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Contents MAY 2012 FEATURES 22 A popular murder? Gordon Pentland looks at why the assassination of a British prime minister was welcomed by some 26 Why did Shakespeare revile Richard III? Paulina Kewes explains how the king became a Shakespearean monster 34 The history of you and me Michael Wood champions the ordinary people of the past 39 Trouble in Palestine Matthew Hughes analyses Britain’s unsuccessful attempts to quell a Jewish uprising in the 1940s 46 The Thames triumphant Robert J Blyth explores a long history of royal pageants on the London river 50 When Washington burned Andrew Lambert challenges American claims to have emerged victorious from the 1812 war with Britain 4 58 The midwife of Islam Tom Holland reappraises a seventhcentury Muslim warlord whose legacy is still felt today Contact us PHONE Subscriptions & back issues 0844 844 0250 Advertising 0117 314 8752 Editorial 0117 314 7377 EMAIL Editorial Subscriptions & back issues POST Editorial BBC History Magazine, Immediate Media Company Bristol Limited, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Subscriptions & back issues BBC History Magazine, PO Box 279, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8DF In the US/Canada you can contact us at: PO Box 421133, Palm Coast, FL 32142 Toll free 800-342-3592 EVERY MONTH 6 Letters 8 Milestones: It happened in May News 12 Breaking news 14 News from the journals 17 News roundup 18 World news in context: Mexico 37 Big Days in History by Dominic Sandbrook 45 Changing Times by Chris Bowlby 61 Book reviews 11 new history books reviewed 75 TV&Radio What’s on in May Out&About 78 Where history happened: The Luddites 84 Ten things to do in May 86 Ye olde travel guide: Paris in 1802 Miscellany 93 Q&A: Your historical questions answered 96 Crossword: Win A History of Food in 100 Recipes 97 Puzzles 98 My history hero by Mark Easton Subscribe 48 Free book when you subscribe today worth £20 MUSEUM IME IT MAR IONAL IS/NAT IMAGES/CORB /GETTY ION IS VIMAGES/MAYA ALAMY/AKG USPS Identification Statement BBC HISTORY (ISSN 1469-8552) (USPS 024-177) May 2012 is published 13 times a year under license from BBC Worldwide by Immediate Media Company Bristol, 9th Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN, UK. Distributed in the US by Evergreen Marketing, 116 Ram Cat Alley, Suite 201, Seneca, SC 29678-3263. Periodicals postage paid at Seneca, SC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BBC HISTORY, PO Box 421133, Palm Coast, FL 32142-1133 BBC History Magazine


MAY 2012


22 A popular murder? Gordon Pentland looks at why the assassination of a British prime minister was welcomed by some

26 Why did Shakespeare revile Richard III? Paulina Kewes explains how the king became a Shakespearean monster

34 The history of you and me Michael Wood champions the ordinary people of the past

39 Trouble in Palestine Matthew Hughes analyses Britain’s unsuccessful attempts to quell a Jewish uprising in the 1940s

46 The Thames triumphant Robert J Blyth explores a long history of royal pageants on the London river

50 When Washington burned Andrew Lambert challenges American claims to have emerged victorious from the 1812 war with Britain


58 The midwife of Islam Tom Holland reappraises a seventhcentury Muslim warlord whose legacy is still felt today

Contact us

PHONE Subscriptions & back issues 0844 844 0250 Advertising 0117 314 8752 Editorial 0117 314 7377

EMAIL Editorial Subscriptions & back issues

POST Editorial BBC History Magazine, Immediate Media Company Bristol Limited, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Subscriptions & back issues BBC History Magazine, PO Box 279, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8DF

In the US/Canada you can contact us at: PO Box 421133, Palm Coast, FL 32142 Toll free 800-342-3592


6 Letters

8 Milestones: It happened in May

News 12 Breaking news 14 News from the journals 17 News roundup 18 World news in context: Mexico

37 Big Days in History by Dominic Sandbrook

45 Changing Times by Chris Bowlby

61 Book reviews 11 new history books reviewed

75 TV&Radio What’s on in May

Out&About 78 Where history happened: The Luddites 84 Ten things to do in May 86 Ye olde travel guide: Paris in 1802

Miscellany 93 Q&A: Your historical questions answered 96 Crossword: Win A History of Food in 100 Recipes 97 Puzzles

98 My history hero by Mark Easton

Subscribe 48

Free book when you subscribe today worth














USPS Identification Statement BBC HISTORY (ISSN 1469-8552) (USPS 024-177) May 2012 is published 13 times a year under license from BBC Worldwide by Immediate Media Company Bristol, 9th Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN, UK. Distributed in the US by Evergreen Marketing, 116 Ram Cat Alley, Suite 201, Seneca, SC 29678-3263. Periodicals postage paid at Seneca, SC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BBC HISTORY, PO Box 421133, Palm Coast, FL 32142-1133

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