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THE SHORT STORIES OF ZAKARIA TAMER Along time ago, there was a horse who lived in a vast prairie. He loved more than anything to run fast like the wind. One day a rich businessman saw the horse and was impressed. Immediately he asked the horse to work for him. Aghast, the horse said: “What would you have me do?” The businessman replied: “Your job will be to pull my carriage.” The horse shot back: “I am no one’s servant, and I will not pull your carriage.” The businessman said: “I will pay you lots of money.” The horse was shocked. “What can money do for me?” he asked. The businessman explained: “You will be able to go to the theater, travel by car, and buy fancy clothes and illustrated magazines.” The horse sneered: “I do not need your money. When I am hungry, I eat the grass; when I am thirsty, I drink the river; and when I am tired, I sleep on leaves fallen from trees.” The businessman said: “But, oh how magnificent city life is. There you will eat in restaurants and sleep in a bed. There . . .” The horse calmly interrupted: “Your words are hilarious.” The businessman, who was used to always getting what he wanted with his money, was angry. He accused the horse of poor upbringing. Then the man returned to his city, red-faced and threatening revenge. The horse did not give it another thought; he continued to live happily. That was until days came when the rain did not fall. The grass did not grow, the trees dried up, and the horse found himself needing food. He became emaciated, and his whinny turned into a long, sad wail. When the businessman learned about what had happened to the horse, he went to meet the horse, and said: “If you accept to pull my carriage, I will pay you in large amounts of barley.” Ashamed and sad the horse replied: “I will pull your carriage.” 162 BANIPAL 53 – SUMMER 2015
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13 STORIES FOR CHILDREN He left the prairie and travelled to the city. There he began pulling the man’s carriage. After a number of days he began pining for the prairie, so he told the businessman: “Consider me, from this day on, as having resigned from this job.” The man snapped: “What do you mean?” The horse replied: “I am going to the prairie, where I was born.” The businessman laughed a schemer’s laugh, and said: “I will not allow you to return to the prairie.” The horse said: “I am free, I will do as I please.” The businessman gave the horse a mocking stare, and then he said: “You have been my slave ever since you allowed me to put the bridle over your head.” The horse neighed violently: “I will not pull your carriage.” Coldly the businessman said: “If you do not pull my carriage, I will not feed you.” For several days the horse did not pull the carriage. The businessman did as he had promised, he did not give the horse any food. The horse was starving, and so he was forced to go back to pulling the carriage. The businessman was happy. He told the horse: “You must have realized by now that whoever lets go of his freedom for a single day will be a slave for the rest of his life.” The horse could never forget the days when he was free, like the wind, to gallop over the limitless prairie. Sometimes, with love and yearning, he would breathe in the wind coming from the prairie. Then he would release a neigh, angry and bleeding, and knowing he must keep pulling the rich man’s carriage. BANIPAL 53 – SUMMER 2015 163


He left the prairie and travelled to the city. There he began pulling the man’s carriage. After a number of days he began pining for the prairie, so he told the businessman: “Consider me, from this day on, as having resigned from this job.”

The man snapped: “What do you mean?” The horse replied: “I am going to the prairie, where I was born.”

The businessman laughed a schemer’s laugh, and said: “I will not allow you to return to the prairie.”

The horse said: “I am free, I will do as I please.” The businessman gave the horse a mocking stare, and then he said: “You have been my slave ever since you allowed me to put the bridle over your head.”

The horse neighed violently: “I will not pull your carriage.” Coldly the businessman said: “If you do not pull my carriage, I will not feed you.”

For several days the horse did not pull the carriage. The businessman did as he had promised, he did not give the horse any food.

The horse was starving, and so he was forced to go back to pulling the carriage. The businessman was happy. He told the horse: “You must have realized by now that whoever lets go of his freedom for a single day will be a slave for the rest of his life.”

The horse could never forget the days when he was free, like the wind, to gallop over the limitless prairie.

Sometimes, with love and yearning, he would breathe in the wind coming from the prairie. Then he would release a neigh, angry and bleeding, and knowing he must keep pulling the rich man’s carriage.

BANIPAL 53 – SUMMER 2015 163

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