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April 2002 COVER Gerhard Richter Woman Descending the Staircase1965 detail {01} FEATURES The Real Richter? More than ‘a Conceptual artist who just happens to paint’Karen Rosenberg assesses the MoMA show {06} Duration Duration Duration Alison Green on the enduring appeal of Douglas Huebler {12} The W-Hole Story Lisa Le Feuvre makes a positive case for the negative spaces in Gordon Matta-Clark’s work {18} COMMENT Editorial {19} Letters Obituary {20} ARTNOTES {24} EXHIBITIONS Reviews Richard Wilson David Briers {39} Dean Hughes Nick Crowe {41} Dalziel + Scullion Pryle Behrman ... {44} Letter from Tokyo Ben Judd & Catherine Wood {47} SOUND Frequencies Axel Lapp {25} The Unthought Known Claire Doherty {27} Con Art Nicky Bird {49} BOOKS Minimalism and the New Art Michael Archer {29} John Baldessari {51} Recording Paul Claydon {30} Stan Douglas Conceptual Art Jeremy Millar Mark Wilsher {32} Christoph Girardet and Matthias Muller Graham Parker {33} Jack Goldstein Morgan Falconer {35} Roni Horn Michael Wilson {36} Beyond Paradise: Nordic Artists Travel East / Sorry for the Inconvenience Sachiko Namba {38} Exchange/ New Originals Mark Beasley {54} LISTINGS Exhibitions A rt Monthly 4th Floor 28 Charing Cross Road London WC2H ODB United Kingdom Telephone 020 7240 0389 Fax 020 7497 0726 ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year Annual subscrip tion ra te s INDIVIDUALS UK £34.00 Rest of Europe £43.00 Rest of World £55.50 N America US$60.00 INSTITUTIONS UK £41.00 Rest of Europe £51.50 Rest of World £66.00 N America US$65.00 Editor Patricia Bickers M an ag in g Editor Letty Mooring Deputy Editor Andrew Wilson Edito r ia l Assistant Frederika Whitehead Listings Claire Barrett Advertising Matt Hale C irc u la t io n Laura Moffatt Nell Wendler Publishers Jack & Nell Wendler Design Area 725274812660

April 2002

COVER Gerhard Richter Woman Descending the

Staircase1965 detail


The Real Richter? More than ‘a Conceptual artist who just happens to paint’Karen Rosenberg assesses the MoMA show

{06} Duration Duration

Duration Alison Green on the enduring appeal of Douglas Huebler

{12} The W-Hole Story

Lisa Le Feuvre makes a positive case for the negative spaces in Gordon Matta-Clark’s work



{19} Letters





Richard Wilson

David Briers

{39} Dean Hughes

Nick Crowe

{41} Dalziel + Scullion

Pryle Behrman ... {44} Letter from Tokyo

Ben Judd & Catherine Wood

{47} SOUND


Axel Lapp

{25} The Unthought


Claire Doherty

{27} Con Art

Nicky Bird

{49} BOOKS

Minimalism and the New Art

Michael Archer

{29} John Baldessari {51} Recording

Paul Claydon

{30} Stan Douglas

Conceptual Art

Jeremy Millar

Mark Wilsher {32} Christoph Girardet and Matthias Muller Graham Parker {33} Jack Goldstein

Morgan Falconer {35} Roni Horn

Michael Wilson {36} Beyond Paradise:

Nordic Artists Travel East / Sorry for the Inconvenience Sachiko Namba {38} Exchange/

New Originals Mark Beasley



A rt Monthly 4th Floor 28 Charing Cross Road London WC2H ODB United Kingdom

Telephone 020 7240 0389 Fax 020 7497 0726

ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year

Annual subscrip tion ra te s

INDIVIDUALS UK £34.00 Rest of Europe £43.00 Rest of World £55.50 N America US$60.00

INSTITUTIONS UK £41.00 Rest of Europe £51.50 Rest of World £66.00 N America US$65.00

Editor Patricia Bickers M an ag in g Editor Letty Mooring Deputy Editor Andrew Wilson Edito r ia l Assistant Frederika Whitehead Listings Claire Barrett Advertising Matt Hale C irc u la t io n Laura Moffatt Nell Wendler Publishers Jack & Nell Wendler Design Area


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