resurgence May—June 1978 Volume 9 No.2 (Issue 68) Pentre Ifan, Felindre Farchog, Crymych, Dyfed, Wales. Phone: (0239) 820317
Journal of the Fourth World
Resurgence is a voice o f new civilisation, it is a journal o f new politics, concerned with small nations, small communities, decentralisation and ethnic cultures. It is a philosophical, ecological and spiritual forum.
CONTENTS Nuclear Power is a Family Affair
Windscale and Beyond The Workings o f Nanny’s Mind Wales in the British Parliament Christiania an alternative society
So I became a Wheelwright
How the System Beat me and How I Learned to Live with it
Dartington Dimensions Dartington, an intensely human place
School for Small Holders, in search o f organic wholeness The Emperor’s New Clothes
6 Roland Vital 8 Gerard Morgan-Grenville 9 lohn Seymour 11 13 Annabel and Johs Lykkeberg 16 Lewis Cleverd on 18 Dianne Binnington 20 John Lane 23 Maurice Ash 26 28 John A. West COMMENTS
Editor Satish Kumar Editorial Group June Mitchell, Rick Plewes, Jane Roberts, John Seymour, John West. Associate Editors Ernest Bader, Danilo Dolci, David Kingsley, Leopold Kohr, Jaya Prakash Narayan, John Papworth. Layout Amy & Colin Tiffany Cover Colin Williams Typeset by Jenny Duley Many thanks to all those who helped with this issue, especially: Betty Carey, Reg Dyer, Timothy Hyman, Eiry and Tony Ladd Lewis, Steve Lambert, Ailsa, Ian and Peggy Richardson. Printed in Wales Annual Subscription For individual subscribers UK £3 .5 0 , Overseas $ 1 0 , Air $ 1 5 . For libraries and other institutions UK £5, Overseas $ 1 5 , Air $ 2 0 .
More Wealth with Less Energy 30 David Satterthwaite Land Reform to make back to the land possible 32 Rick Plewes Science scores over ASS 34 Science Correspondent
POETRY Summer 27 Mike Horovitz BOOKS 3 7 - 4 2 Geoffrey Heptonstall, Geoffrey Ostergaard,
Herbert Girardet, John Lane, M.J. Taylor, Tony Roberts, Fiona Cantell,
Antony Brackenbury, Towyn Mason.
Satish Kumar
T h e solar heater was u p on the ro o f fo r heating water. T h e re was n o th in g u n c om m o n ab ou t it at all. I c a n 't rem ember a house on the b lo c k that was bu i lt at the tim e o r s o o n after that, that d id n ’t have a solar heater on it. I d o n 't t h in k a n y b o d y w o u ld be t h in k in g at the tim e abou t p a y in g fo r heating water if they c o u ld get it f rom a solar heater.
O u r so la r heater was a square b o x affair and it had f o u r tanks in it and it was covered by glass. It faced southw est, o f course, just the d ire c t io n the house was. It was o u r main s u p p ly o f ho t water. T h e pipes cam e d ow n th ro u gh the house f rom the heater, one w ent to the b a th ro om , and one w ent to the k itchen. T h e re was n o excess o f p lu m b ing.
T h e type o f d a y w o u ld mean h o w h o t the water was o r h o w q u i c k it w o u ld heat. It u su a l ly d id n 't take lo n g f o r those tanks to heat up. Y o u see, each tan k held m a yb e ten gallons. Y o u ’d be su rp r ise d h o w fast it heated up. I k n o w that o n an o rd in a ry su n sh in e day e v e ry b od y in the house c o u ld take a bath and w o u ld n 't have any t rouble but y o u had to k in d o f tim e w hen everyone was g o in g to take a bath, y o u know . B y aftern o o n m y m o th e r and o u r housekeeper w o u ld have e n o u gh h o t water f o r baths and by evening there 'd be e n o u gh fo r us kids. We used to g o ba re fo o t all the tim e and then, y o u kn ow , w e had to take a bath every n ight, o r else! Walter van Rossem, 1896, Pasadena, California. CoEvolution Quarterly.