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“Unlike me, Placido Domingo, possibly the greatest living tenor, has one over­ riding ambition - to help more people, all over the world, under­ stand and appreciate the music he loves. To this end, P lacido D om in go has learned 80 different operatic roles - an amazingly diverse and daunting repertoire, but also one which attracts the widest possible audience. He has also sung the lead role in 'M y Fair Lady’ and perform ed Zarzuela folk-songs, simply to interest more people in the pow er of music. In recentyears his films, including ‘L a Traviata,’ have given pleasure to many w h o discovered opera first in the cinema. Very recently, Placido Dom ingo has completed the most P h o tog raph b y k in d p erm ission o l the R ova l O p e r a H ouse, C oven t G a rd en my Rolex never needs a rest? ambitious opera film ever made, where his O tello is directed by Franco Zeffirelli. And now, Placido has added y e t another career to his operas, films, videos and records both as a singer and a conductor. "M y goal,” he says, "is to be a real Music bring together the best conductors and best stage directors and the best possible casts." of Placido Dom in go’s activities recalls the spirit o f the Renaissance, where the most gifted craftsmen excelled in as many related skills as possible. During 1986, Placido Domingo has used his remarkable voice as often as he dared to raise funds for M ex ico following the earthquake in which so many people, including members of his own family, lost their lives. S o he has becom e M usic A d visor to the M usic Center Opera Association in L os Angeles, with the aim of building a new, worldclass opera company. The range To keep up with the everincreasing demands on his rime Placido Domingo, the Ambassador o f Opera, relies on his R o le x .“This watch is perfect for me,” he says, "because, unlike me, it never needs a rest. You could say it’s Vi I h one of my favourite instruments.” ROLEX ofGeneva T H E R O L E X G M T -M A S T E R C H R O N O M E T E R [N I8CT. G O L D . A L S O A V A I L A B L E IN S T E E L A N D I8CT. Y E L L O W G O L D O R IN S T A IN L E S S S T E E L

“Unlike me, Placido Domingo, possibly the greatest living tenor, has one over­ riding ambition - to help more people, all over the world, under­ stand and appreciate the music he loves.

To this end, P lacido D om in go has learned 80 different operatic roles - an amazingly diverse and daunting repertoire, but also one which attracts the widest possible audience. He has also sung the lead role in 'M y Fair Lady’ and perform ed Zarzuela folk-songs, simply to interest more people in the pow er of music. In recentyears his films, including ‘L a Traviata,’ have given pleasure to many w h o discovered opera first in the cinema. Very recently, Placido Dom ingo has completed the most

P h o tog raph b y k in d p erm ission o l the R ova l O p e r a H ouse, C oven t G a rd en my Rolex never needs a rest? ambitious opera film ever made, where his O tello is directed by Franco Zeffirelli.

And now, Placido has added y e t another career to his operas, films, videos and records both as a singer and a conductor. "M y goal,” he says, "is to be a real Music bring together the best conductors and best stage directors and the best possible casts."

of Placido Dom in go’s activities recalls the spirit o f the Renaissance, where the most gifted craftsmen excelled in as many related skills as possible.

During 1986, Placido Domingo has used his remarkable voice as often as he dared to raise funds for M ex ico following the earthquake in which so many people, including members of his own family, lost their lives.

S o he has becom e M usic A d visor to the M usic Center Opera Association in L os Angeles, with the aim of building a new, worldclass opera company. The range

To keep up with the everincreasing demands on his rime Placido Domingo, the Ambassador o f Opera, relies on his R o le x .“This watch is perfect for me,” he says, "because, unlike me, it never needs a rest. You could say it’s Vi I h one of my favourite instruments.” ROLEX


T H E R O L E X G M T -M A S T E R C H R O N O M E T E R [N I8CT. G O L D . A L S O A V A I L A B L E IN S T E E L A N D I8CT. Y E L L O W G O L D O R IN S T A IN L E S S S T E E L

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