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T h e B e s t s e l l i n g P a n - A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s M a g a z i n e


Kenya: Trouble in Paradise Ethiopia: Battle of the brewers Nigeria: Dangote cuts the Gordian knot Ghana: Black Star losing its shine? Malawi: 50 years of standing still

Profile: Coke’s Nathan Kalumbu Analysis: Is China changing its spots? Infrastructure: Free for all in East Africa


Supplements AFRICA - SINGAPORE Making the connection AGRIBUSINESS Beyond the tipping point l Euro Zone €4.50 l UK £3.30 l USA $4.95 l Algeria DA 300 l Angola 700 Kwanza (AOA) l Australia A$ 7.50 l Bahrain BD 2.00 l Canada $6.50 l CFA Zone CFA 2.500 l Cyprus 3.85 l Denmark DKr 35 l Egypt E£ 22 l Ethiopia R 65 l Gambia Da 120 l Ghana GH¢ 8.00 l Indonesia R35,000 l Jamaica $350 l Jordan JD 3.500 l Kenya KShs 350 l Kuwait KD 1.500 l Lebanon LL 7500.00 l Malaysia RM 15.90 l Mauritius MR 150 l Morocco Dh 30 l Nigeria N 500 l Norway NOK 59 l Oman OR2.00 l Qatar QR 20 l Rwanda RWF 3000 l Saudi Arabia Rls 20 l Sierra Leone LE 15000 l Singapore $7,50 l South Africa R35.00 (inc. tax) l Other Southern African Countries R 26.30 (excl. tax) l Sweden SKr 33 l Switzerland SFr 8.70 l Tanzania TShs 5,400 l Tunisia TD 4.50 l Turkey 10.00YTL l UAE Dh 20 l Uganda USh 8,700 l Zambia ZMK 25 9 7 7 0 1 4 1 3 9 2 0 5 0

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