Atxaga / Jull Costa
Eventually night falls, the eagles disappear and the hedgehog – Frog, Snail, Spider, Worm, Insect – leaves the river and walks up the side of the mountain, as confident in his spines as any warrior with his shield in Sparta or in Corinth; and suddenly he crosses the border, the line that separates the earth and the grass from the new road; with one step he enters your time and mine, and, since his dictionary of the universe has not been corrected or updated in the last seven thousand years, he does not recognise the lights of our car, and does not even realise that he is going to die.
Esnatu da trikua habi hosto lehorrez egindakoan, eta dakizkien hitz guztiak ekartzen ditu gogora; gutxi gora behera, aditzak barne, hogeitazazpi hitz.
Eta gero pentsatzen du: Amaitu da negua, Ni trikua naiz, Bi sapelaits gora dabiltza hegaletan; Marraskilo, Zizare, Zomorro, Armiarma, Igel, Zein putzu edo zulotan izkutatzen zarete? Hor dago erreka, Hau da nire erresuma, Goseak nago.
Eta berriro dio: Hau da nire erresuma, Goseak nago, Marraskilo, Zizare, Zomorro, Armiarma, Igel, Zein putzu edo zulotan izkutatzen zarete?