ANNE APPLEBAUM is w r itin g a book on the Soviet Union
BRYAN APPLEYARD w rites for the Sunday Times
LIONEL BARBER is news editor o f the Financial Times
CARL BILDT is au th o r o f Peace Journey (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
RODRIC BRAITHWAITE was foreign policy advisor to John Major
HOWARD BRENTON is a playw right and author, most recently, o f Hot Irons (M ethuen)
JE R EM Y CLARKE is a freelance w rite r
RONALD DWORKIN is Quain P rofessor o f Jurisprudence at University College, London, and Sommer Professor o f Law and P rofessor o f Philosophy at New York University
DUNCAN FALLOWELL is working on his th ird novel, A History o f Facelifting
IVAN HEWETT is p re sen te r o f Radio S ’ s Music Matters
MICHAEL HOLMAN is Africa ed ito r o f the Financial Times
TIM JUDAH is the author, most recently, o f The Serbs: History, Myth & the Destruction o f Yugoslavia (Yale University Press)
KATE KELLAWAY w rites for the Observer
ANATOL LIEVEN is ed i to r o f Strategic Comments at the IISS. T he opinions expressed in th is artic le are his own
JOHN LLOYD is the au th o r of Rebirth o f a Nation: an Anatomy o f Russia (M ichael Joseph)
KENAN MALIK is w r i t in g Man, Beast and Zombie, a study o f the science o f human nature (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
VICTOR MALLET is southern Africa correspondent o f th e Financial Times
JOHN MAYNARD SMITH is au th o r of Origin o f L ife (OUP) and professor of biology at Sussex University
DAVID ROSE works for th e London Review o f Books
HILARY RUBINSTEIN is a l i te ra ry agent
SALMAN RUSHDIE is the author, most recently, o f The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Jonathan Cape)
PETER SINGER is d irecto r o f the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University in Melbourne
PETER WAYNE is near th e end o f his prison sentence at a location th a t must rem ain secret
2 PROSPECT M ay 1999
c o n t e n t s
O P I N I O N S 1 1 C a n w e w in th e p e a c e ? RODRIC BRAITHWAITE Now it’s up to the EU and even the UN.
1 2 T h e baby' b om b e r s CARL BILDT It’s a generation thing. 13 A n a g e in g r o c k e r SALMAN RUSHDIE Why do you think it was called the “Velvet Revolution”? 14 In e f fa b le o r j u s t in d e f in ab le ? IVAN HEWETT Nobody knows what the arts are. 16 D e b a t e : R i g h t s fo r ap e s PETER S INGER AND KENAN MALIK Should we breach the species barrier and grant rights to the apes?
WITNESS Bryan Appleyard sees a new world being bom at Bluewater
T h e s h o p p in g m a l l is th e f in a l a n sw e r t o w h a t w e do w i t h o u r p e a c e and p le n ty . I t is th e c u lm in a t io n o f 2 , 5 0 0 y e a r s o f p h y s i c a l and in t e l le c t u a l s t r u g g l e . PAGE 4 2
I s s u e f o r t y - o n e May 1 9 9 9
Michael Holman and Victor Mallet on Thabo Mbeki and the African Renaissance
Mandela leaves behind a host of big problems. And Africa's hoped for “renaissance” has not yet happened. Can Mbeki make a difference? PAGE 50
E S S A Y S 2 2 D iv id e and su rv iv e ANATOL LIEVEN Partition and population exchange may be solutions of last resort in ethnic conflicts, but they are better than the alternatives: war or the permanent presence of an outside military force. 28 G o o d b y e to a l l th a t ANNE APPLEBAUM Feminism is no longer relevant to women’s lives, pace Natasha Walter. Beyond legal equality, there is little that women’s politics can achieve. 32 E u r o p e g r o w s up LIONEL BARBER The end of the Santer commission is a chance to improve the accountability of EU institutions, not to turn the EU into a supranational state.