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Contents Issue 71 • 4th quarter ���5 NEWS OPINION THOUGHTS DISCUSSION REVIEWS 4 From the editor 6 Philosophy isn’t useless 9 Mediawatch 10 Child voters Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read 17 In focus: the value of philosophy Hawking’s challenge Amie Thomasson Against the philistines Robert Lockie 29 Risky business Wendy M Grossman 31 Self-knowledge for real people Quassim Cassam 37 ISIS and religious violence Steve Clark 44 The ethics of geoengineering Marion Hourdequin 51 Tr ans f o rmative exper i ences Rich Cordero 58 When do groups know? Jennifer Lackey 65 Star Trek tech Dena Hurst 70 Snapshot: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Jamie Ranger 72 Forum: Film as philosophy 107 Saving Matt Damon Jean Kazez 109 Reviews 119 What the critics said A M Ferner tpm 4TH QUARTER 2015
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lanet , 1956 Pidden l poster for Forb Theatrica Cover story: Film as philosophy Certainly a film can be philosophical or raise philosophical questions, but can it actually be philosophy? Can it do philosophy? Does Under the Skin have something to say about what it means to be human? Can watching Gravity help us understand our lives? Can seeing Avatar change our minds as surely as a sound argument? Find out in this issue’s forum. FORUM 73 Longing to be human Dan Shaw 80 Life as a journey Phil Hutchinson 88 Seeing Avatar Rupert Read 95 Films that do philosophy Thomas E Wartenberg 101 Recommended viewing Eric Schwitzgebel REVIEWS 109 Josh Weisberg on Uriah Kriegel’s The Varieties of Consciousness 111 Steve Hiltz on Harry Frankfurt’s On Equality 114 Astrida Plenty visits Dismaland 116 Jason Brennan on William MacAskill’s Doing Good Better The Philosophers’ Magazine Editor James Garvey Founding Editor Julian Baggini Reviews Editor Jean Kazez Editorial Associate Kerrie Grain News Kerrie Grain Editorial Advisory Board Miranda Fricker, Simon Glendinning, Daniel D Hutto, Susan James, David Papineau, Nina Power, Anthony Price, Jonathan Rée, Richard Schoch, Barry C Smith, Jonathan Wolff Illustrations/Graphics A M Ferner Esther McManus Layout Oisin Sands UK distribution Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8985 4854 North America distribution Source Interlink, 27500 Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Tel: (239) 949-4450 Printed by Blackmore Ltd, Dorset, UK Subscriptions UK: 01442 820580 North America: 1 800 444 2419 Digital: Abstracting and Indexing Indexed by Philosopher’s Research Index (Philosophy Documentation Center) and The Philosopher’s Index © 2015 Apeiron Ltd and contributors ISSN 1354-814X (print) ISSN 2048-4674 (online) All views expressed in tpm represent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily ref ect those of the editors or publisher. 4TH QUARTER 2015 tpm


Issue 71 • 4th quarter ���5






4 From the editor

6 Philosophy isn’t useless

9 Mediawatch

10 Child voters Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read

17 In focus: the value of philosophy

Hawking’s challenge Amie Thomasson

Against the philistines Robert Lockie

29 Risky business Wendy M Grossman

31 Self-knowledge for real people Quassim Cassam

37 ISIS and religious violence Steve Clark

44 The ethics of geoengineering Marion Hourdequin

51 Tr ans f o rmative exper i ences Rich Cordero

58 When do groups know? Jennifer Lackey

65 Star Trek tech Dena Hurst

70 Snapshot: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Jamie Ranger

72 Forum: Film as philosophy

107 Saving Matt Damon Jean Kazez

109 Reviews

119 What the critics said A M Ferner tpm 4TH QUARTER 2015

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