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Contents January 2015 ISSUE N° 415 WWW.ICPUBLICATIONS.COM UNITED KINGDOM IC PUBLICATIONS 7 Coldbath Square London EC1R 4LQ Tel: +44 20 7841 3210 Fax: Admin +44 20 7713 7898 Editorial: +44 20 7841 3211 www.africanbusinessmagazine. com FRANCE IC PUBLICATIONS 609 Bat A 77 rue Bayen 75017 Paris Tel: +33 1 44 30 81 00 Fax: +33 1 44 30 81 11 FOUNDER Afif Ben Yedder EDITOR Anver Versi ART DIRECTOR Jason Venkatasamy STRATEGIC DIRECTOR Christian Udechukwu ASSISTANT EDITOR Alexa Dalby ASSOCIATE EDITORS Tom Nevin Gerard Choisnet Ridha Kefi Hichem Ben Yaïche Neil Ford CORRESPONDENTAT-LARGE Stephen Williams EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Carole Lambert CORRESPONDENTS Sherelle Jacobs Wanjohi Kabukuru Frederick Mordi Lameck Masina MJ Morgan Richard Seymour Dominique Magada Nasseem Ackbarally SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Moin Siddiqi Dr Karamo Sonko Eluem Izezi SUBSCRIPTIONS Abacus e-Media Chancery Exchange 10 Furnival Street London EC4A 1YH Telephone: +44 20 8950 9117 Fax: +44 (0)208 421 8244 icpublications@alliance-media. www.africanbusinessmagazine. com/main-articles/subs For subscriptions, see page 59. GROUP PUBLISHER Omar Ben Yedder o.benyedder GENERAL MANAGER Leila Ben Hassen VP DEVELOPMENT Saliba Manneh SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER Darren Moore ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTORS Medrine Chitty Elisée Marie Nick Rosefield ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTION MANAGER Richard Briggs GHANA – DISTRIBUTION Nana Asiamah Bekoe Tel: +233 21 258058 GHANA – SPECIAL PROJECTS AND ADVERTISING Silvia Salvetti Ollennu Tel: +233 24 910 5995 FRANCOPHONE AFRICA Nathalie Desanti-Tounkara NORTH AFRICA Néjib Ben Yedder n.benyedder IC EVENTS Printers Headley Brothers Ltd The Invicta Press Queens Road, Ashford Kent, TN24 8HH All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 0142-9345 ©2013 IC Publications Ltd N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0315 K 89343 Mensuel: Janvier 2015 Dépôt légal 18 Cover Story Crunch time for African cities 15 Editorial A silver lining to the oil cloud? 16 Cover Story Urban Africa Crunch time for African cities 22 The Chinese example 23 Smart cities in a smart Africa 24 Will Africa take the lead in the Internet of Things? 25 Cape Town – not just a pretty face any more 26 A 21st century approach to infrastructure 28 Review of the Year How did Africa do in 2014? 35 Month by month – Top business stories of 2014 40 African Business Leaders 15 CEOs to watch in 2015 52 Sports Business Fifa’s shock lifeline to dodgy football agents 56 Africa and the World Turkey’s bold gesture 60 Enterprise Planting entrepreneurial seeds 64 Science African scientists take the lead on Ebola research 66 Mining Roundup Aluminium prices soar Countryfiles 68 S Africa: Beginning of the end for ANC? 70 Nigeria: Belt-tightening time again 72 Ghana: An uninspiring and lazy tax? 74 Ethiopia: Ethiopia enters the space age 76 Tanzania: Taking the spice out of cloves? 78 Malawi: Little sachets of evil Reviews: Book and Music 80 Book: ThisChangesEverything 82 Music: Gandadiko

Contents January 2015 ISSUE N° 415 WWW.ICPUBLICATIONS.COM

UNITED KINGDOM IC PUBLICATIONS 7 Coldbath Square London EC1R 4LQ Tel: +44 20 7841 3210 Fax: Admin +44 20 7713 7898 Editorial: +44 20 7841 3211 www.africanbusinessmagazine. com

FRANCE IC PUBLICATIONS 609 Bat A 77 rue Bayen 75017 Paris Tel: +33 1 44 30 81 00 Fax: +33 1 44 30 81 11

FOUNDER Afif Ben Yedder EDITOR Anver Versi ART DIRECTOR Jason Venkatasamy STRATEGIC DIRECTOR Christian Udechukwu ASSISTANT EDITOR Alexa Dalby

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Tom Nevin Gerard Choisnet Ridha Kefi Hichem Ben Yaïche Neil Ford CORRESPONDENTAT-LARGE Stephen Williams EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Carole Lambert CORRESPONDENTS Sherelle Jacobs Wanjohi Kabukuru Frederick Mordi Lameck Masina MJ Morgan Richard Seymour Dominique Magada Nasseem Ackbarally SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Moin Siddiqi Dr Karamo Sonko Eluem Izezi SUBSCRIPTIONS Abacus e-Media Chancery Exchange 10 Furnival Street London EC4A 1YH Telephone: +44 20 8950 9117 Fax: +44 (0)208 421 8244 icpublications@alliance-media. www.africanbusinessmagazine. com/main-articles/subs

For subscriptions, see page 59.

GROUP PUBLISHER Omar Ben Yedder o.benyedder GENERAL MANAGER Leila Ben Hassen


ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTORS Medrine Chitty Elisée Marie Nick Rosefield ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTION MANAGER Richard Briggs GHANA – DISTRIBUTION Nana Asiamah Bekoe Tel: +233 21 258058 GHANA – SPECIAL PROJECTS AND ADVERTISING Silvia Salvetti Ollennu Tel: +233 24 910 5995

FRANCOPHONE AFRICA Nathalie Desanti-Tounkara NORTH AFRICA Néjib Ben Yedder n.benyedder IC EVENTS Printers Headley Brothers Ltd The Invicta Press Queens Road, Ashford Kent, TN24 8HH All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 0142-9345 ©2013 IC Publications Ltd N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0315 K 89343 Mensuel: Janvier 2015 Dépôt légal

18 Cover Story Crunch time for African cities

15 Editorial A silver lining to the oil cloud?

16 Cover Story Urban Africa Crunch time for African cities 22 The Chinese example 23 Smart cities in a smart Africa 24 Will Africa take the lead in the Internet of Things? 25 Cape Town – not just a pretty face any more 26 A 21st century approach to infrastructure

28 Review of the Year How did Africa do in 2014? 35 Month by month – Top business stories of 2014

40 African Business Leaders 15 CEOs to watch in 2015

52 Sports Business Fifa’s shock lifeline to dodgy football agents

56 Africa and the World

Turkey’s bold gesture

60 Enterprise Planting entrepreneurial seeds

64 Science African scientists take the lead on

Ebola research

66 Mining Roundup Aluminium prices soar

Countryfiles 68 S Africa: Beginning of the end for

ANC? 70 Nigeria: Belt-tightening time again 72 Ghana: An uninspiring and lazy tax? 74 Ethiopia: Ethiopia enters the space age 76 Tanzania: Taking the spice out of cloves? 78 Malawi: Little sachets of evil

Reviews: Book and Music 80 Book: ThisChangesEverything 82 Music: Gandadiko

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