RobinFulton’s first eight collections of poems are out of print: recentpoemsarescatteredinmagazinesandmanyhave beentranslatedintoSwedish, German, Spanish, Hebrewand Chinese. His translations of, amongothers, OlavHHaugeof Norway (Anvil Press Poetry) and Tomas Tranströömer of Sweden (Bloodaxe Books, and New Directions) are still available.
Iain Galbraith’s most recent book publications are the anthologies Intime Weiten. Schottische Gedichte (2006) andThe Night Begins withaQuestion. XXVAustrianPoems 1978–2002 (2007), a German edition of Michael Hamburger’s prose writings, Pro Domo. Selbstausküünfte, Rüückblicke undandere Prosa (2007), and, as translator, Alfred Kolleritsch: Selected Poems (2007).
LucyHamiltonhaspublishedinmagazines includingMagma, ScintillaandShearsman, withpoemsforthcominginAgenda. A selection from‘The Legend of Lalla Maghnia’ has recently appeared in thenewPoetrySchoolanthologyI am twentypeople! (Enitharmon). SheteachesEnglishtoChinesegirlsataschool inAshford, Kent.
MikeHorwoodwas borninLondonin1955andhas lived in Finland since 1985. He is studying on Manchester MetropolitanUniversity’sonlineM.A. increativewritingand hispoemshaveappearedinmanymagazinesandanthologies.
NaomiJaffaisDirectorofThePoetryTrust–theorganisation whichruns the AldeburghPoetryFestival plus a year round programmeof readings, educationprojects, residential courses andpublishinginitiatives. HerpamphletTheLastHourofSleep waspublishedbyFiveLeavesPressin2003.