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page 148
142 Reviews that characterizes modernity for Rilke is describedas ‘Acts beneath encrustrations / that burst easily the moment the innards / seekout newboundaries for themselves’. There are alsoofteninexplicabledeviationsoramplificationsthat, unlike in Paterson, hardly bring us closer to the German or do anything fortheEnglish. Atranslation issometimesobligedto clarify, but whereas Paterson does this with a quick, sure touch, Crucefix tends to elucidate too much. But such problems beset most versions of the Elegies inEnglish, and thereareenoughmomentsof successful transpositiontomake histranslationuseful if notindispensable. Inher introductionKarenLeeder speaks of the Elegies as ‘reiterating the uniqueness of the here and nowdespite – indeedpreciselybecause of –its fragility’. At theendof his Afterword, Patersondeclares ‘thewordEarth’ –whichhehas alreadybroughttoourattentioninhisversionsbygivingita capital letter andsometimes includingit where the original doesn’t –‘the Sonnets’ heartbeat’. Perhaps Rilke’s popularity todaystems fromtheecological anxietyinhis work. Paterson has effectively turned the Orpheus myth, already made a ‘perfect alibi’ in‘TheLanding’ fromLanding Light, intoamyth of the Earth, as at the endof ‘The Trace’ (I, 26), where the wordappearsinplaceof ‘nature’: Olostgod, youeternal trace! Onlythrough yourfinal scatteringcouldwebetrue andheartheEarth, tosingof whatshesings. Charlie Louth
page 149
Reviews 143 Susan Bassnett and Peter Bush (eds) The Translator as Writer Continuum ISBN 0-8264-9995-5-2 pb 240pp, £25 Beware: any text endorsed by Susan Bassnett – well known for her influential Translation Studies – will shake you out of a rut. Here, with Peter Bush, she has provided a mind-bending engagement with various languages, cultures, translations, theories and personal perspectives, allowing us into the souls of translators – variously eccentric, universally passionate, intimate and open with their readers as they pass on anecdotes, practical tips and hints and, most importantly, the particular vision they have for each text they are working on. Their enthusiasm is infectious. The essays all provide a healthy mix of summer reading and research, whether their eighteen writers are employed as academics or professional translators (or both). The tales are engaging because these translators are creative writers and the research is thorough out of respect for the text. Thus, we have Anthea Bell telling us she wasn’t really qualified to translate but just needed to ‘get at the books’ while John Rutherford provides a mouth-watering description of the idyllic spot in Galicia which got him out of his ‘translator’s block’ over Don Quixote. Juan Gabriel Lóópez Guix wins the prize for eccentricity with his hilarious Mad Hatter’s tea party held for the forty-plus translators of Alice in Wonderland to mull over selected extracts. Meanwhile, Jakob Kenda’s career in children’s literature was apparently inspired by professor Kodre’s fine translations of the dreadful Vogan poetry of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – ‘drankle me with crinkley bindlewurdle’ – into Slovenian. The book is certainly wide-ranging: Bill Findlay tracks the decline of vernacular Scots theatre and how it has impacted on the use of authentic Scots vernacular for translation; Lakshmi



that characterizes modernity for Rilke is describedas ‘Acts beneath encrustrations / that burst easily the moment the innards / seekout newboundaries for themselves’. There are alsoofteninexplicabledeviationsoramplificationsthat, unlike in Paterson, hardly bring us closer to the German or do anything fortheEnglish. Atranslation issometimesobligedto clarify, but whereas Paterson does this with a quick, sure touch, Crucefix tends to elucidate too much. But such problems beset most versions of the Elegies inEnglish, and thereareenoughmomentsof successful transpositiontomake histranslationuseful if notindispensable. Inher introductionKarenLeeder speaks of the Elegies as ‘reiterating the uniqueness of the here and nowdespite – indeedpreciselybecause of –its fragility’. At theendof his Afterword, Patersondeclares ‘thewordEarth’ –whichhehas alreadybroughttoourattentioninhisversionsbygivingita capital letter andsometimes includingit where the original doesn’t –‘the Sonnets’ heartbeat’. Perhaps Rilke’s popularity todaystems fromtheecological anxietyinhis work. Paterson has effectively turned the Orpheus myth, already made a ‘perfect alibi’ in‘TheLanding’ fromLanding Light, intoamyth of the Earth, as at the endof ‘The Trace’ (I, 26), where the wordappearsinplaceof ‘nature’:

Olostgod, youeternal trace! Onlythrough yourfinal scatteringcouldwebetrue andheartheEarth, tosingof whatshesings.

Charlie Louth

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