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AfricanBUSINESS OCTOBER 2000 No 258 E d ito r ia l 7 G lobalisation & Africa Cover S to ry 8 The g lobalisation debate: African perspective 11 USA perspective S p e c ia l Focus 13 SA in te rnational trade V i e w from th e C ity 14 Asian Ttigers roar back M in ing no teb ook 16 Leaner, f itte r De Beers 19 Oppenheimer orbituary 20 Ashanti in Tanzania D a te l in e USA 21 US ire over priest death P roducts & P ro cesses 22 Solar power lantern C o un try R eport NIGERIA 23 Has N ig eria turned the corner? 26 Oil: Boon or curse? 28 Return looted money -Obasanjo 29 Chevron sets example 30 US-Nigeria: Empty gesture politics? C o u n try f i le Globalisation and Africa. 34 DRC: Kabila flounders, rebels thrive 35 SA: Plum assets for sale 37 Kenya: Women weave success Books 40 In the footsteps of Mr Kurtz 41 Zanzibar 41 East African handbook 42 Deliver us from evil Diamond image gets polished. Special Report on Nigeria. A fr ica n Business October 2000 I 5

AfricanBUSINESS OCTOBER 2000 No 258

E d ito r ia l

7 G lobalisation & Africa

Cover S to ry

8 The g lobalisation debate: African perspective 11 USA perspective

S p e c ia l Focus

13 SA in te rnational trade

V i e w from th e C ity

14 Asian Ttigers roar back

M in ing no teb ook

16 Leaner, f itte r De Beers 19 Oppenheimer orbituary 20 Ashanti in Tanzania

D a te l in e USA

21 US ire over priest death

P roducts & P ro cesses

22 Solar power lantern

C o un try R eport

NIGERIA 23 Has N ig eria turned the corner? 26 Oil: Boon or curse? 28 Return looted money -Obasanjo 29 Chevron sets example 30 US-Nigeria: Empty gesture politics?

C o u n try f i le

Globalisation and Africa.

34 DRC: Kabila flounders, rebels thrive 35 SA: Plum assets for sale 37 Kenya: Women weave success


40 In the footsteps of Mr Kurtz 41 Zanzibar 41 East African handbook 42 Deliver us from evil

Diamond image gets polished.

Special Report on Nigeria.

A fr ica n Business October 2000 I 5

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