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ccpublications United Kingdom IC PUBLICATIONS, 7 COLDBATH SQUARE, LONDON EC1R 4LQ. Tel: +44 2 0 7713 7711 Fax: Adm in +44 2 0 7713 7898 E d i to r ia l: +44 20 7713 7970 E -m a il: icpubs@ africasia .com W ebsite: France IC PUBLICATIONS, 609 BAT A 77 RUE BAYEN 75017 PARIS Tel: +33 1 4 4 30 81 0 0 Fax: +33 1 44 30 81 11 E -m a il: in fo@ W ebsite: Contents AFRICAN BUSINESS Winner of the Diageo 2005 Best Publication award JULY 2006 IS SU E 322 WWW.AFRICASIA.COM Group Publisher: A fif Ben Yedder ( Editor: Anver Versi (a.versi © Editorial Department Associate Editor Tom Nevin Correspondent-at-large Stephen Williams Editorial A ssistant Carole Lambert Correspondents in A frica Barnabas Thondlana, Leo Odera Omolo. Blamuel Njururi. Herald Tigama. Pin i Jason. Rob Rose, John Ansah, Derek Otieno. Chris Ndivanga, Masupu Rakabane Special Correspondents Milan Vesely, Moin Siddiqi, Dr Karamo Sonko, Neil Ford, Frangois Misser, Graeme Ewens, Pin i Jason, Eluem Izezi, Jennie Street, Paul Michaud Sales and Marketing A ssociate Group Publisher: Omar Ben Yedder ( D irector of Sales & Marketing: Saliba Manneh (s.m Business Development Manager: Kasim ir Berger ( Advertising Sales D irectors: Carlota Casades ( Parm in der Johal (p.johal@ Nick Rosefield (n.rosefield@ Special Projects Consultant: Monique Butt Adm in istration Finance Manager Olive Rawlings D istrib u tion Manager Mike Penton ( Subscriptions: IC Publications Subscriptions Dept Tower House, Sovereign Park. Market Harborough. Leicestershire LE16 9EF United K ingdom Telephone: +44 1858 438 792 Fax: +44 1858 461 739 Email: subscriptions@ Subscription rates for 11 issues: UK: UKE40.00, Eurozone €80.00, USA US$90.00. Rest o f w o r ld UKE55.00 Back issues in c lu d in g postage: UKE4.00 (UK). UK£5.00/€7.00/US$8.00 (overseas) Printers: Headley B ro thers Ltd. The Invicta Press, Queens Road, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HH. Indexed and abstracted in PAIS International and included in one or more of the Informartion Access Company full text reference databases. Microfilms available from Xerox University Microfilms. 399 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, USA. indexed by UMI/Data Courier, PO Box 327770, Louisville. KY 40232-2770 USA. 16 Cover story China’s March into Africa 34 Special Report World Economic Forum on Africa All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 0141-3929 ©2006 IC Publications Ltd. ABC Member o f The A ud it Bureau o f C irculatio ns. 42 Countryfile Botswana The Bushman saga Editorial 13 Africa’s World Cup Cover Story China’s March into Africa 16 A meeting of minds - and needs 20 Oil: The battle for economic loyalties 22 Do’s and don'ts of doing business in China View from the City 24 Markets on a knife edge Energy 26 KenGen float a success New Products 28 Africa’s innovation winners Business Skills 30 Seven secrets of success Telecoms 32 Nigeria’s free for all Special report World Economic Forum on Africa 34 Africa turns the corner 36 Global health initiative Commodities 38 Softs enjoy firm prices Countryfile special 42 Botswana: The Bushman saga Countryfiles 4 4 South A frica: Apartheid corruption exposed 4 6 Nigeria: Windfall provides turning point 4 8 Uganda: Kampala's building boom 50 DR Congo: Make or break elections 4 9 Zanzibar: Talks on Union 52 Zam bia: Copper bottomed recovery 54 Angola: New bank - boon or curse? 55 Mozambique: Fastest poverty decline 56 Malawi: Green gold loses lustre Books/Music 62 The Undercover Economist and other books 66 Moreira project


United Kingdom IC PUBLICATIONS, 7 COLDBATH SQUARE, LONDON EC1R 4LQ. Tel: +44 2 0 7713 7711 Fax: Adm in +44 2 0 7713 7898 E d i to r ia l: +44 20 7713 7970 E -m a il: icpubs@ africasia .com W ebsite:

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AFRICAN BUSINESS Winner of the Diageo 2005 Best Publication award JULY 2006 IS SU E 322 WWW.AFRICASIA.COM

Group Publisher: A fif Ben Yedder ( Editor: Anver Versi (a.versi © Editorial Department Associate Editor Tom Nevin Correspondent-at-large Stephen Williams Editorial A ssistant Carole Lambert Correspondents in A frica Barnabas Thondlana, Leo Odera Omolo. Blamuel Njururi. Herald Tigama. Pin i Jason. Rob Rose, John Ansah, Derek Otieno. Chris Ndivanga, Masupu Rakabane Special Correspondents Milan Vesely, Moin Siddiqi, Dr Karamo Sonko, Neil Ford, Frangois Misser, Graeme Ewens, Pin i Jason, Eluem Izezi, Jennie Street, Paul Michaud

Sales and Marketing A ssociate Group Publisher: Omar Ben Yedder ( D irector of Sales & Marketing: Saliba Manneh (s.m Business Development Manager: Kasim ir Berger ( Advertising Sales D irectors: Carlota Casades ( Parm in der Johal (p.johal@ Nick Rosefield (n.rosefield@ Special Projects Consultant: Monique Butt

Adm in istration Finance Manager Olive Rawlings D istrib u tion Manager Mike Penton ( Subscriptions: IC Publications Subscriptions Dept Tower House, Sovereign Park. Market Harborough. Leicestershire LE16 9EF United K ingdom Telephone: +44 1858 438 792 Fax: +44 1858 461 739 Email: subscriptions@ Subscription rates for 11 issues: UK: UKE40.00, Eurozone €80.00, USA US$90.00. Rest o f w o r ld UKE55.00 Back issues in c lu d in g postage: UKE4.00 (UK). UK£5.00/€7.00/US$8.00 (overseas) Printers: Headley B ro thers Ltd. The Invicta Press, Queens Road, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HH. Indexed and abstracted in PAIS International and included in one or more of the Informartion Access Company full text reference databases. Microfilms available from Xerox University Microfilms. 399 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, USA. indexed by UMI/Data Courier, PO Box 327770, Louisville. KY 40232-2770 USA.

16 Cover story China’s March into Africa

34 Special Report World Economic Forum on Africa

All pictures AFP unless indicated. Registered with the British Library. ISSN 0141-3929 ©2006 IC Publications Ltd.


Member o f The A ud it Bureau o f C irculatio ns.

42 Countryfile Botswana The Bushman saga

Editorial 13 Africa’s World Cup

Cover Story China’s March into Africa

16 A meeting of minds - and needs

20 Oil: The battle for economic loyalties

22 Do’s and don'ts of doing business in China

View from the City 24 Markets on a knife edge

Energy 26 KenGen float a success

New Products 28 Africa’s innovation winners

Business Skills 30 Seven secrets of success

Telecoms 32 Nigeria’s free for all

Special report World Economic Forum on Africa 34 Africa turns the corner 36 Global health initiative

Commodities 38 Softs enjoy firm prices

Countryfile special 42 Botswana: The Bushman saga

Countryfiles 4 4 South A frica: Apartheid corruption exposed 4 6 Nigeria: Windfall provides turning point 4 8 Uganda: Kampala's building boom 50 DR Congo: Make or break elections 4 9 Zanzibar: Talks on Union 52 Zam bia: Copper bottomed recovery 54 Angola: New bank - boon or curse? 55 Mozambique: Fastest poverty decline 56 Malawi: Green gold loses lustre

Books/Music 62 The Undercover Economist and other books 66 Moreira project

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