April 2002
COVER Gerhard Richter Woman Descending the
Staircase1965 detail
The Real Richter? More than ‘a Conceptual artist who just happens to paint’Karen Rosenberg assesses the MoMA show
{06} Duration Duration
Duration Alison Green on the enduring appeal of Douglas Huebler
{12} The W-Hole Story
Lisa Le Feuvre makes a positive case for the negative spaces in Gordon Matta-Clark’s work
{19} Letters
Richard Wilson
David Briers
{39} Dean Hughes
Nick Crowe
{41} Dalziel + Scullion
Pryle Behrman ... {44} Letter from Tokyo
Ben Judd & Catherine Wood
{47} SOUND
Axel Lapp
{25} The Unthought
Claire Doherty
{27} Con Art
Nicky Bird
{49} BOOKS
Minimalism and the New Art
Michael Archer
{29} John Baldessari {51} Recording
Paul Claydon
{30} Stan Douglas
Conceptual Art
Jeremy Millar
Mark Wilsher {32} Christoph Girardet and Matthias Muller Graham Parker {33} Jack Goldstein
Morgan Falconer {35} Roni Horn
Michael Wilson {36} Beyond Paradise:
Nordic Artists Travel East / Sorry for the Inconvenience Sachiko Namba {38} Exchange/
New Originals Mark Beasley
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ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year
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Editor Patricia Bickers M an ag in g Editor Letty Mooring Deputy Editor Andrew Wilson Edito r ia l Assistant Frederika Whitehead Listings Claire Barrett Advertising Matt Hale C irc u la t io n Laura Moffatt Nell Wendler Publishers Jack & Nell Wendler Design Area