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NotesonContributors MonizaAlvi ranapoetrygroupinamental healthsettingfor threeyears.HermostrecentcollectionisHowtheStoneFoundIts Voice, Bloodaxe2005. AnewbookEuropaisforthcomingfrom Bloodaxein2008, alongwithSplit World, hercollectedpoems 1990-2005. Annemarie Austinis the author of five poetry collections, four of thempublishedby Bloodaxe. Very: Newand Selected Poems is due out early in 2008. She has worked in book publishing,furthereducation andfortheOpenUniversity,and isnowavolunteerwithadysphasiasupportgroup. RuthChristieis afreelance translator fromTurkish. Recent publications include Inthe Temple of aPatient GodbyBejan Matur, and, incollaborationwithRichardMcKane, Beyondthe Walls, poems byNazimHikmet, andVoices of Memory, poems ofOktayRifat (a largerselectionof whosepoems isaboutto be published). PeterCole’smostrecentbook, The Dreamof the Poem: Hebrew PoetryfromMuslimandChristianSpain, 950–1492, wasrecently publishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress. Anewcollectionof poems, ThingsonWhich I’veStumbled, isforthcomingfromNew Directions. He lives in Jerusalem, where he co-edits Ibis Editions. Belinda Cooke’s poetry, reviews and Russian translations have beenpublishedwidely. She is currentlycompletingan editionof The SelectedPoems of MarinaTsvetaeva. She lives in Aberdeenshire.
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NotesonContributors 153 Margaret Jull Costa has been a translator of Spanish and Portuguese for over twentyyears, translatingwriters suchas Ramóóndel Valle-Incláán, Javier Maríías, JosééSaramago, Eççade Queiroz and Fernando Pessoa. Her translation of Bernardo Atxaga’slatestnovel, TheAccordionist’sSonwillbepublishedin October2007byHarvill Secker. AnnaCroweis aco-founder andformer ArtisticDirector of StAnza, Scotland’s Poetry Festival. She has published three collections of poetry, the latest being Punk with Dulcimer (Peterloo 2006). Her translation of the Catalan poet, Joan Margarit, Tugs inthe fogwas publishedbyBloodaxein2006 andreceivedaPBSRecommendation. AnanthologyofCatalan poetry, of whichshe is co-translator andco-editor, is to be publishedinOctober2007(ScottishPoetryLibrary/Carcanet). Jane Draycott’s collections include Prince Rupert’s Drop (OUP/Carcanet 1999), andThe Night Tree ( Carcanet/Oxford Poets 2004), both Poetry Book Society Recommendations. Nominatedthreetimes for theForwardPrizefor Poetry, she wasselectedin2004asa‘NextGeneration’ poet(PBS). Sheis currentlycompletinganewcollectionCall Sign. JonathanDunnetranslatesfromBulgarian, Catalan, Galician and Spanish. He is the author of The DNAof the English Language (Small Stations Press, 2007), a book about word connections in the English language. More information is Alyss Dye is a tutor for Kent Adult EducationService, the WEAandtheUniversityof Kent. Sheisapastwinnerof the University’s T.S. Eliot PoetryPrizeandher poems havebeen commended in the Kent &Sussex Poetry Society’s Folio Competitions.


MonizaAlvi ranapoetrygroupinamental healthsettingfor threeyears.HermostrecentcollectionisHowtheStoneFoundIts Voice, Bloodaxe2005. AnewbookEuropaisforthcomingfrom Bloodaxein2008, alongwithSplit World, hercollectedpoems 1990-2005.

Annemarie Austinis the author of five poetry collections, four of thempublishedby Bloodaxe. Very: Newand Selected Poems is due out early in 2008. She has worked in book publishing,furthereducation andfortheOpenUniversity,and isnowavolunteerwithadysphasiasupportgroup.

RuthChristieis afreelance translator fromTurkish. Recent publications include Inthe Temple of aPatient GodbyBejan Matur, and, incollaborationwithRichardMcKane, Beyondthe Walls, poems byNazimHikmet, andVoices of Memory, poems ofOktayRifat (a largerselectionof whosepoems isaboutto be published).

PeterCole’smostrecentbook, The Dreamof the Poem: Hebrew PoetryfromMuslimandChristianSpain, 950–1492, wasrecently publishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress. Anewcollectionof poems, ThingsonWhich I’veStumbled, isforthcomingfromNew Directions. He lives in Jerusalem, where he co-edits Ibis Editions.

Belinda Cooke’s poetry, reviews and Russian translations have beenpublishedwidely. She is currentlycompletingan editionof The SelectedPoems of MarinaTsvetaeva. She lives in Aberdeenshire.

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