RESURGENCE Journal of the Fourth World 275, Kings Road, Kingston, Surrey, ENGLAND Volume 4 Number 2
Editorial Group Victor Anderson, Brian Bridge, Jimoh Omo Fadaka, Clive Harrison, Stephen Horne, Tony Colbert, Steve Lambert, John Lloyd, Hugh Sharman, Terry Sharman, Anne Vogl Associated Editors Ernest Bader, Danilo Daiei, Ray Gosling, Leopold Kohr, Jayaprakash Narayan, John Papworth, Dr. E. F. Schumacher.
Page 3
Fouling our Ness - Editorial
4 5 6 10
Spanish Death - Bryan Walters
Paul Goodman - An Obituary
Photography and Society - E. Maxwell Fry
Ecology IS Politics - Victor Anderson and others
18 27 28 29 30 34 36
Quotes Review Letters The Dwarfs The Mansholt Letter Expatriates' Notebook Another Proposal - Thomas Land
Contributors E. MAXWELL FRY,
CBE, ARA, FRIBA, MTPI, FSIA, Ll.D (Hon) Ibadan
Maxwell Fry was trained under the famous teacher Charles Reilly at Liverpool and got his first experience in a large New York office while still a student. Dissatisfied with architecture as he found it he tore up his school drawings and joined with the late Wells Coates to found the MARS (Modern Architectural Research Group) in the early thirties, which became a group member of C.l.A.M. (Congress de I 'Architecture Moderne) and brought him in touch with le Corbusier and the other members of this international movement. While in the army he wrote a book "Fine Building" that contained the theme of architecture as the generation of planning, and with Jane Drew, whom he married before he left for overseas service, "Architecture for Children'', which is still in circulation. In West Africa he was taken out of the army and put in charge of planning for the four then colonies and with his wife entered a period of intense activity making town plans, building a great programme of schools and finally the first West African university at Ibadan, Nigeria. He was made a C.B.E. in 1954. He is now Royal Academy Professor of Architecture.
His publications include "Village Housing in the Tropics (with Jane Drew and Henry L. Ford) "Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zone" (with Jane Drew) and "Art in a Machine Age" (1969). In 1972 he was made a Royal Academician.
SICCO MANSHOL T Outgoing president of the European Commission and author of the notorious 'Mansholt Plan' whose express function is to remove European peasant farmers from their land to the cities. He has come to symbolise the European technocrat at his worst - and early this year shocked Left and Right in Europe by publication of his by now famous letter. At the end of 1972 he returns as a 'socialist' to Dutch politics where Resurgence will plot his career with very great interest.
'ECOLOGY IS POLITICS' was written as a result of a joint meeting between Common Wealth and the Resurgence Group. A draft was prepared by Victor Anderson, amended through discussion by Anne Vogel and Clive Harrison and the final version represents (more or less) the view of the Group as a whole. The illustrators, all students at the Camberwell School of Art, are Stuart Murray, Kevin Sacco, Paul Tanne and Jane Darnborough.
Fighting Fund 'Resurgence' thanks the following far their donations and gift subscriptions H.P.G .G . £5 -00 B.R. £3 ·60 G . F. £0 ·20 A.L. £0 ·70 F.G.T. £0 ·20 J.S . £0 ·20 F.S.J. £I 0 ·00 D.F. £0 · 10 P.H.G. £1 ·20 R.G . £0 ·20 O.B. £2 ·20 R. E. £0 ·20 T.E.D. £3 ·00 l.R. £1 ·20 J.A.N.W. £2 ·00 R.R.C. £0 ·70 E.S. £0 ·20 J . B. £2 ·00
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