Kets de Vries 54 Reverse Innovation Case Study: GE Healthcare in the Heart of India Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble 57 Medium Sized Cities Can Show the Way… Richard Ball 60 It Takes Two to Tango: Entrepreneurial interaction and innovation Joe Tidd 64 Putting the Patient in Charge: the future of healthcare Mohammad Al-Ubaydli 67 Mobile Payments Christopher Coonen 69 What We Learned about Information Technology Management Eser Kandogan, Paul P. Maglio, Eben M. Haber & John Bailey 74 Gamifying E-Commerce: Gaming and Social-Networking Induced Loyalty Yasmin Razavi, Bernard Ho and Mark S. Fox 78 Ensuring the ROI from ERP has a Bigger ‘R’ than ‘i’ Sean Culey 84 Outsourcing and Management: Why Market Realities Will Topple Old School Management Styles Thomas Tunstall 88 Sustainability Practices in Global Outsourcing Ron Babin and Brian Nicholson 94 Understanding Reverse Offshoring: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Valérie Fernandes

Editors Jane Liu Peres Kagbala David Lean Elenora Elroy Annabel Jacobs Commissioning Editors Laura Macshane Stine Gjevnoe Sorensen Nisha Khimji Denneshia Henry Adelya Larsson Emily Bonner Angela Lee Business Development Editors Rene Britton Ian Love Sophia James Delia Larsson Lauren Armstrong Marcus James Head of Production Saul Luckman Production Norman Steinberg Arwa Al Balushi Illustration Suya Zhang David Applegate Head of Finance Lynn Moses

Editor in Chief The European Business Review Publishing Oscar Daniel

READERS PLEASE NOTE The views expressed in articles are the authors’ and not necessarily those of The European Business Review. Authors may have consulting or other business relationships with the companies they discuss.

The European Business Review 113 Sternhold Avenue London SW2 4PF Tel +44 (0)20 8678 8991 Fax +44 (0)20 7000 1252

Copyright © 2012 EBR Media Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission.

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