Helen Beer, whose translations of Itsik Manger appeared inMPT3/4, has made a CDof seven of his ballads, set tomusicand performed by herself andAvivand ArikLivnat.It isavailablefor£11(includingpostage) from
JohnLucas kindlypointsout tous thatonp. 14of MPT3/7 (Love andWar) the date 1979for Ritsos’s exile onSamos is incorrect. It should be 1969. He also suggests we should remember that the‘Papadopoulos dictatorship’ was ajuntaof colonels, ‘those “goons and thugs”, as the Australian poet MartinJohnstoncalledthem’.
AnthonyRudolf asksustomentiononeerratuminYesterday’s Wilderness Kingdom(sent out tosubscribers withthis issue of MPT). It is: First wordof the poemonpage 74, for ‘Vous’, pleaseread‘Vois’.