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EXCLUSIVELY PERSIAN 7' x 10' 900-930 g iV * knots per square :: ** inch. Warp: silk j s-plied, 2 strands, ! ^ .-"jd twisted, undyed, * %\{jk ivory. Weft silk j $ V jS i z-plied, 2 strands, : I i^ |u a twisted, undyed, * ivory, 1 shoot offset ' row to row. gf! €?,•% T A B R IZ TR IB U TE T O THE A R T TR E A S U R E S O F THE W O R L D Emad conceived this exquisite Tabriz— quite possibly the finest Tabriz of its size ever created— to be his contribution to the world of fine arts. Hadji is pleased to offer this treasure. ORIENTAL RUGSw INC 7135-7137 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 USA 301-229-4472 By appointment please
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CONTENTS H A L T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a g a z i n e o f F i n e C a r p e t s a n d T e x t i l e s . h a l l Carpet~ci. maker or seller o f carpets. I s s u e 3 4 , V o l u m e 9 , N u m b e r 2 , A p r i l / M a y / J u n e / 1 9 8 7 I Editor AlanMarcuson Contributing Editors Andrea Marechal, Ian Bennett Steven Cohen, Yanni Petsopoulos Assistant Editor Daniel Shaffer Editorial Assistant 4c German Editor Maria Schlatter Editorial Assistant 4c llali Calendar Editor Barbara Lindsay Ford Editorial Assistant Miranda Robinson Art Director Timothy Brown Art 4cAdvertising Production Liz Dixon Picture Librarian John Stroud Data Processing \eronica Purdev Distribution 4c Production Costing Clifford da Cunha, Stuart MrCeachin Subscriptions Ashlev Spinks Administrative Secretary Nicola Prevr ADVERTISING Sales Manager Nicholas Fripp Assistant Sales Manager Elizabeth Barratt Assistant SIkmK Plaza HALI PUBLICATIONS Ltd. Publisher Elliot Press Managing 4c Sales Director Bohbv Marcuson Consultant Editors Robert Pinner, Michael Franses Design Consultant Pearce Marclibank ADVERTISEMENTS 1-88 EDITORIAL.................................................................................................l LETTERS..................................................................................................... 2 FRAGMENTS............................................................................................. 6 Indian Textiles CONNOISSEUR S CHOICE 8 By Steven Cohen Each issue experts and collectors in the field o f carpets and textiles are asked to present an item which they consider to he o f exceptional merit. In this issue. 1 k ill’ s Contributing Editor, an expert on Indian textiles, has chosen the EmbroideredEtoorspread in the Adid). 7 . 4. Collection. Paris. Methods 6cMaterials WOOL TYPES........................................................................ 10 By Michael L . Ryder One o f the world's foremost experts on wool, author o f Sheep and Man, examines the raw material o f carpets. Tribal6c / illageRugs A PERSIAN COLLECTION 12 By Daniel Shaffer 1 htl i s Assistant Editor presents a selection of Persian weavings that might form the core o f a beautiful y e t affordable collection o f 19th and early 20th century tribal and village rugs. Methods 6cMaterials LA VIE SANS BLEU.............................................................22 By Georgina Adam A profile o f dye specialist Anne Reiger. who supplies naturally < h ed wools to carpet and ta p e s t ty restorers throughout Prance, b y our Paris correspondent. Ottoman Costume TREASURES OF THE TOPKAPI SARAY .24 Bv Donald King The form er k eeper o f Textiles at the / ictoria anil Albert Museum reviews a beautifully published recent volume on the costume and textile collection o f the Topkapi / ’lace, paying particular attention to the magnificent kaftans worn by the Ottoman Sultans.



7' x 10' 900-930 g iV * knots per square :: **

inch. Warp: silk j s-plied, 2 strands, ! ^ .-"jd twisted, undyed, * %\{jk ivory. Weft silk j $ V jS i z-plied, 2 strands, : I i^ |u a twisted, undyed, * ivory, 1 shoot offset '

row to row. gf! €?,•%


Emad conceived this exquisite Tabriz— quite possibly the finest Tabriz of its size ever created— to be his contribution to the world of fine arts. Hadji is pleased to offer this treasure.

ORIENTAL RUGSw INC 7135-7137 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814

USA 301-229-4472 By appointment please

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