Contents Issue No 266
May 2003
Aleksandra Mir Gilda Williams
COVER Isaac Julien Baltimore 2003 video still
Live and Kicking Extremist, self-indulgent and uncool it may be but live art also offers new possibilities for politically engaged art argues Sally O’Reilly
{0 7 } FACT Finding
Beryl Graham finds Liverpool’s new purpose-built technology centre to be both artand user-friendly
Reviews Hey Production! Ian White {2 5 } Video Acts
Alex Mar {26} The Translator’s
Notes Sara Harrison {28} Breda Beban
Martin Herbert {29} Lorna Simpson
Niamh Ann Kelly {31} Jane & Louise Wilson
Cherry Smyth {32} Langlands & Bell
Dan Smith {34} Cristina Iglesias
Morgan Falconer {3 5 } Christopher Wool
Nicky Bird {36} Blinky Palermo
Mark Harris
Letter from Los Angeles JJ Charlesworth
Criticism Peter Suchin
Artists’ Books In between History Gilda Williams
{43} BOOKS
90s Nostalgia Marcus Verhagen
Data Knitting Michael Gibbs
Estates Henry Lydiate
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Editor P a t r ic ia B ickers Managing Editor Letty Mooring Deputy Editor Andrew Wilson Editorial Assistant F r e d e r ik a W h ite h ead Listings C la ire B a r r e t t Advertising M att Hale Circulation Laura Moffatt Nell W endler Publishers J a c k & Nell W endler Design Area
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