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Created. By Africans. For Africans. In Africa. Celtel puts world-class technology and services in the palm of your hand. Bringing a new freedom of communication to the continent. Celtel. The pulse of Africa’s spirit. celtel Burkina Faso • Congo-Brazzaville • Gabon • Kenya • Malawi • Niger • Republique Democratique du Congo • Sierra Leone • Sudan • Tanzania • Tchad • Uganda • Zambia Making l ife better
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AfricanBUSINESS N°303 N o v e m b e r 2004 COVER STORY A f r i c a ’s f o r e s t g o d d e s s Ed i t o r ia l 13 African and proud o f it. Cover Story Africa’s Nobel Laureate 14 A fric a ’s Forest Goddess. 17 Professor Maathai at a glance. 19 The w ise words o f a winner. D a t e l i n e USA 20 Africa could benefit from bio te st. En t e r p r is e 22 The sw eet taste of success. SPECIAL REPORT T u n i s i a : Q u a l i t y TAKES PRIORITY SPECIAL REPORT TUNISIA 25 Europe is the Benchmark. 26 Democratising the mind. 28 Quality to take priority. 29 Women move centre stage. O il & G as 32 Sudan now major African oil producer. N e w p r o d u c t s 38 Safer, cheaper stoves and other items A g r ic u l t u r e 4 0 Will GM foods overwhelm Africa? V i e w f r o m t h e C ity 42 End o f S. Africa’s forex controls? COUNTRYFILE T a n z a n i a : M a r r i a g e ON THE ROCKS? To p ic 4 6 The space-age w a te r diviner. COUNTRYFILE 50 S. Africa: Action to halt dismal sporting slide. 52 Zanzibar: Marriage o f convenience under strain. 54 Mozambique: Recovery based on solid foundations. 56 Mauritius: Sugar loses sweetness. 58 Libya: The world comes calling. 6 0 Morocco: Paying the price o f neglecting Africa. Re v ie w s Books/Music 62 Books: including Poor People’s Knowledge. 66 Taffetas - M ix and Match culture. A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s I N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 4 3


N°303 N o v e m b e r 2004

COVER STORY A f r i c a ’s f o r e s t g o d d e s s

Ed i t o r ia l 13 African and proud o f it.

Cover Story Africa’s Nobel Laureate 14 A fric a ’s Forest Goddess. 17 Professor Maathai at a glance. 19 The w ise words o f a winner.

D a t e l i n e USA 20 Africa could benefit from bio te st.

En t e r p r is e 22 The sw eet taste of success.

SPECIAL REPORT T u n i s i a : Q u a l i t y TAKES PRIORITY

SPECIAL REPORT TUNISIA 25 Europe is the Benchmark. 26 Democratising the mind. 28 Quality to take priority. 29 Women move centre stage.

O il & G as 32 Sudan now major African oil producer.

N e w p r o d u c t s 38 Safer, cheaper stoves and other items

A g r ic u l t u r e 4 0 Will GM foods overwhelm Africa?

V i e w f r o m t h e C ity 42 End o f S. Africa’s forex controls?

COUNTRYFILE T a n z a n i a : M a r r i a g e ON THE ROCKS?

To p ic 4 6 The space-age w a te r diviner.

COUNTRYFILE 50 S. Africa: Action to halt dismal sporting slide. 52 Zanzibar: Marriage o f convenience under strain. 54 Mozambique: Recovery based on solid foundations. 56 Mauritius: Sugar loses sweetness. 58 Libya: The world comes calling. 6 0 Morocco: Paying the price o f neglecting Africa.

Re v ie w s Books/Music 62 Books: including

Poor People’s Knowledge. 66 Taffetas - M ix and Match culture.

A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s I N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 4


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