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page 150
144 Reviews ˆ Holmströömprovides a superb survey of the minefield of translation and translation theory in India where so much Indian literature has been translated into English for an internal audience, with the inevitable marginalizing of the various dialects, particularlythose of the ‘untouchables’; the CzechtranslatorJríí Josekexplorestheconstantreinventionof Shakespeare through endless translations; Susan Bassnett outlinesthehistoricimportancetranslationhasalwayshadfor poets andconsiders whyrespect for translationhas declined; JosephineBalmershowshowcentral scholarshipisinenabling theclassical translatorliterallytoreconstruct translationfrom mere fragments andMichael Hanne offers a well-referenced essayontheuseof metaphorintranslation. Interwoven throughout the book are also wide-ranging views about translationbornevariouslyout of practiceand/or theory. Kenda is particularlyamusingwhenhe describes his annoyance at theoreticians whoexpress views he has already reachedindependently: ‘Nidawasnotonlytalkingaboutideas whichI had toworkratherhard for. He, likeSteiner, evenused mywords.’ Thebook’smostradical theoreticianisCliveScott, whotakesus throughsomewonderful intellectual gymnastics as wearerequiredtoseethings three- (or evenfour-) dimensionally, with translationasprocessratherthanproduct, evenif itisdifficulttoswitchoff thehabitof readingpoemsasfixed. Afurther real strengthinthe bookis the illustrations of work in progress such as in, say, Peter Bush’s and John Rutherford’s essays. Anna Paterson’s examples of her work on Kerstin Ekmans’ nature description are absolute gems, describingaforestworldthatisominousandthreatening: Theforest floweredonheedlessly, longafter thenamers hadbeensilenced, roots twistingthroughtheir gaping mouths; itflowered,known andnamedonlybythosewho hummedandclickedandtwittered, filledbytherustleof wingsandrattleof clawsandthudsof antlersagainstthe treetrunks.
page 151
Reviews 145 There are more essays on prose than poetry: Bassnett and Balmer’s engagement withtheir texts, however, aredistinctly different fromthat of theprosetranslators (withthepossible exceptionof Carol Maier’s essayonhowone’s body’s engages withone’s sourcetext). Bassnett, for example, shows howher ownpoetry stemmed fromapowerfulbond with theArgentine poet AlejandraPizarnikwhomshewas translating. Theprose writersmayhaveprovided muchofthewit and funinthebook butit isBalmer whotakesus tothedarkside. Withapowerful discussionandaharrowingworking-throughof emotions, she details howshedealt withtheloss of aniecethroughcancer, approachingit obliquelythroughtranslationinawaythat is bothpainful andmoving. She does this by way of a fairly faithful versionof apassagefromDe RaptuProserpinae bythe littleknownRomanpoetClaudian, hereamendedbyherown newsubtitle: 2/8/:6.47AM . . . butnowoursoftmeadowsbruised, riversstopped mid-flow, fieldsrustedlikeforgottenploughs. Tobreathewassuicide: treesdrainedof green, rosesshedtheirpetals, liliesshrivelled beforeoureyes. AndthenHeturnedaway, swingingroundthereinslikethegatesof Hell gratingtoaclose. Nightscuttledafter asthelightseepedbackintoourblackworld– –everywherewaslight sunandskyandlight– andyoursmall daughternowheretobeseen. Thetranslators inthis bookgivesomuchof themselves and their workit isn’t possibletodoit justiceinasinglereview, butitdoescomewithahealth warning– it is almostcertain to impacton both yourwritingand readinghabits.Sonow it’s off toWaterstonestograbacopyofTeachYourselfChinese tomake




Holmströömprovides a superb survey of the minefield of translation and translation theory in India where so much Indian literature has been translated into English for an internal audience, with the inevitable marginalizing of the various dialects, particularlythose of the ‘untouchables’; the CzechtranslatorJríí Josekexplorestheconstantreinventionof Shakespeare through endless translations; Susan Bassnett outlinesthehistoricimportancetranslationhasalwayshadfor poets andconsiders whyrespect for translationhas declined; JosephineBalmershowshowcentral scholarshipisinenabling theclassical translatorliterallytoreconstruct translationfrom mere fragments andMichael Hanne offers a well-referenced essayontheuseof metaphorintranslation. Interwoven throughout the book are also wide-ranging views about translationbornevariouslyout of practiceand/or theory. Kenda is particularlyamusingwhenhe describes his annoyance at theoreticians whoexpress views he has already reachedindependently: ‘Nidawasnotonlytalkingaboutideas whichI had toworkratherhard for. He, likeSteiner, evenused mywords.’ Thebook’smostradical theoreticianisCliveScott, whotakesus throughsomewonderful intellectual gymnastics as wearerequiredtoseethings three- (or evenfour-) dimensionally, with translationasprocessratherthanproduct, evenif itisdifficulttoswitchoff thehabitof readingpoemsasfixed. Afurther real strengthinthe bookis the illustrations of work in progress such as in, say, Peter Bush’s and John Rutherford’s essays. Anna Paterson’s examples of her work on Kerstin Ekmans’ nature description are absolute gems, describingaforestworldthatisominousandthreatening:

Theforest floweredonheedlessly, longafter thenamers hadbeensilenced, roots twistingthroughtheir gaping mouths; itflowered,known andnamedonlybythosewho hummedandclickedandtwittered, filledbytherustleof wingsandrattleof clawsandthudsof antlersagainstthe treetrunks.

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