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January 1982

Vol 33 No 1

Founded by the Earl of Harewood

Editor Associate Editors Editorial Board

Personal Assistant to the Editor Editorial Offices

HAROLD ROSENTHAL Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Max Loppert, William Mann , Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack

Deidre Ti lley 6 Woodland Rise, London N /0 JUH

In the News

Cavalli and' L'Egisto' by Jane Glover

The Art of Chaliapin by Victor Borovsky




Readers' Letters


Wexford 1981 by Elizabeth Forbes


New regimes in Berlin - East and West by Ernst Krause and James He/me Sutcliffe 41 Obituary 45 Our Critics Abroad: Reports from Belgium, America, France, Germany (West) and Yugoslavia 46

COMING EVE TS - SUPPLEME T including plans for ENO, Covent Garden, WNO in London, East Berlin , Milan; Festivals 1982 and 1983; 'We hear that ... '; Opera Calendar British Opera Diary, including reviews of 'Alceste', 'La sonnambula' and 'Tosca' at Covent Garden; Weill and Poulenc at the Coliseum; 'La forza de! destino' in Cardiff; 'Partenope' at Sadler' s Wells Student Performance Book Review Record Reviews Classified Advertisements


85 101 103 105 111

Front cover: Janet Baker as Alceste in the Royal Opera's new production of Gluck's opera

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