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68 Jenny Joseph, an essay and five poems, after drawings by Jaume Prohens 77 Martti Hynynen, five poems, translated by Mike Horwood 81 Lucy Hamilton, extracts from a sonnet version of Lalla Maghnia 90 Tsvetanka Elenkova, six poems, translated by Jonathan Dunne 93 Tuğ ğrul Tanyol, four poems, translated by Ruth Christie 101 Jane Draycott, a translation of the first two sections of Pearl 107 Naomi Jaffa, The Aldeburgh Poetry Festival 109 Taha Muhammad Ali, three poems, translated by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi and Gabriel Levin 114 Michael Hamburger, four poems 119 Robert Walser, twelve poems, translated by Michael Hamburger 127 Two Memorial Notes on Michael Hamburger by Anthony Rudolf by Iain Galbraith Reviews 134 Charlie Louth on Don Paterson, Martyn Crucefix and Rilke 143 Belinda Cooke on The Translator as Writer (edited Susan Bassnett and Peter Bush) 147 Jo Balmer, Shorter Reviews 152 Notes on Contributors 158 Back Issues 170 Subscriptions
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Editorial Michael Hamburger’s association with MPT goes back more thanforty years, almost to our very beginning. He is named among theadvisoryeditorsin thesecondissue, Summer 1966; andto the third, Spring1967, he contributedtranslationsofIngeborg Bachmann’s‘LeavingEngland’ and Helmut Heissenbüüttel’s ‘the future of socialism’. InMayof this year he sent us four of his own poems and ten days later the translations of Robert Walser, which we publish here. My letter thankinghimfor Walser arrivedat MarshAcres the morninghe died. We were awayinFrance whenhe sent it; hadwe beenhome, I shouldhave writtensooner, emulating him, thepromptestof correspondents. Howcanwethankthe dead? Whenwe askedMichael for work or gratefully accepted whatheoffered, weneverfittedhimintoanyof ourparticular themes;but,asithappens,heispeculiarlyin placein thisissue called ‘Getting it Across’. Poet, translator, literary critic, tirelessly goingtoand frobetween thelanguages, couldanyone havedonemore?I wroteabout himalmost twentyyears ago: an introduction to a Bibliography of the Publications of Michael Hamburger. Ihaveahorrorof bibilographies, buthis wascuriouslymoving. Thereyousawit: proof of theloveand labour, thegoingbetween, thegettingit across. I calledmy

68 Jenny Joseph, an essay and five poems, after drawings by Jaume Prohens

77 Martti Hynynen, five poems, translated by Mike Horwood

81 Lucy Hamilton, extracts from a sonnet version of Lalla Maghnia

90 Tsvetanka Elenkova, six poems, translated by Jonathan Dunne

93 Tuğ ğrul Tanyol, four poems, translated by Ruth Christie

101 Jane Draycott, a translation of the first two sections of Pearl

107 Naomi Jaffa, The Aldeburgh Poetry Festival

109 Taha Muhammad Ali, three poems, translated by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi and Gabriel Levin

114 Michael Hamburger, four poems

119 Robert Walser, twelve poems, translated by Michael Hamburger

127 Two Memorial Notes on Michael Hamburger by Anthony Rudolf by Iain Galbraith


134 Charlie Louth on Don Paterson, Martyn Crucefix and Rilke

143 Belinda Cooke on The Translator as Writer (edited Susan Bassnett and Peter Bush)

147 Jo Balmer, Shorter Reviews

152 Notes on Contributors

158 Back Issues

170 Subscriptions

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